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Densely Packed facts

While investigating facts about Densely Packed Crowd and Densely Packed Crowd Crossword Clue, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When people die in huge crowd 'stampedes', it's rarely from being trampled, it's from being crushed and suffocated (while still standing) by densely packed bodies.

how densely packed is the asteroid belt?

Blue Whales can expend upto 1900 calories to take a single bite, and if its prey is densely packed enough it could take in about 2 million calories.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a benefit of densely packed cities. Here are 22 of the best facts about Densely Packed Crowd Crossword and Densely Packed Crowd 6 Letters I managed to collect.

what densely packed mean?

  1. Some reindeer really do have red noses, a result of densely packed blood vessels near the skin's surface

  2. Common hop is dioecious plant (male and female flowers develop on separate plants). Yellow-green male flowers are organized in multi-branched, loose clusters. Female flowers are arranged in densely packed spikes called cones. Each cone consists of 60 individual flowers surrounded by bracts (modified leaves) that facilitate dispersal of seed.

  3. Lemongrass produces small, white, creamy or green flowers, densely packed in terminal spikes. Flowers of lemongrass are designed for pollination by wind.

  4. Common sneezeweed produces numerous brightly colored flower heads. Each flower head consists of showy, petal-like ray florets on the periphery and smaller, disk florets densely packed in the middle of the flower head.

  5. Indian paintbrush produces large, three-lobed bright colored bracts (modified leaves) that can be red, yellow, orange, purple or pink colored. They surround small, tube-shaped, whitish green or yellow, "true" flowers, densely packed in the form of spike.

  6. Clusters of densely packed flowers of amaranth transform into large, heavy seed heads. Single plant can produce 60.000 seeds per year. Despite many morphological and nutritional similarities with other cereals, amaranth is not a true grain (that's why it is known as "pseudo-cereal").

  7. Scientific name of the plant 'symphoricarpos" originates from Greek words 'symphorein" which means "to bear together" and "karpos" which means "fruit". Name refers to densely packed berries on the branches.

  8. Barnyard grass produces multi-branched, densely packed flower heads composed of knot-like flowers (spikelets) covered with stiff hairs. Flower heads can be yellowish, reddish, pinkish, greenish, purple or nearly black-colored.

  9. Cedar has needle-like leaves that are densely packed in spiral clusters on the branches. Color of the leaves ranges from light to dark green. Some species have bluish green needles.

  10. Magellanic penguins have natural oil on their feathers, which are very densely packed on the body.

densely packed facts
What does densely packed mean?

What is true about densely packed?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Laburnum is also known as "golden chain tree" and "golden rain" due to beautiful, densely packed yellow pendulous flowers.

Mizuna has thin, trailing stem with densely packed cluster of leaves on top of it. It can reach 9 inches in height and 18 inches in diameter.

Goldenrod develops yellow, fragrant flowers densely packed in pyramid-shaped clusters on top of the plant. Flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (bisexual).

White head looks like a miniature tree on the cross section. It consists of densely packed curds. Head is usually 6 inches wide and has 2 to 3 pounds of weight in large varieties of cauliflower. Head consists of central stalk which branches and holds undeveloped flower buds.

The world's most densely packed island is Santa Cruz del Islote off the Caribbean coast of Colombia. - source

When to use densely packed decimal?

Balsa tree produces large palmate leaves with pointed tips and heart-shaped base. Leaves are densely packed at the end of the branches. Young trees produces leaves that have 4 feet in diameter, while older trees produce leaves that are only 8 to 10 inches wide.

Grevillea produces yellow, orange or red-colored flowers densely packed in roundish or elongated clusters. Individual flowers are composed of colorful sepals divided in 4 lobes and elongated, prominent styles. Grevillea produces flowers with both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers).

Orange hawkweed produces yellow, orange or reddish flower heads on top of the flowering stem. Flower heads consist of densely packed strap-shaped florets equipped with both type of reproductive organs (perfect flowers). Each flower head is surrounded with green bracts (modified leaves) that are covered with long blackish hairs.

Cabbage develops head 70 to 120 days after planting. Head can be elongated, pointed or rounded, depending on the variety. Rosette composed of 7 to 15 leaves can be seen at the beginning. Subsequent leaves are inwardly oriented. They have short petiole and develop close to each other, leading to the formation of densely packed head.

Belgian endive has smooth, cream-colored leaves densely packed in torpedo-shaped heads.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Densely Packed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Densely Packed so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor