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Endemic Species facts

While investigating facts about Endemic Species Of India and Endemic Species Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Madagascar wildlife is so unique that over 90% of it are endemic species that can't be found anywhere else on Earth. Reason for that is that it has been isolated for 88 millions years from other land masses.

how do species become endemic?

It was first assumed that the sharks in the freshwater Lake Nicaragua were an endemic species, but it was later observed that the sharks were able to jump up and down the rapids of the freshwater San Juan River (which connects Lake Nicaragua and the Caribbean Sea) like salmon.

What does endemic species mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is meant by endemic species. Here are 34 of the best facts about Endemic Species In The Philippines and Endemic Species Meaning I managed to collect.

why are endemic species at a greater risk of extinction?

  1. The Congo River is the deepest river in the world, at over 750 feet deep in places (currents make it hard to know how much deeper it is). It also has the most endemic species of any river.

  2. Protecting the Giant Panda's habitat has the unintended benefit of aiding 70% of the forest bird species, 70% of forest mammals, and 31% of forest amphibians that are endemic to mainland China.

  3. Hawaii has more endangered species and has lost a higher percentage of its endemic species than any other U.S. state

  4. Plants found growing in Kaieteur National Park include lichens, herbs, bladderwort, bromeliad, yellow-eyed grass, mosses, orchids, ferns, African violets, and several endemic species such as the fern Hecistopteris kaieteurensis.

  5. There are 45 reptile species in Sinharaja Forest Reserve including 21 that are endemic. Two venomous snakes in Sinharaja include the hump-nosed viper and the green pit viper.

  6. Many consider the flora to be more impressive than the fauna in Isalo National Park, as wildlife is limited compared to other regions. There are more than 500 species of plants found within the park, including endemic species.

  7. There are 12 arthropod species in Krubera Cave and a beetle called the Catops Cavicis that is endemic.

  8. There are a variety of different species of flora and fauna found in Capitol Reef National Park including 13 native species of fish, 5 species of amphibians, 15 species of reptiles, 71 species of mammals, 239 bird species, and 887 species of plants, of which 6 are threatened or endangered and 40 are rare and endemic (found only in this area).

  9. There are 1,933 fish species from 47 fish families that can only be found in a single lake (a.k.a. endemic)

  10. Of the 160 bird species recorded in Sinharaja, 18 of the 20 endemic to Sri Lanka are found in the forest. Some of these include the red-faced malkoha, and the Sri Lanka blue magpie.

endemic species facts
What are endemic species give examples?

Why endemic species are vulnerable to the extinction?

You can easily fact check why endemic species need protection by us by examining the linked well-known sources.

Frogs that can be found in Isalo National Park include the brownish Mantidactylus and the Scaphiophyyne gottlebei. These frog species are both endemic to the region.

The Valdivian Temperate Rainforest is home to the monkey puzzle tree, a species that is endemic to the region. It is a tree that has existed since dinosaurs roamed the earth.

The smallest Armadillo species is endemic to central Argentina and is called the Pink Fairy Armadillo. - source

Half of the woody plant species found in the Valdivian Temperate Rainforest are endemic to the region - referred to as an eco-region.

Cats kill an estimated 1.3 to 3.7 billion birds and 6.3 to 22.3 billion mammals annually and have been linked to the decline and extinction of at least 33 endemic species on islands throughout the world. - source

When do species become endemic?

NZ has 2000 spider species, of which 90% are endemic to NZ. As comparison the UK has 650 Species with only one endemic

How to conserve endemic species?

30% of the plants found in the National Park of American Samoa are endemic (found only in this region) species. There are 135 fern species and 343 known flowering plant species found in the park.

The kri-kri is a type of feral goat endemic to Greece. It was once thought to have been a true wild goat species but is in fact descended from domestic goats.

There are 49 species endemic to Freycinet National Park.

The Devils Hole Pupfish, a critically endangered species endemic only to a single ~300 foot-deep cavern in Nevada.

There are at least 75 endemic plant species in Plitvice Lakes National Park because of the protection the region enjoys. They cannot be found elsewhere on earth.

Interesting facts about endemic species

What is zebra seahorse?
The zebra seahorse (Hippocampus zebra) is a species of fish in the family Syngnathidae, which is endemic to northern Australia.

Megadiverse countries are a group of countries that harbor the majority of Earth's species and high numbers of endemic species. There are 17 megadiverse countries.

The Tuartara Lizard is endemic to New Zealand. The single species of tuatara is the only surviving member of its order, which flourished around 200 million years ago. They are even more unusual in having a pronounced photoreceptive eye, the "third eye".

There is a species of snail that is endemic to a small island in Fiji and its scientific name is Ba humbugi

Predatoronoops, a genus of spider endemic to Brazil's Atlantic forest. The genus is named after the Predator franchise, and every species in the genus is named after one of the franchise's characters (i.e. Predatoroonops dutch, Predatoroonops billy, etc.)

How to protect endemic species?

Despite being the world's largest country, Russia iss home to only one endemic species of bird - The Siberian Grouse

There are is a species of alligator endemic to China

About biodiversity hotspots: areas that are both biologically rich and deeply threatened. These areas represent just 2.3% of the Earth’s land surface, but support more than half of the world’s plant species as endemics and nearly 43% of bird, mammal, reptile and amphibian species as endemics.

Almost all countries in the world have a national bird (just like the US' bald eagle). The chosen birds may be part of the nation's history or culture, an endemic species found nowhere else or representative of qualities the nation values, such as strength, bravery, and elegance.

There is a species of pink iguana endemic to Isabela Island of the Galápagos. It was only first discovered in 1986, and is considered critically endangered, because it only lives on one volcano, Volcán Wolf.

On Hawaii, 71 bird species have become extinct out of a total of 113 endemic species that existed at the time of first human colonization. Of the remaining 42, 32 are federally listed, and ten of those have not even been seen for up to 40 years.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Endemic Species. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Endemic Species so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor