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Farts Smell facts

While investigating facts about Farts Smell Like Eggs and Farts Smell Like Rotten Eggs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2006 a woman farted on a plane and tried to cover up the smell by lighting matches. When passengers alerted crew they could smell burning the flight made an emergency landing and the FBI were called in to conduct an investigation

how farts smell like sulfur?

In 2006, a woman farted on an American Airlines plane and attempted to cover up her farts by burning matches. When the passengers reported the smell of burning matches to the crew, the flight made an emergency landing in Nashville, and the FBI was called in to conduct an investigation.

What farts smell like eggs?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what farts smell like rotten eggs. Here are 50 of the best facts about Farts Smell Bad and Farts Smell Like Sulfur I managed to collect.

what farts smell like?

  1. About "It's not the fart that kills you, it's the smell," a quote by Norwegian rally car driver Petter Solberg. In Norwegian, fart means speed and smell means impact. The expression has become a meme.

  2. Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the odour of farts smell good so that farting in public will become socially acceptable. Ben wanted flatulence to be "as agreeable as perfumes"

  3. In 2006, a woman farted on a plane and tried to cover up the smell by lighting matches, causing an emergency landing.

  4. A French man has developed a pill that makes your farts smell like chocolate.

  5. Human poop and farts get their foul smell from the chemical compounds Skatole and Indole (among others). At low concentrations, these compounds smell flowery, and are used in perfumes. USA and Israel have used Skatole in crowd control sprays—the stench does not wash off skin for 3 days.

  6. A French man invented a pill that perfumes your farts to smell like roses, violets, or chocolate. 60 pills sell for around $22.00 and he has also developed scented fart pills for flatulent dogs.

  7. Uranus smells like farts because its atmosphere consists largely of hydrogen sulfide.

  8. There are three main fart smells. Hydrogen sulfide produces the signature "rotten eggs" note, methanethiol produces hints of "decomposing vegetables," and dimethyl sulfide adds a hint of "sweetness."

  9. Benjamin Franklin had written an essay about Flatulence called 'Fart Proudly'. The essay goes on to discuss methods to essentially make farts not only smell inoffensive but also as agreeable as perfumes.

  10. Benjamin Franklin suggested scientists should create a "holesome" drug to make farts smell like perfume

farts smell facts
What causes smelly farts?

Why farts smell so bad?

You can easily fact check why farts smell like eggs by examining the linked well-known sources.

A pill was designed by Frenchman Christian Poincheval to make farts smell like roses or chocolate.

In 2006, Frenchman Christian Poincheval was dining with a group of friends at a restaurant when he realized they all had severe gas. He later noted it was so bad that they nearly suffocated and that something had to be done, so he invented a pill that makes a person’s farts smell like chocolate. - source

The main reason for the rotten smell of a fart is due to hydrogen sulfide. It produces the rotten egg smell.

A woman once farted on a plane; lit matches to try and hide the smell, which then forced an emergency landing - source

When farts smell bad?

Women tend to have a higher hydrogen sulfide concentration than men - which means a woman's fart has the potential to smell worse than a man's fat.

How to stop smelly farts?

There is a type of underwear made to suppress the smell of farts. It is made with charcoal-lined pads.

Smelling farts can actually reduce the chances of cancer and strokes.

Ben Franklin wanted to do research on how to make farts smell better

In 2006, an American Airlines flight made an emergency landing after a stewardess lit matches to hide a fart smell

When farts smell really bad?

In middle ages, to 'cure' Bubonic Plague people used to fart in a jar and smell it.

Benjamin Franklin once sent a letter to the Royal Academy asking them to research a way to make farts smell better.

The reason your own farts do not smell as bad to you as other people's farts is your brain attempts to prevent you from catching horrible disease caused by people's farts or feces.

We like the smell of our own fart because the bacteria which creates the smell is unique to each person.

Smelling farts is actually good for you and can prevent stroke, diabetes, heart failure, and dementia

How to get rid of smelly farts?

In 1781, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to the Royal Academy of Brussels, requesting that they procure a drug to make farts smell good, so that civilized people would no longer have to "forcibly restrain the Efforts of Nature to discharge that Wind".

There are professional fart smellers in China that are paid (up to 50,000usd/year) to smell for illnesses and their location in the body

Farts are made up of hydrogen sulfide that reduces mitochondrial damage. Smelling farts can be healthy, thus next time you fart take a nice deep breath and thank the person.

There is a company that makes underwear that filters the smell of your fart.

There's a pill that literally makes your fart smell like roses

Smelling farts can help reduce mitochondrial damage in cells

The atmospheric gasses that surround Uranus are made up of a concentration of hydrogen sulfide producing a rotten-egg smell. From this, they have concluded that Uranus smells like farts.

Soo this exist. The gas sack exist to prevent fart smells

Kangaroos have 'green' farts. In addition to this kangaroo farts smell like vinegar and parmesan cheese.

My house smells like farts because I never use the bathtub and I have a dry p-trap.

It's perfectly normal to enjoy the smell of your own fart.

Because of a body's defense mechanism to protect ourselves from disease, humans like the smell of their own farts.

The smell from a fart is not methane, but sulfur.

Women's farts generally smell far worse than men's because they contain remarkably higher levels of hydrogen sulfide.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Farts Smell. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Farts Smell so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor