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Documentary Filmmaker facts

While investigating facts about Documentary Filmmakers and Documentary Filmmaker Burns, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2001, a documentary filmmaker set out to expose the Westboro Baptist Church for their "hate-mongering" beliefs. He instead joined the church, and is now one of the top pastors.

screening reality how documentary filmmakers reimagined america?

A documentary filmmaker and his crew were given unique permission to go on a scuba diving expedition 800 feet beneath the Hagia Sophia, one of the largest and oldest cathedrals in the world

What is the best camera for documentary filmmakers?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a documentary filmmaker. Here are 21 of the best facts about Documentary Filmmaker Daniel De La Calle and Documentary Filmmaker Burns Crossword Clue I managed to collect.

what cameras do documentary filmmakers use?

  1. There is a 1972 documentary about The Rolling Stones that contains so much sex and drug use that the band took the filmmaker to court to stop it from being released. The film was named 'Cocksucker Blues.'

  2. Documentary filmmaker and author Michael Moore acquired lifetime membership of the National Rifles Association (NRA) following the Columbine High School massacre to dismantle the organization by becoming its president but soon dropped the plan after considering its difficulty.

  3. Leni Riefenstahl, a Nazi filmmaker was the first foreigner to receive a Sudanese passport, for attempting to make a documentary in Sudan

  4. Martin Scorsese worked on the documentary "Woodstock" as an editor where he introduced the two and three-panel presentation seen throughout the film. This was done due to the studio's unwillingness to expand the length of the movie and because the filmmakers wanted to show as much as possible.

  5. The common misconception of lemmings suicide was propagated by White Wilderness, a Disney nature documentary. The filmmakers filmed the climactic lemmings suicide scene at a river in Calgary and threw the lemmings to their death when they refused to jump.

  6. Werner Herzog, the documentary filmmaker, once ate his shoe because he lost a bet. He made a documentary out of it.

  7. A filmmaker dreamed for decades about making a film about passengers on a train, but had trouble finding funding for a documentary whose subjects could only be discovered after shooting began. He passed away a month before his film "In Transit" premiered

  8. A feminist filmmaker made a documentary about the Men's Rights Movement (MRM)

  9. The documentary filmmaker Ken Burns is a distant relative of the Scottish poet Robert Burns. Creative family.

  10. The 1958, Disney documentary ‘White Wilderness’ perpetuated the myth that lemmings commit mass suicide when the filmmakers threw them over the edge of a cliff and into a river.

documentary filmmaker facts
What does a documentary filmmaker do?

What is true about documentary filmmaker?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Lemmings don't actually commit mass suicide. Disney filmmakers used various camera tricks to make a few imported lemmings look like a lot and then herded them off a cliff, killing many. That documentary later won an Academy Award.

Printers have a page limit that's set by the manufacturer - link to podcast with documentary filmmaker talking about planned obsolescence - source

A filmmaker traveled 30 European cities for 3 months, recording the flow of life. In post production, he used only the soundtrack and images. It is the best directing way of early documentary form for one-man filmmaker. In every scene, the filmmaker was helped by many passers-by in the streets. - source

Documentary filmmaker Werner Herzog was shot in the gut during an on-camera interview.

A Canadian independent filmmaker tried to make a comedy documentary about an ordinary guy going to the Playboy Mansion and meeting Hugh Hefner. Playboy ignored him and his unsuccessful film led to financial ruin, fraud charges for trying to trick investors, and jail time - source

When doctors prescribe antibiotics?

Porn star Mia Malkova's brother Justin Hunt is a filmmaker whose latest documentary focuses on the negative impact of pornography addiction.

How to become a documentary filmmaker?

Dwayne Johnson paid the film school tuition of Muthana Mohmed, the film-student in the MTV Documentary True Life: I’m Living in Iraq, only to see Muthana have a meltdown documented in another Documentary "Operation Filmmaker"

Bart Simpson is a Canadian producer filmmaker best known for the feature documentary The Corporation, the highest-grossing domestic documentary in Canadian history

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Documentary Filmmaker. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Documentary Filmmaker so important!

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