Food Supplies facts
While investigating facts about Food & Supplies Department and Food & Supplies Department Kolkata West Bengal, I found out little known, but curios details like:
George H.W. Bush ordered emergency airlifts of food and supplies to Somalia in 1992.“Operation Restore Hope,” to help the starving country by protecting food shipments from the warlords. By helping to end the famine, American forces saved around 100,000 lives
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A German soldier was trapped in an underground food and supply warehouse for 6 years after retreating troops dynamited the entrance. Polish workers removing rubble discovered him in 1951.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what food supplies to buy for hurricane. Here are 50 of the best facts about Food & Supplies Department Government Of West Bengal and Food Supplies For Emergency I managed to collect.
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The near-extinction bison hunting in the 1800s was not to gain food, but to restrict the American Indians' dominant food supply; herds were shot from trains and left to rot where they died
Cannibal Island - a small island in Siberia where the Soviet Union forcibly deported 6,000 citizens. They were abandoned with few supplies and only flour for food. Disease and cannibalism quickly ran rampant and after 13 weeks, 2/3 of the original deportees were dead.
When poisonous frogs are fed zoo diets they no longer become poisonous. The wide variety of food in the wild supplies them with the chemicals for making poison.
The tale of Hansel and Gretel might have originated during the Great Famine of 1315 - 17. Food was in such short supplies that people abandoned their kids (probably why Hansel and Gretel are lost in a forest) and that people even resorted to cannibalism (explains the cannibalistic witch)
The 'Merci Train'. 49 box cars sent from France to the US filled with personal items donated by the French people as a 'Thank You' for food & supplies donated to them following WW2. One car was delivered to each state, and many states still have theirs housed in local museums.
Chris Pratt worked as a coupon salesman and a daytime stripper before becoming homeless in Maui. Of the experience, Pratt said, "It's a pretty awesome place to be homeless. We just drank and smoked weed and worked minimal hours, just enough to cover gas, food, and fishing supplies."
Alcatraz showers were always supplied with hot water to hinder inmates from getting acclimated to the chilly waters of San Francisco Bay. Furthermore, inmates had access to good food, monthly movies, and a 15,000 book library in order to curb bad behavior
Simon the cat, a feline aboard Royal Navy Ship "The Amethyst" was awarded The Dickin Medal for gallantry under fire. The gallantry? He protected the ship's food supplies from an infestation of rats.
Famous actor Chris Pratt used to be a Coupon Salesman, a Stripper and homeless in Maui in his early years, he says “We just drank and Smoked Weed and worked minimal hours, just enough to cover gas, food, and fishing supplies.”
During WW II Britain stopped selling food to Ireland in order to persuade them to drop neutrality and enter the war. Ireland responded by cutting off all exports of Guinness. The supplying of food was resumed.
Food Supplies data charts
For your convenience take a look at Food Supplies figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why are my food stamps not on my card by examining the linked well-known sources.
The instant noodle was invented during a period of food shortages in Japan following WWII. After the Japanese health ministry supplied the population with wheat flour and asked them to make bread, Momofuku Ando instead decided on making noodles (which were more familiar) that would last.
There is a vault in the arctic that stores over 860k different varieties of food crop seeds as an insurance policy for the world’s food supply - source
The US tried to get rid of the inhabitants of Diego Garcia by gassing the pets to death in front their owner to intimidate them and restricting their food and supplies so that it could build a military base. - source
The British made their final payment to the USA for war materials and food supplies during WWII in 2006.
Mormons have a worldwide disaster preparedness network with tons of stored food, a supply distribution chain, and backup communications network. When there is no emergency, they give the food away. - source
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About the 1943 Bengal genocide in India, when Churchill as part of the war effort, diverted food from starving Indians to already well-supplied British soldiers and stores and elsewhere in Europe. 3 million Indians starved to death. Churchill's response was to ask why Gandhi hadn't died yet.
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During WWII, Dutch railroad workers went on strike to undermine the German war effort. In response the Germans blocked food supplies to the country, resulting in a famine that killed over 20,000
About Aimo Koivunen, who overdosed on methamphetamine in WW2 while evading Soviet forces and ended up skiing 100km during the night losing his squad, ammunition and food supplies
Actor Chris Pratt used to live on a beach in Hawaii where he "camped, smoked a bunch of weed, and drank and worked just enough to cover gas and food and fishing supplies."
In 1368, the town of Monção, Portugal was besieged by the Spanish. When food stocks were nearly gone, the locals were said to have thrown some fresh bread over the walls in a show of false confidence in their dwindling supplies. The disheartened invaders left.
Burger King gives out gold cards to celebrities, giving them a limitless supply of food at Burger King