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Feces Urine facts

While investigating facts about Feces Urine Addiction and Feces Urine Odor, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Truckers throw out gallon jugs of urine and bags filled with feces out their windows, and it's an actual problem.

how to clean rat urine and feces?

Mankind has left 96 bags of urine, feces, and vomit on the moon.

What causes urine to smell like feces?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes feces in your urine. Here are 39 of the best facts about Feces Urine Color and Painful Feces Urine I managed to collect.

what does feces in urine mean?

  1. A two toed sloth in 2001 was discovered hanging under a field research team's latrine, scooping up the mixture of feces, urine and toilet paper and eating it.

  2. Human waste left by climbers on Mount Everest has become a major problem, and is even threatening the spread of disease. Nearly 700 climbers brave the world's tallest peak each season but not all of them dispose of their trash, urine and feces properly.

  3. Female kangaroos clean their pouches by licking them out. “She is able to push her long snout in to clean it effectively, removing the urine and feces of the young joey by using her tongue,”

  4. An Italian man used a chair-device to weigh himself and everything he ate and drank, as well as his urine and feces for thirty years in order to study metabolism.

  5. Black-footed cat is solitary and territorial animal. Males occupy territory of 8.5 square miles, females of 3.9 square miles. Male's territory usually overlaps with territories of 1 to 4 nearby females. These cats use scent, urine, feces and scratch-marks to mark their territory.

  6. Bobcats are solitary and territorial animals. Males occupy territories of 25 to 30 square miles. Females live on a territory of 5 square miles. They leave scratch marks on the trees and use urine, feces and scent to mark their territories.

  7. Platypus have a single hole for urine, feces, and reproduction

  8. Gray brocket deer produce 4 different types of scent marks: urine, feces, trashing and forehead rubbing. They also communicate via sounds and specific body postures.

  9. Unlike other mammals, common tenrec does not have separate openings for excretion of urine, feces and reproductive fluids. Instead, tenrec excretes all these products via single opening called "cloaca".

  10. Iriomote cat occupies territory of 0.39 to 2.7 square miles and uses urine and feces to mark it. Territory of one male often overlaps with territories of two nearby females.

feces urine facts
What causes feces in urine?

Why is there feces in my urine?

You can easily fact check why does urine smell like feces by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pangolins also use scent gland to mark their territory. They disperse urine and feces for the same purpose.

“fistula is a tissue tear that connects your urinary canal to your rectum. Tell-tale signs of this condition are urine dripping from the anus and feces during urination - source

Gray mouse lemur occupies area of 5 acres and builds nests in the tree holes. It uses urine and feces to mark the borders of its territory. Grey mouse lemur frequently moves from one tree to another (usually every 5 days) to mask its smell and escape from the predators.

Indian rhinoceros is solitary creature. Males occupy territories of 0.77 to 3.09 square miles and use feces, urine and glandular secretion to mark them. They become very aggressive and often fight to death during the mating season.

Males are very aggressive and territorial during the mating season. They use urine and feces to mark the borders of their territory.

What form is bilirubin when it is excreted in urine or feces?

Leopard cats are territorial animals. Males occupy territory of 1.4 square miles. Females live on a territory of 0.81 square miles. Male's territory overlaps with territories of few neighboring females. Leopard cats mark their territories with urine, feces and scratch marks.

How to clean mice urine and feces?

In space stations they recycle 93% of their bodily fluid's water (inluding their urine, feces and sweat) to avoid having to take water bags.

Pregnancy in females lasts 170 days and ends with one baby (fawn). Even though baby is able to stand on its feet one hour after birth, it remains hidden in tall grass during the first few weeks. Mother eliminates baby's feces and urine to conceal all odors that attract nearby predators.

In 1849, hungry gold miners crossing the Nevada desert noticed shiny balls which they ate and developed nausea. These balls turned out to be crystalized dried packrat urine laced with feces and garbage which were preserved and used to date the ancient Native American civilization, Chaco Canyon

Wildcat is territorial animal that lives solitary life. Males occupy larger territories than females. They use urine, feces and scent to mark their territory.

~70 Spacecraft, Including Rovers, Modules, and Crashed Orbiters, 96 Bags of Urine, Feces, and Vomit, and A Long List of Other Items Are Littering the Moon As A Result Of Human Exploration

When urine smells like feces?

Males use urine, feces and scent from the glands located on the face, groins, knees and feet to mark their territories.

Lassa virus is transmitted to humans when they come into contact with the urine or feces of an infected rodent.

Camel needs to retain as much water as possible in its body, so it produces urine that is dense as syrup and feces that is so dry, that it can be used as a fuel.

Chlorine is odorless and smells because it reacts with urine, feces, oils, and sweat.

Javan rhinoceros is solitary and territorial animal. It uses urine, feces and secretion from the foot glands to mark its territory.

How does your body separate urine from feces?

Falcons and Hawks track rodents with UV light reflected by the rodents urine and feces

The host of Lassa virus is the multimammate rat. These rats do not become sick but the infection is shed in their feces and urine and the virus is then able to transmit to humans when they come into contact with contaminated surfaces.

The urine & feces of those who suffer from Acute Intermittent Porphyria can sometimes turn purple when exposed to sunlight.

German toilets have a dry "poo shelf" in the middle of the bowl that allows inspection of feces and makes urinating standing up messy.

If you have diverticulitis a complication can occur where your colon becomes directly connected to your bladder and feces and gas can show up in your urine. In other words, it is possible to poop and fart out of your penis.

The stink of traditional tanning may have been less from rotting corpses and more from the mixture of brains, feces, and urine used to treat the dead animal skins.

Jenkem or fermented human feces and urine, is used as a street drug and hallucinogen.

A Bengali mystic sect ritually drinks 'the four moons': urine, feces, menstrual blood and semen.

To stop Saudi prison Guards from torturing him, William Sampson man would smear feces and urine all over his cell. Amazing story

The showers at swimming pools are for showering BEFORE you get in the pool, to wash off contaminates such as sweat, oils, urine, feces. Who knew?

Buzzards pass urine, feces, sperm and eggs through a common opening called a cloaca. They also defecate on their own legs and feet to keep cool. Buzzard don't give a fuck.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Feces Urine. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Feces Urine so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor