Delivery Drivers facts
While investigating facts about Delivery Drivers, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Door Dash food delivery company, does not actually give it's drivers the tip you pay plus regular pay, instead they use it to meet the minimum pay guarantee. UNLESS TIPPED CASH. If tipped cash, the driver gets the entire tip, plus pay guarantee .
Dominos Pizza ended the "30 Minutes or it's Free" guarantee, in the 1980s, after a delivery driver killed a woman trying to meet the time constraint.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 18 of the best facts about Delivery Drivers I managed to collect.
Brian Wells, the pizza delivery driver who alleged to have been taken hostage with a bomb around his neck and instructed to rob a bank
The "Delivery Fees" charged by chain pizza places (Papa Johns and Dominos) are assumed by most people to be a gratuity to the delivery person, but they are not. Delivery drivers never see a dime of it.
A pizza delivery driver developed body armor after being shot on a delivery.
Mark Wahlberg's mother worked as a bank clerk, and his father worked as a delivery driver.
Pizza delivery fees don't really go to their drivers and are a way for pizza chains to conceal from their advertised prices
About Brian Wells, a pizza delivery driver who left for a routine delivery only to be found by police a few hours later trying to rob a bank after a collar bomb was forcibly put around his neck
The Grumman LLV, the delivery vehicle most widely used by the USPS, is one of the only US produced vehicles with the driver’s seat on the right side of the vehicle, and averages only 10mpg in operation.
28% of delivery drivers confess to eating some of your food order
There's an experiment in Finland where people are encouraged to bring home not just their own grocery shopping but their neighbors' too. The first delivery was made by a 17-year-old scooter driver to a mother of two small children.
In 1994 a diesel locomotive was transported by plane from Canada to Ireland instead of shipped, to allow clearance tests and driver training to commence before delivery of the other units
Delivery Drivers data charts
For your convenience take a look at Delivery Drivers figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about delivery drivers?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1984, an out of work ice cream delivery driver from Ohio gamed "Press Your Luck" for $106K (the largest game show payout ever, at the time) by figuring out the patterns of the big board.
Gig companies like doordash, postmates, and instacart steal customer tips and use that money to pay delivery drivers. - source
An Oxford comma changed this court case completely. Delivery drivers won a case seeking extra pay because their contract did not include an Oxford comma preventing them from getting paid for extra time they worked. - source
The Association of Pizza Delivery Drivers was a U.S. labor union representing pizza delivery drivers. This union had nearly 1,000 members across 46 states. It was one of the first unions to be all electronic, operating exclusively over the Internet, and was funded by donations rather than dues. - source
UberEats Delivery drivers sometimes steal your food.