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Correct Pronunciation facts

While investigating facts about Correct Pronunciation Of Words and Correct Pronunciation Of English Words, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There's a poem called "The Chaos" by Gerard Nolst Trenité which was written to show differences in pronunciation of English words spelled similarly and only rhymes if you know how to pronounce them correctly.

how to read quran with correct pronunciation?

The word 'Ortheopy', meaning 'the correct pronunciation of words' can itself be pronounced five different ways.

What is the correct pronunciation of pecan?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the correct pronunciation of salmon. Here are 19 of the best facts about Correct Pronunciation Of Nike and Correct Pronunciation Of Gyro I managed to collect.

what is the correct pronunciation of caramel?

  1. Halley's Comet has two correct pronunciations. It can rhyme with "daily" or "valley" since the discoverer, Edmond Halley, spelled his name 6 different ways during his lifetime.

  2. Bill Nye got his name after appearing on a show and hearing host saying "jiggawatt". He corrected Keister on his pronunciation of the word "gigawatt", and the nickname was born when Keister responded, "Who do you think you are—Bill Nye the Science Guy?"

  3. There is no 'j' in Hebrew or Latin. All Biblical nouns starting with 'j' in English (Joseph, Jacob, Judah, Jerusalem, Jeremiah, etc.) were first written that way at a time when 'j' was pronounced like today's 'y'. So the correct pronunciation is Yoseph, Yacob, etc.

  4. "nucular" is such a common mispronunciation of the word "nuclear" that several dictionaries mention it, although none so far list it as correct. In popular culture, the "nucular" pronunciation has often been used to signify inferiority, low intellect or foolishness.

  5. Dr Seuss is correctly pronounced "Zoice", rhyming with "voice" and not "juice". For his pseudonym, Dr. Seuss accepted this pronunciation of his middle name.

  6. Aluminum and Aluminium are both correct pronunciations. The founder originally named it Alumium but was pressured to conform with the -ium names of most other elements. While everyone else called it Aluminium, the ACS used Webster's Dictionary spelling of Aluminum which stuck in America.

  7. The correct pronunciation of Newfoundland is 'Noo-fn-land', and in 1876 two men got into such a heated dispute that one of them was shot. The man who shot him then went on the run for 37 years.

  8. There is no official "correct" pronunciation for the name Moleskine. The company says, "Everyone should feel free to pronounce it as he/she prefers. Enjoy."

  9. Saying "Hunger pains" is incorrect, the correct pronunciation is "hunger pangs" which means an emotional longing or physical pain.

  10. Misspelling words while not detracting from the correct pronunciation is called "eye dialect".

correct pronunciation facts
What is the correct pronunciation of caribbean?

Why do i correct pronunciation?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The correct pronunciation of The River Thames is really The River 'Tems'. There is a debate as to whether the name of the Thames is Indo-European or of another unknown origin.

The correct pronunciation of Pepperoncini. - source

Some shoe boxes for Saucony, often mispronounced "Sow-Ko-Nee", display the correct pronunciation, "Sock-a-Knee," along the inside of the box. - source

The correct pronunciation of Ibiza is "Eivissa".

There are two correct pronunciations for the word biopic. - source

What is the correct pronunciation for en route?

Missouri has multiple pronunciations. Both 'Missour-ee' and 'Missour-uh' are considered correct. People use either whether they are new or native to the state, northern or southern, educated or not, or living in the city or country.

How to correct english pronunciation?

Flaksid is a correct pronunciation of the word flaccid.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Correct Pronunciation. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Correct Pronunciation so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor