Incredible and fun facts to explore

Dial 911 facts

While investigating facts about Dial 911, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A stroke suffering cat owner tried to teach his cat to press a 911 speed dial. Unsure whether the training stuck, the owner later fell from his wheel chair during a seizure. Police received a silent 911 call from the house and arrived to find the man incapacitated and the cat by the phone.

In 1989 a Los Angeles woman received a phone call from her brother-in-law saying that her ex-husband was coming over to kill her. She dialed 911 but was told nothing could be done unless he showed up at the house. Within 15 minutes he arrived, killing her and 4 others

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 22 of the best facts about Dial 911 I managed to collect.

  1. There are PTSD service dogs who wake veterans up from nightmares, alert of high blood pressure or cortisol levels in the blood, dial suicide hotlines & 911 on a dog-friendly phone, and more.

  2. A Florida man butt-dialed 911 while discussing murder plans. He was charged with 1st degree murder after man discussed was found shot in car after getting into an argument with murderers at a Waffle House restaurant

  3. Butt-dialing 911 has led to many arrests, including a variety of drug charges and at least one murder case.

  4. After the show "rescue 911" became popular in Norway a lot of citizens started dialing 9-1-1 instead of 1-1-2 (which is the Norwegian equivalent).This is why dialing 9-1-1 redirects to 1-1-2 today.

  5. Dialing 911 (or 999, or 108, etc.) from any cell phone anywhere (assuming the phone has signal/battery) will connect you with your region's emergency services.

  6. On one (unknown) day in April 2014, a "coding error" meant that 11 million Americans were unable to dial 911 and speak to responders. 911 missed 6600 calls that day.

  7. In 2014 a man from Deltona, Florida, accidentally and unknowingly dialed 911 and then talked to his partners in crime about their production of methamphetamine. Hearing the conversation, the emergency dispatcher sent the local police to perform a bust on the man's meth lab.

  8. The number 112 can be dialed from any mobile, in any country, to connect to that country's Emergency number (999 in UK, 911 in America, etc)

  9. In 2006 a cat was able to dial 911 when their owner fell out of their wheelchair suffering from a stroke

  10. There are thousands of accidental 911 calls from people calling New Delhi, India where the dialing code is 91-11

dial 911 facts
What are the best facts about Dial 911?

What is true about dial 911?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

While watching The First 48, that these guys butt-dialed 911 and were recorded talking about killing a guy later to be found dead.

In 2011, an average of 300 911 calls per day in Toronto were "butt-dials," comprising about 10% of all calls - source

If dialing 911(the US emergency system) while in the UK, the US operators will automatically transfer you to 999(the UK system). This happens a lot from tourist. - source

Dog trained to dial 911. A retired Army police officer, suffering from PTSD, worked with "Dogs for Life" to train his dog to help him overcome his numerous medical conditions.

A pair of burglars were caught by police when one of them butt-dialed 911. - source

If you have iOS 11, your phone has a cool safety feature. In case of any emergency, you can now press your power/wake button 5 times in a row to access features which can dial 911 for you, ping your location to a nearby police station or give you your medical info. Kinda cool.

Dialing 112, 118, 119, 000, 110, 08, and 999. All call 911 (USA)

You can call 911 in Antartica even though there is no emergency services there. It will dial the nearest country or island with emergency services.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dial 911. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dial 911 so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor