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Daughter Birthday facts

While investigating facts about Daughter Birthday Wishes and Daughter Birthday Card, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Before his death, author Robert Louis Stevenson gifted his friends daughter his own birthday. The daughter had been born on Christmas, and complained she felt like she had no real birthday

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Hunter S. Thompson pranked Jack Nicholson on his birthday by shining a spotlight on his house, blasting a recording of a pig being eaten alive by bears, firing his pistol, and leaving an elk's heart at the front door, while Nicholson and his two daughters hid in the basement.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what can i write in my daughter birthday card. Here are 17 of the best facts about Daughter Birthday Messages and Daughter Birthday Images I managed to collect.

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  1. A mother finding her kidnapped daughter at a birthday party five years after the baby had been presumed dead.

  2. An Australian man in London, desperate not to miss his daughter's birthday back home, posted himself to Australia in a crate which he helped design and build. He amazingly survived the three days journey and became a news sensation in 1964.

  3. Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island, formally donated his birthday by deed of gift to a friend's daughter who felt cheated that her own birthday was December 25th.

  4. When Michael Jackson was buying the Beatles catalog, he threw in a charity concert in Perth for the catalog's Australian owner. Michael aslo gave "Penny Lane" as a birthday gift to the owner's daughter named Penny. This sealed the deal & catalog was sold at $47.5 million in 1985.

  5. Marie Antoinette gave birth to her second daughter on July 9th, 1786 but she died before her first birthday.

  6. In the mid-1960s, Australian athlete Reg Spiers found himself stranded in London with no money to buy a plane ticket home. Desperate to get back to Australia in time for his daughter's birthday, he decided to post himself in a wooden crate.

  7. In the Jetsons, George is 40 years old, Jane (his wife) is 33, and their oldest daughter Judy is 15, suggesting a 25-year-old George got an 18-year-old Judy pregnant within a few months of her 18th birthday.

  8. A man once posted himself from London to Perth as he had no money to get home in time for his daughters birthday

  9. RebeccaPurple (0x663399) was named after and was favorite color of Rebecca Mayer, daughter of web design consultant Eric A. Mayer, who died on her 6th birthday from brain cancer in 2014.

daughter birthday facts
What can i write to my daughter on her birthday?

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You can easily fact check why dating sites are the best by examining the linked well-known sources.

Sarah Burge (The Human Barbie) gave her daughter a voucher for breast implants as a present for her 7th birthday.

Eminem was inspired to write his song "Rock Bottom" on December 1996 when he got fired from his minimum wage job and didn't have any money to buy his daughter a birthday gift so he tried to kill himself by overdosing on pills. - source

Shel Silverstein's first wife died a day before their daughter's 5th birthday and that same daughter died at 11 years old from an aneurysm - source

Joe Walsh had a memorial water fountain placed at his daughter's favorite playground after her death before her third birthday in 1974. In 1984, Stevie Nicks' impromptu visit to the fountain with Joe Walsh inspired her song, "Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You."

OJ Simpson had a daughter who drowned in a pool before her 2nd birthday. - source

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Editor Veselin Nedev Editor