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Earth Equator facts

While investigating facts about Earth Equator Line and Earth Equator Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mount Everest is only the world's tallest mountain as measured from sea level. But since the earth bulges at the equator, the mountain Chimborazo in Ecuador is the tallest mountain if you measure from the earth's core.

how fast does the earth rotate near the equator?

Stephen Hawking’s ashes are buried beneath a memorial stone inscribed with his equation for the Hawking temperature of black holes. To commemorate his death, Hawking’s own words were beamed towards the nearest known black hole to Earth, about 3,500 light years away, by the European Space Agency

Which event was occurring on earth when florida was located at the equator?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering when are the sun's rays perpendicular to earth's surface at the equator. Here are 50 of the best facts about Earth Equatorial Diameter and Earth's Equator Is An Example Of I managed to collect.

what is the approximate speed of rotation at earth's equator?

  1. Everest is not the furthest point from the Earth's center. It's a volcano in Ecuador called Chimborazo due the Earth being wider at the equator.

  2. If Earth stopped spinning suddenly, the atmosphere would still be in motion with the Earth's original 1100 mile per hour rotation speed at the equator. All of the land masses would be scoured clean of anything not attached to bedrock.

  3. The summit of Mount Everest is not the farthest point from the center of the Earth. Due to the Earth's bulge around the equator it is actually the volcano called Chimborazo in Ecuador.

  4. If you take all the DNA in your body and line it up to form one long strand, it would measure to be 135 trillion meters long. It would be able to wrap around the Earth's equator 2.5 million times or about twice the diameter of our solar system.

  5. Mount Everest isn't the highest mountain on Earth. Because the Earth bulges at the equator the Ecuadorian mountain Chimborazo is higher, but Mount Everest is taller compared to sea level.

  6. The equator of the Earth is spinning at approximately 1070 mph. Multiply the cosine of your latitude by 1070 to find how fast you are spinning.

  7. Sci-fi author Andy Weir chose Kenya as the global capital for the space industry in a book because it's on the equator, which makes it cheaper to launch to low Earth orbit, because it only takes 1/15th the velocity to launch from there.

  8. A string one meter longer than the circumference of the earth at the equator, encircling the earth at a uniform height, would have more than six inches clearance.

  9. Because the earth bulges at the equator the point furthest from the center of the planet is not the apex of Mt. Everest but rather the apex of Mt. Chimborazo in Ecuador.

  10. The average temperature on Mars is -60 degrees Celsius, but they vary much more at the poles and equator, much like on earth.

earth equator facts
Why does the earth bulge at the equator?

Earth Equator data charts

For your convenience take a look at Earth Equator figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

earth equator fact data chart about Sunk capital ships in Europe; WWII; data from Wikipedia, pro
Sunk capital ships in Europe; WWII; data from Wikipedia, probably missed a few; Tool is QGIS, coast from Natural Earth, Hillshade and topo from ETOPO1; Projection is Robinson, scal

Why does the earth spin faster at the equator?

You can easily fact check why is the earth warmer at the equator by examining the linked well-known sources.

The strongest creatures on Earth are the gonorrhea bacteria which can pull with a force equal to 100,000 times their body weight by bundling their pili together to exert force. This equates to a 200 pound human dragging 20 million pounds.

The Declination of a celestial sphere object is measured either south or north from the equator's plane. Therefore the equator's declination is 0 degrees; the South Celestial Pol is -90 degrees; the North Celestial Pole is +90 degrees. This is parallel to earth's latitude.

Eratosthenes ( ~200 be), who calculated the Earth's circumference with remarkable accuracy at 25 000 miles, using a rod and a hole/well. Modern day measurement of the earth’s circumference is 24,859.734 mi at the Poles and 24,901.461 mi at the Equator. - source

You weigh .5% more at the poles of the earth than at the equator

Which event was occurring on earth when florida was located at the equator?

Geostationary orbiting is one type of orbit for weather satellites. With this type, the satellite orbits the earth at 22,300 miles above the equator where it hovers.

How many miles is the equator around earth?

