Crossed Finish facts
While investigating facts about Crossed Finish Line and In A Race The Second Place Finisher Crossed, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1923, Frank Hayes became the first ever jockey to win a horse race despite being dead. He died from a heart attack mid-race but somehow his body stayed strapped onto the horse and he crossed the finish line in first place, beating 20-1 odds.
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Philip Boit, the first Kenyan to participate in the Winter Olympics. Competing in the 10 KM classic cross-country race he came in last. The winner, Bjørn Dæhlie, waited for Boit to reach the finish line in order to hug him. The moment affected him so much Boit named his son after Dæhlie
What does crossed the finish line mean?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 24 of the best facts about Crossed The Finish Line Meaning and Crossed The Finish Line Meme I managed to collect.
what sport has a finish line that cannot be crossed?
Frank Hayes, a jockey, who in 1923 suffered a fatal heart attack and died mid race. His body remained on the horse and crossed the finish line in first place. He had never won a race before in his life.
In 1915 a group of 112 Belgian prisoners asked the German commandant permission to organize a bike race. Under strict rules and heavy oversight, the racers escaped from Belgium simply by continuing after they crossed the finish line.
Jockey Frank Hayes holds a unique distinction in horse racing history. During a run at Belmont Park, Hayes suffered a heart attack mid-race, but he remained in the saddle until crossing the finish line. He won the race on 20-1 odds despite being dead.
Frank Hayes, a jockey who died in 1923 after suffering a fatal heart attack in the middle of a steeplechase at Belmont Park in New York State, USA. His lifeless body stayed on the saddle until his horse crossed the finish line, making him the only jockey known to have won a race after death
Hands down" originated when a jockey, having secured the outcome, could afford to loosen the reigns and lower his hands before crossing the finish line.
Kenyan Abel Mutai was winning a cross-country race in Spain when 10 meters away from the finish he stopped thinking he had crossed the line - giving Spanish runner Fernandez Anaya the chance to overtake him. Instead, Fernandez caught up to his exhausted rival and guided him to the finish line.
In one stage of the 2017 Tour de France, two cyclists crossed the finish line only 6 millimetres, or 0.0003 seconds, apart.
The winner of the Men's marathon at the 1904 Summer Olympics received several doses of rat poison mixed with brandy to stimulate the nervous system and was supported by his trainers while crossing the finish line.
More people have summited Mount Everest than have crossed the finish line at the Iditarod.
Crossed Finish data charts
For your convenience take a look at Crossed Finish figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about crossed finish?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
A canal system crosses France, connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The Canal des Deux Mers ("Two Seas Canal"), 270 miles long, was finished in the mid-19th century after almost 200 years of construction.
In 1923 jockey Frank Hayes won a race despite being dead. He suffered a heart attack and died during the race, but stayed in the saddle of the horse "Sweet Kiss" and crossed the finish line first. He was officially declared the winner and the horse was henceforth known as "Sweet Kiss of Death". - source
Because drinking water during a Marathon Run was seen as bad style, Thomas Hicks was given given Brandy with egg white and 1mg Strychnine. He was the first to cross the finishing line at the Olympic Games in 1904.
In 1996 Uta Pippig won the Boston Marathon, shocking spectators and announcers by crossing the finish line covered in bloody diarrhea. - source
What did washington say when he crossed the delaware?
Frank Hayes is the only dead person to win a horse race. He suffered a fatal heart attack during a 1923 race but his body remained in the saddle as his horse, Sweet Kiss, crossed the finish line first. People only realized he was dead when they went to congratulate him on his victory.
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When the US learned the CSS Stonewall's construction was finished. They sent numerous ships to prevent it from crossing the Atlantic "including the Kearsarge". Upon seeing the ship they all turned and fled, but by the time the Stonewall reached Cuba the war had ended.
A man, George Schuster, drove a car from New York to Paris in 1908 hoping to cross the frozen Bering Strait to Siberia, he finished, but did have to take a boat at one point because the Strait was not frozen enough for driving - also snowplows did not exist...
Gb host a charity event called "British Duck Race" where they launch a 250,000 Blue Rubber Ducks into the river for charity. They have raised Millions of dollars and the first duck to cross the finish line wins a cut of the donations.
Frank Hayes is the first and only jockey to win a horse race after dying. Hayes apparently died somewhere in the middle of the race, but his body remained in the saddle throughout and crossed the finish line, winning by a head.
A stable man and horse trainer, Frank Hayes, was a jockey in one race during which he died before crossing the finish line. This makes him the only jockey to never win a race while alive, but posthumously.