Element Periodic facts
While investigating facts about Element Periodic Table and Element Periodic Table Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Helium was first discovered on the Sun (named from the Greek word 'Helios', meaning "the Sun") through the analysis of the Sun's spectrum, and is the only element in the Periodic Table to be discovered some place other than Earth.
how many element in periodic table?
In 1850 Dmitri Mendeleev walked almost a thousand miles to Moscow so he could apply for the University of Moscow. Although he was not accepted, he walked to St. Petersburg where he was accepted, And with that education he developed the periodic table of the elements
What periodic element am i?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is element 115 on the periodic table. Here are 50 of the best facts about Element Periodic Table Pdf and Element Periodic Table Diagram I managed to collect.
what is the 118 element of periodic table?
Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist and teacher, devised the periodic table. In 1867, one day after working for three straight days, he got the inspiration from a dream: "Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper.” He named his discovery the “periodic table of the elements.”
An iPhone has about 75 elements in it — two-thirds of the periodic table.
Helium (He) is the only element on the periodic table that was not discovered on Earth. It was found when analyzing the sun’s spectrum, hence its name which comes from the Greek Titan of the sun, Helios.
3 of the last 4 new elements added to the periodic table were discovered by a woman named Dawn Shaughnessy. In total, people who are part of the lab she runs have discovered 6 of the 26 new elements added since 1940.
Beryllium, the fourth element on the periodic table, is rarely used by chemists. However, because it is light and strong, it is used in aircraft and cell phones. It is also highly toxic. Just 1/4 milligram (mass of a grain of salt) can kill a rat.
Breaking Bad had 62 episodes. Samarium is 62 on the periodic table of elements. Samarium is used to treat lung cancer.
Obliteration by incorporation" occurs when, at some stage in the development of a science, certain ideas become so accepted that their origins are no longer cited and they are considered common knowledge. Examples include "double helix", "periodic table of elements", and "theory of relativity".
Both names were actually kept in use until 1949, when niobium was chosen as the name for this element.
As there were no other suggested names for element 109, there was no ensuing dispute over the name.
Militant Buddhist warrior monks were one of the major destabilizing elements of Japan's Warring States period.
Element Periodic data charts
For your convenience take a look at Element Periodic figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is hydrogen the first element in the periodic table?
You can easily fact check why fluorine is the most electronegative element in the periodic table by examining the linked well-known sources.
Ruthenium is the only group 8 element to not have two electrons in its outer shell.
It is almost never found as a pure free element naturally.
Bismuth is one of only a few elements whose liquid state has a higher density than its solid state.
Astatine is the rarest element, other than the transuranic elements (those with a higher atomic number than uranium).
Sulfur is thought to be the seventh most common element in the human body.
When was the newest element added to the periodic table?
The synthesis of these radioactive isotopes occurs from the fusing of two atoms or by decay of other elements.
How to read periodic table element?
It is the most unstable of all elements that occur naturally.
Within those mines, scandium is actually a byproduct of the mining of other elements, with the end result being scandium oxide.
Iodine readily forms compounds with a large number of other elements.
It is the most abundant element in the total composition of the planet.
Phosphorus was the first element discovered that had not already been in use by civilizations for hundreds of years.
Element periodic infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Element Periodic numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.