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Cost Upwards facts

While investigating facts about Cost Upwards Of and Which Can Cost Upwards, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The GPS service used globally is paid for by the U.S. Department of Defense, and costs upwards of a billion dollars annually.

how much does it cost to extend a bungalow upwards?

"Beats" Headphones cost roughly $14 to make and can sell for upwards of $450

What does the usps cost taxpayers?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does obamacare cost taxpayers. Here are 28 of the best facts about Will Cost Upwards and Cost Of Extending A Bungalow Upwards I managed to collect.

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  1. The only place to buy booze in Disneyland is a secret bar, where membership costs upwards of $37,000 each and you have to wait 14 years to join.

  2. In the US, child adoptions generally cost $1K or less, while infant adoptions can run upwards of $30K

  3. Blue Blood from a horseshoe crab is very expensive. It can cost upwards of $60,000/gallon on the open market. Horseshoe crab have a compound in their blood called LAL – Limulus Amebocyte Lysate. This compound immediately binds and clots around viruses, endotoxins, and fungi.

  4. In all yellow taxi cabs in NYC are required to have a TLC medallion to operate. These medallions cost upwards of $700k, and are rarely sold outside of auctions by private owners.

  5. Commercial aircrafts undergo a series of maintenance checks on different intervals of time, one of which takes up to 50,000 man hours, 2 months, and costs upwards of 1,000,000$ to complete prior to review.

  6. If the U.S. sustained a direct hit from an X-class solar flare, it would cost the nation upward of $2 trillion in the first year and kill up to 90 percent of the U.S. population due to the lack of services, starvation and disease

  7. People still use pagers, and that can cost upwards of $500.

  8. Sixty percent of The Economist's revenue comes from subscriptions (which cost upwards of $120 per year), a much higher percentage than traditional publications in the United States

  9. Horses are flown to the Olympics, have their own passport, and a round trip flight can cost upwards of $20,000

  10. A 2gb hard drive cost upwards of $200,000 in the early eighties

cost upwards facts
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You can easily fact check why is solar energy cost effective by examining the linked well-known sources.

One dose (0.5mg) of ranibizumab (Lucentis) to treat macular degeneration of the eye can cost upwards of $2000 which roughly works out to $3,900,000/gram, or $110,000,000/oz.

Musical fireworks displays can cost up to $2,000 a minute, with many running over $20,000 per show. The Macy’s NYC spectacular will cost upwards of $6,000,000. - source

Keanu Reeves has a custom motorcycle manufacturing business, their bikes can cost upwards of US$80K, and yes the bikes are sexy as hell - source

Each Weatherspoon's pub in the UK has an unique carpet tailored to each pub's name and history, each costing upwards of £30,000.

The 2011 Christchurch Earthquake in New Zealand is expected to cost upwards of $40 billion dollars. That averages out at over $9000 per person in New Zealand. - source

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In one part of Hong Kong, golf carts cost upward of HK $2 Million ($250,000 USD)

How much does it cost to extend upwards?

Liquid mirror telescopes create a parabolic mirror by spinning liquid mercury (relying on both gravity and inertia); they cost a fraction of a traditional mirror telescope, but can only be pointed vertically upwards in the zenith position

Fuel used by cargo ships cost about $280 per tonne. Ships may carry upwards of seven thousand tonnes for a round-trip between Asia and California

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics could cost upwards of 30 billion USD to host.

The most expensive thing ever built by humans had a cost upwards of $160Billion, that structure is the International Space Station

Climbing Mt. Everest costs upwards of $40,000

When does it cost effective to refinance a mortgage?

Kobe Beef is made from cows that are fed large amounts of beer and are also massaged to make the beef more tender. They can cost upwards of $100/Lb!

Lego gave out solid gold Lego bricks to employees for their 25th anniversary at the company. They only did it for 2 years, so trying to obtain one of these rare bricks can cost upwards of $15k.

The book Sled Driver costs upwards of $300 USD for a print copy because of limited printings by the author.

The EU proposes legislation in Brussels but they can't vote on anything there, so once a month the entire organization travels to France, costing taxpayers upwards of £93 a year.

Balboa Island in Newport Beach, CA has some of the most expensive real estate in North America outside of Manhattan, with water view lots costing upwards of $3,000,000,000.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cost Upwards. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cost Upwards so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor