Incredible and fun facts to explore

Customers Complained facts

While investigating facts about After Its Customers Complained and Several Customers Complained, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A company in England accidentally sent letters to some of their wealthy customers that began “Dear Rich Bastard” and one customer complained who did not receive the letter because he felt that his wealth warranted the “Rich Bastard” title

how customer service works?

In 1946 Kodak customers complained about film developing cloudy. Kodak investigated & found the corn husks used for packing was radioactive. They discovered something that was not public knowledge; the packaging was exposed to fallout from the world's first nuclear bomb explosion.

What's customer service?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what customer service skills. Here are 16 of the best facts about Some Customers Complained and The Customers Have Complained I managed to collect.

why i'm good at customer service?

  1. There is a 4000 year old clay tablet which is a customer's letter complaining about sub-standard copper and wanting a refund.

  2. A company in England accidentally sent letters to some of its wealthy customers that began "Dear Rich Bastard". One customer who did not receive the letter complained, certain their wealth was enough to warrant the "rich bastard" title.

  3. A customer had to be dragged from a burning Hamburg, Germany sex shop by firefighters when he refused orders to evacuate. He had shut himself inside a private booth to watch a film ("Throbbin Hood") and was heard complaining (while coughing from smoke inhalation) that he hadn't "finished yet"

  4. In July 1945, Kodak accidentally discovered the U.S. was testing atomic bombs after customers complained of "foggy" film.

  5. In 1998 an 8 year old boy was electrocuted using a bathroom hand dryer at Pizza Hut in Mississippi. The hand dryer had no ground wire and multiple customers had previously complained about being shocked.

  6. Potato chips were invented in 1853 when a frustrated chef sliced potatoes razor thin, fried them until crisp and seasoned them with extra salt in response to a restaurant customer complaining that his potatoes were cut too thick. The customer loved them.

  7. The potato chip was invented in 1853 by a Native American chef who was trying to rile a customer who had complained about his "too thick" french fries.

  8. When angry customers complained about Kodak film that was “foggy” and unusable, a Kodak scientist traced the cause to a “new type of radiation” in packing material made from corn husks. He alerted the govt, but they already knew: it was nuclear fallout from the first atomic test in Nevada.

  9. A Scottish minister tried to get Glasgow 'protected designation of origin'-status for Chicken Tikka Masala, which it is claimed was invented in a Glasgow restaurant by a Bangladeshi chef after a customer complained his curry was too dry.

  10. In 1990, Coca-Cola tried putting cash in cans of soda; the promotion had to be halted after customers complained of "foul smelling" and soaked bills.

customers complained facts
What customer service representative?

Why customers complaints are important?

You can easily fact check why customers complain so much by examining the linked well-known sources.

Men were so much better at prostitution than women in Venice; particularly homosexual men using a Gnaga mask, that the female prostitute's complained to the bishop and got a law to allow them to expose their breasts from windows to get more customers.

Church's came under flak in Malaysia when one of the customers complained about the food coming from Church, referring to the brand name Church's Chicken. Upon clarification from Church's Chicken that the name Church is not related to religion, but is the name of the founder, the issue was over. - source

During Walmart’s attempt at expanding their market in Germany, greeters were soon abolished after customers complained of being “harassed by strangers on store premises”

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Customers Complained. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Customers Complained so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor