Federal Judge facts
While investigating facts about Federal Judge Salary and Federal Judges Association, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2011, a crested black macaque pressed a trigger on a wildlife photographer's camera, set up in a jungle for that specific purpose. This incident set off an unusual debate about copyright. In 2016, a federal judge ruled that a monkey cannot own the copyright to the images.
how federal judges are selected?
Woody Harrelson's dad was a hitman and died in prison while serving a life sentence for killing a Federal Judge.
What federal judges are lifetime appointments?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what federal judges are appointed for life. Here are 50 of the best facts about Federal Judges Emergency Meeting and Federal Judges Are Appointed For How Long I managed to collect.
what federal judges have been impeached?
Florida US Rep Alcee Hastings was impeached as a federal judge for bribery and perjury and was elected to Congress 4 years later.
During Prohibition, federal agents Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith disguised themselves as grave-diggers, football players, Russian women, rabbis, judges, and plumbers (among many others). Together, they seized more than 5 million bottles of illicit booze and made 4,932 arrests.
The longest-serving federal judge in the US is 97, has been on the bench for 52 years, and was appointed by Lyndon Johnson
A federal judge once ordered obnoxious lawyers to resolve a petty and meaningless dispute with a game of rock, paper, scissors
Burnie the Miami Heat mascot was sued for $1M and faced 20 years in prison after dragging a Federal Judge's wife onto the court by her feet.
The President of the United States, as head of the Executive Branch, has several powers according to the United States Constitution. These include: the ability to veto or sign into law legislation that has been voted for by Congress, the ability to appoint federal positions such as federal judges, the ability to negotiate international treaties, and the ability to grant pardons for crimes.
In 1996 Fort Lauderdale, Florida resident Jackie Stern was convicted of wearing a Congressional Medal of Honor to which he was not entitled. A federal judge sentenced him to serve one year of probation and to write a letter of apology to each of the then-living 171 recipients of the medal.
A federal Supreme Court judge can only be removed from their position by retirement, death, or by impeachment. Because they do not need to be worried about their "popularity" they can base court decisions on law and justice and not winning electoral votes.
Woody Harrelson's father, Charles Harrelson, assassinated federal judge John H. Wood Jr. in 1979, the first federal judge to be killed in the 20th century. He had also been tried for murder two other times, and convicted for one of them.
On March 17 a federal judge ruled that the state of Alabama could no longer interfere with the march, which gave President Johnson the legal power to protect it with federal officers and guardsmen.
Federal Judge data charts
For your convenience take a look at Federal Judge figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why federal judges should have term limits?
You can easily fact check why federal judges should be elected by examining the linked well-known sources.
A small business owner sued Sears for patent infringement in 2012. They were awarded $6 Million by a judge in 2017. A federal judge took over the case after the prior judge died, and in 2018, the new judge sided with Sears. - source
Jonny Cash was sued by the Federal government for starting a Forrest fire that destroyed 508 acres and drove off 49 of the refuge's 53 endangered condors. When the judge asked why he did it, Cash responded, "I didn't do it, my truck did, and its dead, so you can't question it." - source
The NFL team Washington Redskins cited US patented brands such as Dumb Blond beer, Midget-Man condoms, Oh! My Nappy Hair shampoo, and Take Yo Panties Off clothing when a federal judge ordered the cancellation of their federal trademark registrations for disparaging Native Americans.
Although a federal judge ruled that sexual orientation and gender identity are covered under the Fair Housing Act, the Supreme Court could overrule that decision.
When was the last time a federal judge was impeached?
In 1999 a federal judge declared Microsoft was a monopoly and should be broken into two separate companies.
How federal judges are appointed?
The Judge who presided over the preliminary hearing in Timothy McVeigh's case was a survivor of bombing of the federal building
In 2009 a federal judge arrested an Alabama sheriff for inadequately feeding prisoners to pocket jail food money (released the next day)
Federal Judge John Howland Wood, Jr. was assassinated by hitman Charles Harrelson (father of actor Woody Harrelson) in a contract killing placed by a Texas drug lord who was awaiting trial before the judge. It was the first assassination of a federal judge in the 20th century.
A federal judge ordered two opposing lawyers to play rock-paper-scissors to resolve a disagreement over the location of a deposition.
You don’t need a law degree to be a federal judge