Donated Charity facts
While investigating facts about Donated Charity Car and Donated Charity Goods, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Cards Against Humanity joked that they could buy an island with the money they donate to charity, so they bought an island in Maine to preserve wildlife. They named it ‘Hawaii 2’ because “it’s on the Maine land.”
how much of the money donated goes to charity?
The Beastie Boys won a lawsuit against a company for the unauthorized use of their song "Girls" and had the $1 Million settlement donated to a charity supporting education for Girls
What presidents donated their salaries to charity?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what percentage of money donated goes to charity. Here are 50 of the best facts about Donated Charity Money and Donated Charity Values I managed to collect.
what percentage of income should be donated to charity?
50 Cent challenged Floyd Mayweather to read one full page of a 'Harry Potter' book out loud without starting and stopping or messing up. If Floyd Mayweather accomplished this, 50 Cent agreed to donate $750,000 to a charity of Mayweather’s choice. Floyd Mayweather ultimately declined the offer.
In 2008, Jeremy Clarkson published his bank details in his Sun newspaper column to prove nobody could take money from his account. Somebody then donated £500 to a Diabetes charity from his account.
Newman's Own, founded in 1982 by the now late actor Paul Newman, donates 100% of post-tax profits to charity. In total, the food brand has donated over $450 Million to charity, including several children's organizations.
In 2000 The Guinness Book of World Records cited Michael Jackson as the most philanthropic pop star in history. He gave over $300 million dollars to charity in his life, and visited hospitals and orphanages at every stop of his tours handing out gifts and making donations.
In 2014, to protest Black Friday, Cards against Humanity only sold boxes labeled "Bullshit" to Black Friday shoppers for 6 dollars each. The boxes contained actual bull feces and some dug through it looking for a new card but found nothing but feces. The profits were donated to charity.
Pornhub has been contributing to charity since 2012. They have ran charity campaigns that planted trees, provided free breast cancer checks and donated to panda conversation charities.
Barron Hilton (of Hilton Hotels) was so embarrassed by his granddaughter Paris being caught driving while intoxicated, he disinherited the whole damned family. The patriarch instead pledged to donate 97% of his estate to charity upon his death.
Lisa Lampanelli once counted 44 protestors from the Westboro Baptist Church at her show so she donated $44,000 to a gay rights charity in their name
France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks.
Donated Charity data charts
For your convenience take a look at Donated Charity figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why the rich donate to charity?
You can easily fact check why you should donate to charity speech by examining the linked well-known sources.
It's illegal for supermarkets in France to waste food. Supermarkets must either compost it or donate unsold or nearly expired goods to charity.
In 2004, Forbes named J.K. Rowling the first person to become a billionaire (in US dollars) from writing books. By 2012, she had donated so much money to charity that they had to remove her from the rich list because she was no longer a billionaire. - source
Rebecca Black donated the proceeds from her video "Friday" to charity - source
In 2011 when Lisa Lampanelli learned the Westboro Baptist Church planned to protest one of her shows. She promised to donate $1000 for every WBC member that showed up. Ultimately 44 members showed up, and she donated $50,000 to charity with the memo stating “Donation made possible by the WBC”
In France, it’s against the law for grocery stores to throw away food. It must either be composted or donated to charity. - source
How much money goes to charity when you donate?
Bruce Willis only agreed to guest star on FRIENDS after losing a bet with his "The Whole Nine Yards" co-star Mathew Perry. He played Jennifer Aniston's love interest on a 3 episode arc and won an Emmy for his performance. He donated his acting fee to five charities.
How many presidents donated their salary to charity?
Michael Jordan consistently files lawsuits against companies that used his name or likeness without permission. He then donates all the money to 23 children's charities. The total amount is unknown but Jordan was awarded $8.9 million in one case.
I learned that Jack MacDonald (A 98 year old secret Philanthropist, war veteran and lawyer) Lived the life of a poor person and saved all his money to donate to charity after his death. He donated 188 million dollars to 3 Washington institutions after his death at age 98.
The coins that are tossed into many of the world's most famous fountains are collected and donated to charities. The Trevi Fountain alone collects about $15,000 a week!
River Pheonix was supposed to be the interviewer in Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) but died. Christian Slater got his role, and donated his entire paycheck from the movie to all of River's favorite charities.
In 2010 George Lucas said “I am dedicating the majority of my wealth to improving education. It is the key to the survival of the human race." Two years later, Lucas sold Lucasfilm Ltd. to Disney for 4.05 billion dollars and donated the proceeds to a charity that focuses on education.
Donated charity infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Donated Charity numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.