Flights Grounded facts
While investigating facts about Flights Grounded Today and Flights Grounded In Us, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There was only one plane allowed to take off after flights were grounded on September 11, 2001. It was a plane carrying antivenin to a man bitten by a highly venomous snake.
how long were flights grounded after 9/11?
Ben Sliney, who started his new job on 9/11/2001 and had to make the decision to ground every flight across the US airspace
What boeing flights are grounded?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering at what wind speed are flights grounded. Here are 50 of the best facts about Flights Grounded In Chicago and Flights Grounded Sydney I managed to collect.
what flights are grounded?
During 9-11 when Flights got diverted or grounded, Canada housed, fed, and sheltered over 33,000 passengers
After flights were grounded on 9/11, one plane was allowed to fly. It carried anti-venom from San Diego to Florida to save the life of a snake keeper suffering from a deadly taipan bite. The only other taipan anti-venom was in New York.
That, because zeppelins often could not see the ground during flight due to cloud cover, they would lower a man in a small chamber called a sub-cloud car by a wire as much as a thousand or so feet to observe the ground and direct the pilots via telephone.
In 1977, the band Pink Floyd tied a giant inflatable pig to a power station as a publicity stunt. The pig broke free, and floated over Heathrow airport, where all flights had to be grounded to avoid collisions with the pig.
The cockpit voice recorder of China Northern Airlines Flight 6901 captured the sound of the ground-proximity warning system giving instructions in English and of the crew discussing in Chinese the possible meaning of the English phrase "pull up"
A pilot on Southwest flight 1248 quoted the movie "Airplane!" saying, "I picked a bad day to stop sniffin' glue." The plane then overran the runway, into a busy intersection, killing a 6 year old boy on the ground.
On August 19, 1980, a Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight carrying 301 people caught fire shortly after takeoff. The plane landed safely but when the ground crew opened the doors, everyone was already dead.
The only plane allowed to take off after all flights were grounded on 9/11 was carrying antivenin to a hospital. It was escorted by two fighter jets and is credited with saving the man's life.
The first spy satellites would eject capsules of photographic film back to earth, which would then be caught mid-flight by aeroplanes and returned to ground for photos to be developed.
Unlike most airlines after 9/11, who collectively lost over $50 billion and shed 160,000 jobs, Southwest Airlines didn't lay off one employee or ground one flight to save money. Also, when it opened at BWI Airport, fares dropped 70 percent and the number of passengers increased sevenfold.
Flights Grounded data charts
For your convenience take a look at Flights Grounded figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are flights being grounded today?
You can easily fact check why are flights not grounded by examining the linked well-known sources.
Pink Floyd's inflatable pig, Algie, broke loose during the shooting of their 1976 'Animals' album cover and resulted in grounded flights at Heathrow Airport. - source
When Pan Am 103 exploded over Lockerbie Scotland, a flight attended survived falling to the ground and was found by a farmers wife; however she died before help could be summoned. - source
The curiosity rover does not have enough computer storage for both the flight and ground software. Because of this, it's "surface operation software" was downloaded/installed after it had landed on mars.
Contrails decrease maximum daily local temperatures due to their cloud formation, and was only able to be studied during the grounding of flights after 9/11. - source
When are flights grounded till?
As PSA flight 182 was heading nose down into the ground at 300 miles per hour, 4 seconds before impact the captain announced on the cabin speakers: "Brace yourself"
How long were flights grounded on 9/11?
The leading cause of airplane accidents resulting in deaths is known as a CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain). A CFIT is an accident where an airworthy aircraft, under pilot control, is unintentionally flown into the ground, a mountain, a body of water or an obstacle.
Young birds leave the nest 16 to 18 days after hatching. First flight is clumsy and chicks often end up on the ground. Parents will supply their chicks with food until they become able to fly and to join them in the air.
The SR-71 Blackbird grew several inches wider in flight because of heat expansion. The engines would grow as much as 6" longer than on the ground.
A group of geese is a "gaggle" as long as they remain on the ground, once they take flight they are a "skein".
US fireflies are not the same in the west as the east. Eastern male fireflies glow during flight while Western female fireflies glow very faintly while grounded.