Facebook Likes facts
While investigating facts about Facebook Likes App and Facebook Likes Free, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 2012, the Walmart with the most Facebook likes would get a visit from Pitbull. Internet pranksters quickly made the most remote Walmart in the US (located in Kodiak, Alaska) the most liked Walmart page. Pitbull kept his promise and performed there.
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In 2012, Pitbull was involved in an advertising campaign with Walmart, in which the Walmart store that received the most Facebook "likes", would have Pitbull visit and put on a show there. An orchestrated campaign for him to end up in Kodiak, Alaska was successful.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering how can i see what my girlfriend likes on facebook. Here are 47 of the best facts about Facebook Likes Cheat Download and Facebook Likes Hack I managed to collect.
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People who post their fitness routine to Facebook are more likely to have psychological problems.
France banned mentions of Twitter and Facebook on TV and radio, as in "Follow us on Twitter" or "Like us on Facebook" because they were deemed as promotion and unfair to other sites
Snapchat trolled Facebook on April Fool's day with a 'Facebook' filter, designed to recreate Russian bots on Facebook deployed during 2016 US Presidential election. The filter placed a Facebook UI around the photo with Cyrillic script-like text and showed likes from “your mum” and “a bot”.
In 2012 Pizza Hut planned to release a limited edition perfume that that smelled like fresh dough. Thousands responded requesting the perfume for themselves but only 110 bottles were produced and shared with lucky Facebook fans who won a bottle. The packaging resembled mini pizza boxes.
Facebook often locks out users with Native American names like Mike Raccoon Eyes Kinney, Bobby Kat LittleCub, Little White Wolf, Summer Lightfeather and Donna GhostBear because their names appear to be "fake"
A man in Thailand got 30 years in prison for 'liking' a photoshopped picture of the King of Thailand on Facebook
Starbucks is the first brand with a presence on Facebook to receive 10,000,000 "likes".
Tinder can use hundreds of pages of voluntarily disclosed information about your online conversations, Facebook likes, locations, interests, jobs, education and sexual preferences to deliver “targeted advertising”. Every European citizen is able to access this data under EU data protection law.
People who post Facebook status updates about their romantic partner are more likely to have low self-esteem, while those who brag about diets, exercise, and accomplishments are typically narcissists.
A mother sickened her son by feeding him massive amounts of salt (eventually killing him) because she liked the attention she got on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media for having a very ill child.
Facebook Likes data charts
For your convenience take a look at Facebook Likes figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why can't i see someone's likes on facebook by examining the linked well-known sources.
On the basis of an average of 68 Facebook "likes" by a user, it is possible to predict their skin color (with 95 percent accuracy), their sexual orientation (88 percent accuracy), and their affiliation to the Democratic or Republican party (85 percent).
The Corinthians Steamrollers, an American Football team in Brazil, has more facebook likes than 8 NFL teams. - source
Facebook does not like stories written about them - they wouldn't allow the post to be boosted. - source
Likejacking is an exploitation of the “Like” button on Facebook. Scammers create a compelling post with the intention of getting people to “like” the post. Once people start “liking” the “malicious post” it is shared on the user’s friend's feeds to gather personal information
Instead of paying thousands to the GREEDY Facebook Machine for paid ads to get likes in the USA for my business Facebook page that I can do this for a fraction of the cost and zero effort! Winning! - source
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The Facebook 'like' button was originally going to be the 'awesome' button.
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The founder of Humans of New York is so popular that when he butt dialed his phone and accidentally posted a Q to Facebook and took a picture he got 25,000 likes in minutes.
A computer model judging personality based on Facebook likes can make more accurate personality judgments on your spouse based on 300 of his/her Facebook likes than you can through informant reports
The first person to be killed on 9/11 was Danny Lewin, founder of Akamai - content delivery company used by the likes of Apple and Facebook. Akamai helped keep every major news site up and running during an overwhelming amount of Internet traffic on 9-11.
Mark Zuckerberg had never even heard of an Appletini until he had seen The Social Network. So he tried one and liked it so much that he made the Appletine Facebook's "Official" drink.
An app developed by University of Cambridge students is capable of displaying real traits of your personality into graphics based solely on Facebook Likes.
Facebook likes infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Facebook Likes numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.