The celestial sphere has an equator and poles, just like the earth.

The total length of blood vessels in an average human adult is twice Earth's circumference at the equator.

The average person takes 216,262,500 steps in their lifetime. This equates to 110,000 miles, or 5 times around Earths equator.

The first armillary sphere is believed to have had one ring representing the equator, and was referred to as an armilla. Another ring was added in the plane of the meridian as time went on and the understanding of the earth and celestial sphere grew.

The Celestial equator is the same as the earth's equator but it extends much further along the same plane out into space.

When are the sun's rays perpendicular to earth's surface at the equator?

The meter was originally defined as 1/10,000,000 of the distance between Earth's equator and its north pole

The 5 notable circles of latitude only the equator is fixed. The Arctic/Antarctic Circles and the Tropics of Cancer/Capricorn currently drift N or S at about 15 metres/year due to a 40,000 year tilt cycle of the earth's axis

The Willis Tower, aka Sears Tower, in Chicago has enough telephone wiring in it to wrap around the Earth's equator just over 1.5 times

The average person who lives to be 80 will walk a distance of 110,000 miles or 5 times around Earth's equator

If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, the atmosphere would still be in motion with the Earth's original 1100 mile per hour rotation speed at the equator, and all of the land masses would be scoured clean of anything not attached to bedrock.

How fast does the earth spin at the equator?

The troposphere extends from the earth's surface to approximately 33,000 feet (6.2 miles) high. However in warm regions like the equator it can rise as high as 65,000 feet (12 miles). In colder regions like the north and south poles, it may rise only as high as 23,000 feet (4 miles).

Although on average the stratosphere begins at about 7 miles up from the earth's surface, it can range from 5 miles at the earth's poles, to 6-8 miles at moderate latitudes, to 11 miles at the equator. Its depth also varies from 5.5 to 20 miles depending on latitude as well.

The fastest spinning star discovered is a pulsar named PSR J1748−2446ad and is part of a globular cluster called Terzan 5 in the constellation Sagittarius 18,000 light-years from Earth. It rotates at 24% of the speed of light or 716 times per second at its equator.

Clocks at the equator and poles run at the same speed by coincidence, with the Earth's bulge around the equator cancelling out the relativistic and gravitational effects.

The moving line that separates night from day is called a "Terminator" and that it's speed at Earth's equator is 1036 miles per hour, but you can run faster than it as you near the Earth's poles.

Analemma - a trace of the annual movement of the Sun on the sky - is well known among experts of sun-dials and old Earth’s globes as a diagram of change of seasons and an equation of time.

In 1976, eight countries located on the Earth's equator claimed sovereignty over the geostationary orbits above their territory

The world was once believed to be flat, but it is not flat, and it is also not round. It bulges at the equator and is flattened at its poles. Its shape is an oblate spheroid or a geoid.

The Sun appears to rise above the horizon earlier than it would if the Earth had no atmosphere. The air refracts its light - the effect is greatest at the equator, where the Sun appears to rise 2 minutes earlier than it would if the Earth had no atmosphere

80% of the world's zippers are made in Zhejiang province, China - which makes enough zippers per year to wrap around the Earth at its equator 5 times over.

The summit of Mount Everest reaches a higher elevation above sea level, but the summit of Chimborazo in Ecuador is widely reported to be the farthest point on the surface from Earth's center due to its closeness to the equator.

More than 2/3's of the Earth's land mass lies North of the equator.

There is a sea bulge at the equator of the earth. Sea level at the equator is 21.36 km (13.272 miles) higher than sea level at the poles, in terms of distance from the center of the planet. This bulge is created by the greater centrifugal force at the equator and is independent of tides.

Chimborazo, an ice-covered mountain in Ecuador, is the world's highest mountain if measured from the center of Earth. Because Earth bulges at the center, mountains near the Equator stick farther out into space than those closer to the poles.

The Arctic receives the most possible sunlight hours per year than any other place on Earth, 4,647 h, while the Equator receives 4,422h.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Earth Equator. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Earth Equator so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor