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Fits Perfectly facts

While investigating facts about Fits Perfectly Synonym and Fits Perfectly Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

British Navy officers play Britney Spears songs to scare off Somali pirates. The rationale of playing these songs is because, supposedly, Somali pirates have a strong dislike for western culture and music, which make Britney Spears’ songs a perfect fit to make them move on quickly.

how to know if your bra fits perfectly?

Nikola Tesla predicted in 1926 that one day "We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance... we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face” through devices able to fit into a vest pocket.

What tattoo fits you perfectly?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does fits perfectly mean. Here are 26 of the best facts about Fits Perfectly Crossword Clue and Fits Perfectly For Me I managed to collect.

what fits perfectly together?

  1. Exceptionally loud singers (like opera singers) match the shape of their throat to the shape of the human ear canal. Essentially, they make sound that "fits" our ears perfectly. This is also called "singer's formants".

  2. Natasha Wagner (AKA the Woman With the "Perfect Butt") has the model butt for the fashion industry, which means that jeans that were designed for her could be reliably be expected to fit a reasonable range of other women.

  3. Name "foxglove" refers to the shape of flowers. They look like gloves for fingers that perfectly fit the paws of foxes and other small animals.

  4. The Great Pyramid of Giza once had a swivel door at the entrance. It weighed about 20 tonnes and could easily be pushed open from the inside. On the outside it was very hard to find because it fit perfectly. There are only two other pyramids known to have had swivel doors. One was Khufu’s father’s pyramid and the other was his grandfather’s pyramid.

  5. Girolamo Segato, a man who perfected the human petrification process. He destroyed all his work in a fit of paranoia and his tombstone says he "would be intact, petrified, if the secret of his art had not died with him."

  6. The drum solo from In The Air Tonight fits perfectly in Toto - Africa

  7. The phrase "Magic Number" is also an official scientific term describing when the number of protons and neutrons allows the arrangement to perfectly fit into a complete shell in the nucleus.

  8. Some scientists dismissed this idea but Mendeleev was vindicated by the discovery of gallium in 1875 and germanium in 1875 which perfectly fit into the two missing spaces

  9. In 1979, Marvel artist Dave Cockrum had his resignation letter appear in Iron Man No. 127 instead of the text originally intended to be used for Jarvis, who was resigning from Tony Stark's service due to abusive acts while drunk. He swapped "Marvel" for "the Avengers," and it fit in perfectly.

  10. The phrase 'Equal justice under law', engraved on the front of the US Supreme Court building, was proposed by architect Cass Gilbert because the words fit perfectly into the designated area

fits perfectly facts
What nickname fits you perfectly?

What is true about fits perfectly?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Mary Babnik Brown donated her hair during WWII and later received a personal letter of thanks from Ronald Reagan explaining that her hair had been the perfect fit for complex bombsight called a Norden sight. Both wire and spider silk had been used beforehand, and neither worked as well.

The Sydney opera house's shells all fit perfectly together - source

Planters 3lb. Lids fit Corelle bowls perfectly - source

Ever seen a Full Adhesive Tempered Glass that perfectly fits your Sony Xperia XZ Premium

In this Breaking Bad scene, the baby saw her mother off camera and called "mama". Totally unscripted Bryan Cranston kept the scene going, knowing it fitted the storyline perfectly - source

When something fits perfectly?

Simple way to measure your wrist size for a perfectly fitting

How to know if a bra fits perfectly?

All F1 drivers get a custom cockpit with seats molded around their body to a perfect fit.

Modern hip-hop and rhythm is actually derived from Shakespeare - iambic pentameter is found to fit in perfectly to rap beats.

Mary Babnik Brown donated her hair during WWII and later received a personal letter of thanks from Ronald Reagan explaining that her hair had been the perfect fit for complex bombsight called a Norden sight. Both wire and spider silk had been used beforehand, and neither worked as well.

Texas' State flag fits perfectly in the American Flag

There are hexagonal beer pong cups for a perfect fit

Word for when something fits perfectly?

British Navy officers play Britney Spears songs to scare off Somali pirates. The rationale of playing these songs is because, supposedly, Somali pirates have a strong dislike for western culture and music, which make Britney Spears’ songs a perfect fit to make them move on quickly.

The Oscar Mayer company employed little people to play "Little Oscar, the World's Smallest Chef", touring the country handing out weenie whistles and driving the Weinermobile due to their perfect fit within the tight vehicle. Nine people played the role over the years.

A full-sized, adult human casket fits perfectly in a U-Haul "Mom's Attic" space.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Fits Perfectly. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Fits Perfectly so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor