Fecal Transplant facts
While investigating facts about Fecal Transplant, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The most effective treatment for CDI (a bowel disease causing chronic diarrhea) is a fecal transplant, where poo from a healthy person is put in the infected person's bum, thereby transplanting healthy bacteria into the digestive tract. It is 94% effective as opposed to 30% for antibiotics.
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A Hepatitis A outbreak at 2 Subway locations in Seattle. The staff weren't washing their hands properly or using gloves, thus spreading infected fecal matter. One victim, a 6 yr old boy, suffered acute liver failure and required a liver transplant. He was awarded $10 million out of court.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 21 of the best facts about Fecal Transplant I managed to collect.
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A lab in Massachusetts pays people $40 for their poop. That poop is used for fecal transplants when a patient has chronic “C. diff” infections.
A man quarantined himself in a hotel room to perform a DIY Fecal Transplant.
Similar to blood banks, there are stool banks fecal transplantation. As a regular donor you can make up to 12.500$ per year
Recent science suggests diabetes (type 2) may relate to gut bacteria. Researchers found fecal transplants helped diabetic patients improve their insulin. The drawback was the benefit was temporary. The benefit lasted longest with people with the most diverse gut flora.
There is a procedure called a Fecal microbiota transplant (FMT)...aka a stool transplant. This is used to cure C. difficile, you can receive this via an infusion such as an enema or orally by capsule that contains freeze dried poop.
Fecal Transplants which is performed as a treatment for recurrent C. difficile colitis.
I learned that a infection that kills over 14,000 people annually in the US can be treated with a FMT (fecal matter transplant), and has a 90% success rate.
Some researchers have developed "poop pills" to help make fecal transplants more palatable, and they appear to be effective.
The first fecal bank of its kind offers pre-screened and transplant-ready poop to clinicians whose patients are fighting a clostrium difficile infection
Fecal Transplant data charts
For your convenience take a look at Fecal Transplant figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
There is such a thing as a "Stool bank" that collects poo for fecal transplants and even pays donors for them
Like blood, sperm, and ovums; you can donate your feces to science because Fecal transplantation has generated "a lot of buzz for lots of illnesses”. - source
There is such a thing as a fecal transplant - When an unhealthy person is injected with a healthy person's poop to cure disease - source
Fecal transplants actually exist and help cure clostridium difficile.
The treatment for C. difficile is fecal transplant. It is worse than it sounds. - source
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Fecal matter transplants can treat chlamydia in koalas
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Poop transplants are a thing. Transplanting "healthy" fecal bacteria can help fight off C. difficile infections.
Fecal transplants may help symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
Fecal transplants are a real thing to treat infections and certain conditions!