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Dark Stormy facts

While investigating facts about Dark & Stormy and Dark & Stormy Cocktail Recipe, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The guy who brought us It was a dark and stormy night also brought us the pen is mightier than the sword.

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The famous opening phrase It was a dark and stormy night;... was first used in the 1830 novel Paul Clifford by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

What is a dark and stormy alcoholic drink?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what book starts with it was a dark and stormy night. Here are 8 of the best facts about Dark Stormy Night and Dark & Stormy Ingredients I managed to collect.

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  1. Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who came up with the term "The pen is mightier than the sword", is also renowned for popularizing the "It was a dark and stormy night" opening line

  2. "it was a dark and stormy night," a catchphrase that has become shorthand for bad writing, comes from the opening line of the 1830 novel "Paul Clifford" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. The phrase was first used in print by Washington Irving in his 1809 "A History of New York."

  3. The line "It was a dark and stormy night" is the beginning of a novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Each year, the Bulwer-Lyttong contest challenges aspiring writers to compose bad opening sentences to imaginary novels.

  4. The saying "the pen is mightier than the sword" was coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the same author responsible for one of the most-hated sentences in literature - "It was a dark and stormy night..."

  5. Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the Author who coined such phrases as "pursuit of the almighty dollar," "the pen is mightier than the sword," and the infamous opening line "It was a dark and stormy night."

dark stormy facts
What are the two main ingredients of a dark and stormy cocktail?

Dark Stormy data charts

For your convenience take a look at Dark Stormy figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

dark stormy fact data chart about Use of "Dark and Stormy Night" in Books from 1800 to 2008
Use of "Dark and Stormy Night" in Books from 1800 to 2008

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dark Stormy. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dark Stormy so important!

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