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Empty Boxes facts

While investigating facts about Empty Boxes For Moving and Empty Boxes Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:

So prevalent is the empty cardboard box's reputation as a plaything that in 2005 a cardboard box was added to the National Toy Hall of Fame.

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Home Depot stocked shelves with empty boxes instead of actual merchandise in its early days. Home Depot persuaded the vendors to give them empty boxes after the vendors were afraid that Home Depot could not pay them for all the merchandise.

What to do with empty jewelry boxes?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do with empty boxes. Here are 16 of the best facts about Empty Boxes For Gifts and Empty Boxes Lyrics I managed to collect.

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  1. When the wife of industrialist James Couzens asked for a pearl box, he donated the equivalent to $14M to the Children's Hospital of Michigan. In her empty box was a note saying, "Your new pearls will be all the children who are eventually treated there".

  2. When Home Depot first opened in 1979, They had trouble getting enough inventory to fill stores, so empty product boxes were stacked on the shelves to create the illusion they had more inventory than they did. It worked. Today Home Depot is one of the 10 largest retail chains in the world.

  3. During the recording of vocals for "November Rain", Axl Rose insisted on being left by himself with a bucket to shit in until he completed it. Producer Bill Price came back to the studio eight days later and found Axl asleep with the studio covered in shit and empty pizza boxes.

  4. The Hottest 'Star Wars' Toy for Christmas in 1977 Was an Empty Box

  5. In 1977, Christmas demand for Star Wars action figures was so high that toy manufacturer Kenner instead sold thousands of empty boxes which included "IOU" certificates.

  6. The Cullinan, the largest gem quality rough diamond ever found at 3,107 carats, was carried from London to Amsterdam to be cut by Abraham Asscher in his coat pocket. To ward off thieves, the British Royal Navy sent empty boxes across the Atlantic. The captain had no idea his cargo was a decoy.

  7. The $60,000 stolen during Union Pacific Big Springs Robbery was found in boxes as the robbers were leaving the train empty-handed.

  8. Wikipedia has an entire section devoted to Accidental damage of art. It includes such gems as this: Sotheby's auction house in London disposed of a box using a crushing machine. They were apparently unaware that the box was not empty but contained a painting by Lucian Freud worth about $157,000.

  9. In George Michael's Freedom! 90 music video, Cindy Crawford's famous steamy bath scene was actually a camera trick and used no water. She was soaked down in shiny glycerin inside an empty tub. "I was resting on an apple box to get me up high enough so it wasn't just my eyeballs peeking out..."

  10. A man got 9 years in prison for robbing a bank guard. The guard was on his way into, not out of, the bank, and the cash box was empty.

empty boxes facts
What to do with empty cigar boxes?

Why are dominos delivering empty boxes?

You can easily fact check why is there empty space in cereal boxes by examining the linked well-known sources.

The cardboard box is among the playthings to earn a place in the (U.S.) National Toy Hall of Fame; its website says an empty box is "endlessly adaptable by children for creative play."

Oliver Stone sat down with Putin to watch Dr. Strangelove and gifted the DVD to him afterwards. When Putin saw the DVD box was empty he just replied "Typical american gift." - source

Mad Men's Vincent Kartheiser (Pete Campbell) got sick of the "boxes of shit" given to him when he became a star, so he gave it all away and didn't stop until his house was empty. He wound up throwing away his toilet, having to use his neighbor's. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Empty Boxes. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Empty Boxes so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor