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Country Gdp facts

While investigating facts about Country Gdp Ranking and Country Gdp List, I found out little known, but curios details like:

At $1.5 trillion, the Greater New York area's contribution to the US economy not only outstrips all other regions in the Unites States, it also exceeds the GDP of all but 11 countries.

how country gdp is calculated?

The African country of Lesotho's garment industry accounts for 20% of GDP. Workers regularly earn up to $420/month, child labor is fully banned, and new mothers get two to six weeks of leave, with 58% belonging to trade unions.

What country has the highest gdp?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what country has the highest gdp per capita. Here are 50 of the best facts about Country Gdp Per Capita and Country Gdp Ranking 2019 I managed to collect.

what is gdp of a country?

  1. In EverQuest, the sale of valuable items for both in-game platinum and for actual money allows exchange rates to be worked out. The BBC reported in 2002 that EQ was the 77th richest country in the world, between Russia and Bulgaria, with a higher GDP per capita than both China and India.

  2. Singapore is the third wealthiest country in the world (based on per capita GDP).

  3. Liechtenstein, one of the smallest countries in the world, has one of the lowest business and corporate tax rates, highest GDP per capita, zero external debt, and more registered businesses than people.

  4. Luxembourg is the second wealthiest country in the world (based on per capita GDP).

  5. The NYPD has an annual budget of $4.8 Billion; putting it about 150th if you rank countries by GDP.

  6. Botswana, once one of the poorest countries in the world, grew its GDP per capita from US$ 70 in the 60's to US$ 16,000 in the 2010's

  7. The annual revenue of all companies founded by Stanford alumni and faculty members is $2.7 trillion, more than the GDP of all but nine countries in the world.

  8. The .tv domain name is actually the country code for Tuvalu, and is the source of a large amount of their GDP (which is the lowest of any country)

  9. I learned that Fiji Water really is sourced and bottled in Fiji, then shipped more than 5,000 miles to the US. Fiji Water sales make up about 1% of the country's GDP, but many Fijians live without easy access to clean, affordable water.

  10. Lesotho spends a higher proportion of its GDP (13%) on education than any other country in the world and an average child there can expect to spend 10 years of their life in education

country gdp facts
What country has the lowest gdp?

Country Gdp data charts

For your convenience take a look at Country Gdp figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

country gdp fact data chart about European countries ranked by GDP (PPP) per capita: 1997 vs.
European countries ranked by GDP (PPP) per capita: 1997 vs. 2017

country gdp fact data chart about Which countries contribute a greater proportion of global CO
Which countries contribute a greater proportion of global CO2 emissions than they contribute to global GDP?

Why gdp is important for a country?

You can easily fact check why is gdp the best measurement of a country's economy by examining the linked well-known sources.

The country of Tuvalu makes much of its annual GDP from selling its country internet domain name ".tv".

The networth of Brunei's sultan is more than his country's GDP. ($20 billion vs ~$14.7 billion) - source

The UK illegal cannabis industry is so large at £7 billion that It has to be included in the country's GDP. - source

"Vulture funds" make 300%-2000% profit by buying up debt from heavily indebted poor countries (eg in Africa) - they sometimes claim up to 13% of GDP in repayments.

Despite the country of Singapore having some of the higher GDP per capita in the world. 3% of its people hold 85% of the country's wealth - source

A country's economy is stagnating when the gdp is doing which of the following?

The USA has twice the GDP of every other country in North America, Central America, South America and the Caribbean combined.

How to increase gdp of a country?

Although China has the second largest economy in the world, it is still considered as a developing country because its per-capita GDP remains below any accepted minimum threshold for developed-country status

Just 6 U.S. Cities contribute over 25% to the country's GDP

The New York City metropolitan area has an economy of over 1.6 trillion dollars, and if it was a country it would have a GDP larger than Russia's and only slightly smaller than Brazil's.

Just 60 years after being colonized by the British empire, and settled by Europeans, New Zealand had the highest GDP of any country in 1900, over $200 more than the USA at $4300 per capita. Although the GDP decreased steadily, in 1959, the country of millions had only 21 unemployed people.

The combined GDP of all 54 countries in Africa is barely 1/5th of the United States' GDP.

Country gdp infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Country Gdp numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

country gdp fact infographic about LatinoAmerican countries ranked by GDP (PPP) per capita: 199

LatinoAmerican countries ranked by GDP (PPP) per capita: 1997 vs. 2017

country gdp fact infographic about US Average income by ancestry compared to home country avera

US Average income by ancestry compared to home country average IQ, GDP per capita, and murder rate

Which of the following would be counted when measuring a country's gdp?

If the San Francisco Bay Area were a country, it would be ranked sixteenth in the world in terms of GDP.

Walmart's yearly sales of $469 billion exceeds the GDP of 167 of the world’s 193 countries.

The US is in less debt, relative to it's GDP, than most countries in Europe

Walmart's revenue is about the same as Sweden's GDP, a country of 10.3 million people

The state of California, as a separate country would have had the 5th highest economy (GDP) in the world.

How can a country increase its gdp?

The World Bank estimated that illnesses and premature deaths linked to China’s pollution cost it about $100 billion – the equivalent of 3% of the country’s GDP in 2009

Indian homes hold gold worth $950 billion, which in turn is around 50% of the country’s GDP in dollar terms.

Bavaria, Germany has a population of 13 million yet has a bigger GDP than all but 20 countries in the world with a GDP exceeding $600 billion USD

If the EU was a country, it would be the wealthiest in the world with a GDP PPP of $19.973 trillion

The top 400 income earners in the US have incomes greater than the GDP of every other country in the world, except the US and China.

By 1950, as the rest of the world was struggling to recover from World War II, Venezuela had the fourth-richest GDP per capita on Earth. The country was 2x richer than Chile, 4x richer than Japan, and 12x richer than China!

Maldives is the country with the highest percentage of GDP from tourism.

2,153 billionaires around the world hold about US$8.7 trillion, that makes them the 3rd biggest GDP "country" in the world after china.

Trinidad and Tobago is the 3rd richest country in the Americas by GDP per capita after the US and Canada.

Bangladesh has the fastest GDP growth rate of any country. Nearly double that of China.

Equatorial Guinea has a per capita GDP higher than New Zealand or Israel, but its population is poor because the country's dictator keeps all the money to himself and his friends.

All the countries within NATO, the one with the second highest military spending after the USA, per % of it's GDP is.... Greece.

After the slave-led Haitian Revolution of 1804, France demanded €17bn (today's value) in reparations or Haiti would suffer political isolation. Haiti finally paid it off in 1947 although the amount was ten-times the annual GDP of the country at the time.

California has a larger GDP than any other country except for China, Japan, Germany and the UK.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Country Gdp. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Country Gdp so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor