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Elaine Esposito facts

While investigating facts about Elaine Esposito Coma and Elaine Esposito Death, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A six-year-old named Elaine Esposito went to the hospital for a routine appendectomy. She went under general anesthetic and never came out. Dubbed "The Sleeping Beauty" Esposito stayed in a coma for 37 years and 111 days before succumbing in 1978. The longest-ever coma.

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Elaine Esposito lost consciousness at age 6 and spent her life in a coma until the age of 43, a world record.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 4 of the best facts about Elaine Esposito Cause Of Death and Elaine Esposito Today I managed to collect.

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  1. Elaine Esposito, who holds the world record for longest time spent in a coma. During those 37 years, she survived "pneumonia, the measles, and a collapsed lung."

  2. Elaine Esposito holds the record for longest coma according to the Guinness World Records, having lost consciousness in 1941 and eventually dying in that condition more than 37 years later in 1978.

elaine esposito facts
What are the best facts about Elaine Esposito?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Elaine Esposito. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Elaine Esposito so important!

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