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Fleet Sailed facts

While investigating facts about Fleet Sailed From and Map Of Where The First Fleet Sailed, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After France surrended in June 1940, the Royal Navy sailed down to Algeria to seize the bulk of the French navy. When the French refused to surrender control of the ships, the Royal Navy open fired, destroying the fleet and killing 1300 French sailors

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After her husband was executed by the King of France, Jeanne de Clisson took to piracy and formed the "Black Fleet" - ships painted in black with red sails that would attack French warships.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a red flea. Here are 25 of the best facts about Where The First Fleet Sailed Gta and Where The First Fleet Sailed I managed to collect.

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  1. The reason why the ship commanding a fleet is called a flagship comes from the Age of Sail. The fleet would be given orders by flags sent up on the admiral's ship, thus making it the Flagship.

  2. During WWII, Admiral William Halsey sailed the US Third Fleet through a category 2 typhoon, causing three destroyers to capsize, 790 lives lost and 146 airplanes damaged beyond repair. In 1945, Halsey tried yet again to sail into another typhoon, this time losing 75 planes and 6 lives.

  3. The HNLMS Abraham Crijnnsen, a dutch warship that evaded the Japanese during world war 2 by planting trees all around the ship and sailing close to islands. So the Japanese wouldn't think it was an enemy ship but part of an island. The ship was the only one of the fleet to return.

  4. During World War II the United States Pacific Fleet sailed directly into a typhoon

  5. In WW2 Admiral Halsey made the decision to sail his fleet through a Typhoon which led the loss of 800 men and multiple ships. He was pardoned and put back on duty. Where he sailed through another Typhoon killing 3 more men.

  6. According to the controversial letter dated May 10th, 1497, Amerigo Vespucci set sail on his first expedition with a fleet of Spanish ships.

  7. In June 1667 a flotilla of ships led by the dutch Admiral de Ruyter sailed up the river Thames. Broke through the defensive chains guarding the English Fleet, burned part of it and towed away the Unity and the Royal Charles, pride and normal flagship of the English fleet.

  8. Arnold was able to sail to Saint-Jean with a hastily assembled fleet of schooners he captured.

  9. The ‘Raid on the Medway’ was one of the biggest military defeats in British history. The Dutch fleet sailed up the river Medway, destroyed 3 capital ships and stole the Royal Charles, flagship of the English fleet. The stern piece of the flagship is on exhibition in Amsterdam until this day

  10. The Dutch Marine Corps was the first military unit in history to specialise in amphibious operations. During their first operation in 1667, they supported naval forces to sail upriver and burn the English fleet at anchor, effectively ending the 2nd Anglo-Dutch war

fleet sailed facts
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You can easily fact check why is flea dirt red by examining the linked well-known sources.

Samuel de Champlain's first major sea voyage took place in 1598, aboard the Saint-Julien with his uncle. They sailed to Cadiz with a hip full of troops. They then accompanied a Spanish fleet of ships to the West Indies. Samuel created an illustrated report of the voyage and gave it to the king.

During the Russo-Turkish war under Catherine II, the admiral Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov, instead of confronting the Turks in the Black Sea, sailed around the European continent from the Baltic to the Mediterranean in order to surprise the Turks. He succeeded, destroying the Ottoman fleet. - source

China led the world in naval exploration until it destroyed its own fleet in the 15th century to divert spending away from exploration, and towards fighting the Mongols. Columbus sailed to America shortly thereafter. - source

England's "First Fleet" transporting convicts to Australia travelled over 20,000 kilometres sailing southwest to Rio de Janeiro, then east to Cape Town and finally to Botany Bay, taking 250 days in cramped unhygienic conditions.

When Datis led the Persian fleet to Greece in 490 BC, it sailed straight across the Aegean Sea from Ionia through the Cyclades Islands.

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About the Nuku Hiva Campaign during the War of 1812, when a U.S. Navy fleet sailed to an island in the South Pacific for repairs and got caught up in a civil war there.

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A large Japanese fleet assembled in Tokyo Harbor in late May with the intent of sailing to Alaska to relieve its forces at Attu, but the battle had ended before it left.

During the Age of Sail, ships would sometimes be fitted with explosives and sent straight into enemy fleets, blowing their ships to pieces. These ships were called Hellburners.

Thomas Jefferson commanded an American fleet that sailed to Africa to fight pirates.

Robert Smalls freed himself and 17 others from slavery by stealing a Confederate ship in South Carolina and sailing it to a Union Navy fleet. After the Civil War, he returned to South Carolina, where he was elected to the U.S. Congress and served 5 terms.

Admiral William 'Bull' Halsey unwittingly sailed the US Pacific's Third Fleet into the heart of a Typhoon during WWII. Three destroyers capsized and sank, and 790 lives were lost.

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The dutch ship 'the Batavia' , which 150 yrs before the 1st fleet sailed for Botany Bay, shipwrecked on atolls off the West Australian Coast in 1629. mutiny & 100+ murders followed.

About Robert Smalls, a slave who escaped to the Union by stealing a confederate military steamer and sailed to the Union fleet for freedom. He gave all the correct signals at Confederate checkpoints along the way and no one noticed that there were no white people on board

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Fleet Sailed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Fleet Sailed so important!

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