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Dante Inferno facts

While investigating facts about Dante's Inferno and Dante's Inferno Game, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In Dante's Inferno, bankers were placed in a lower rung of hell than murderers because Dante condemned excessive (>10%) of Interest on Loans.

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EA hired people to portray Christians to accuse EA of being the Anti-Christ for the videogame Dante's Inferno as a marketing scheme.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 18 of the best facts about Dante's Inferno Movie and Dante's Inferno Book I managed to collect.

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  1. In Dante's Inferno, Dante puts people he considered his enemies in the various circles of hell, even though many of them were still alive when the epic poem was published.

  2. In Dante's Inferno the center of Hell is depicted as a frozen lake made of Satan's tears

  3. During E3 2009 a small protest made up of people claiming to be from a local church was held in objection to EA's game Dantes Inferno. Some protesters went as far as to call EA the antichrist. Confirming the suspicions of many, EA later admitted that the protest was a hoax to promote their game.

  4. It is said that Homer's Odyssey inspired many further highly acclaimed pieces of literature including Inferno (by Dante Alighieri), Don Quixote (by Miguel de Cervantes), Heart of Darkness (by Joseph Conrad), The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (by L. Frank Baum), and Ulysses (by James Joyce).

  5. The Divine Comedy is divided into Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. In simple terms the poem journeys through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, but it holds much deeper meaning representing the journey of the soul towards God. The Divine Comedy is made up of 14,233 lines.

  6. Inferno, Dan Brown's latest novel was published in 2013 again features Robert Langdon as he tries to unravel Dante's Inferno's secrets, amidst symbols, codes, and a riddle that could forever alter the world.

  7. There is a computer programming language called Malbolge, named after the eight circle of hell in Dante's Inferno, which was designed to be almost impossible to program in.

  8. Being Atheist will take you to the 6th circle of Hell according to Dante's Inferno

  9. EA hired actors to protest Dante's Inferno as a disgruntled Christian church for publicity.

  10. Two Islamic scholars: Avicenna and Averroes were counted alongside Plato,Socrates,Euclid and Ptolemy as "noble pagans" in Dante's Inferno

dante inferno facts
What are the best facts about Dante Inferno?

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You can easily fact check why was danny zuko at the beach by examining the linked well-known sources.

Dante Alighieri mentioned farting in Inferno.

An SS anatomist, Dr. Johann Kremer, after witnessing the gassing of victims at Birkenau, wrote in his diary: "Dante's Inferno seems to me almost a comedy compared to this. They don't call Auschwitz the camp of annihilation for nothing!" - source

During E3 2009, EA hired an alleged Christian group to protest the release of the game "Dante's Inferno" as a PR stunt. - source

The Dante Alligheri, author of Divine Comedy (Dante's Inferno), has never found rest. After dying in Ravenna, we was exumed on his 600th birthday where an admirer reached into his tomb and grabbed a handful of ashes. It was split into six bags, four of which are still missing to this day.

There was a Disney comics parody of Dante's Inferno - source

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Science fiction has been around for centuries. Dante, for instance, wrote that he and Virgil climbed *up* Satan once they reached his waist in *Inferno* because they'd reached the center of gravitation at Earth's core.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Dante Inferno. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Dante Inferno so important!

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