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Converted Catholicism facts

While investigating facts about Female Saints Converted Catholicism and Famous Evangelicals Who Converted To Catholicism, I found out little known, but curios details like:

JRR Tolkien initially fell in love with his future wife at 16 years old. His guardian, a catholic priest ordered him to not have any contact until he was 21. He obeyed and met her under a railroad viaduct and she broke up her engagement, converted to Catholicism and married Tolkien.

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Famous mathematician & scientist Blaise Pascal converted to Catholicism after having a 2-hour mystical experience. He spent the rest of his life mostly writing about theology and apologetics.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 36 of the best facts about Why I Converted To Catholicism and Saints Who Converted To Catholicism I managed to collect.

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  1. There are married Roman Catholic priests; there are about 80. In almost all the cases, the priests were married before they joined the Catholic church. Once they converted to Catholicism, they remained married and their vows are recognized by the Vatican.

  2. The last Incan emperor was captured by the Spanish and sentenced to execution by burning. A Spanish priest told him that if he converted to Catholicism his sentence would be commuted. He converted so instead the Spanish strangled him to death.

  3. In 1615 a Japanese samurai named Hasekura Tsunenaga travelled aboard a Spanish ship to Rome where he converted to Catholicism and was made a nobleman by the Pope.

  4. About Sultan Bayezid II. When hearing about the Alhambra Decree which expelled all Jews unwilling to convert to Roman Catholicism from Spain, he dispatched the Ottoman Navy to bring the exiled Jews to safety and granted them citizenship.

  5. Marco Rubio, his mother, and his sister were baptized Mormon while living in Las Vegas but when they moved back to Florida they converted back to Catholicism.

  6. St. Patrick banishing the snakes from Ireland was really just a metaphor for converting pagans to Catholicism

  7. Confederate Lieutenant General James Longstreet of Gettysburg fame would go on to endorse Ulysses Grant for President, join the party of Lincoln, serve as Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, convert to Catholicism and marry a second wife so much younger than he that she didn't died until 1962.

  8. A program at the University of Kansas in the 1970s focusing on classical works of literature was shut down because too many of the students were converting to Catholicism

  9. Israel Zolli, Chief Rabbi of Rome during WWII, was so grateful for and impressed with Pope Pius XII's efforts to save Jews from the Holocaust that he converted to Catholicism and took the name Eugenio after the Pope's birth name.

  10. Sir Alec Guinness, who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, converted to Catholicism after he believed his son was miraculously cured of polio in response to his prayers. He remained a faithful Catholic until his death in 2000.

converted catholicism facts
What are the best facts about Converted Catholicism?

Why did the aztecs converted to catholicism?

You can easily fact check why i converted from orthodoxy to catholicism by examining the linked well-known sources.

St. Peter's Basilica is home to more than 100 tombs, including the tombs of 91 popes, Holy Roman Emperor Otto II, and Queen Christina, the Swedish woman who gave up the throne to convert to Catholicism.

Native Americans in the French colonies who converted to Catholicism were considered full French citizens - source

Mary was sent to a Roman Catholic girl's school, which is when she converted to Catholicism.

Black Elk converted to Roman Catholicism in 1904.

There are some that believe that Junipero Serra used forceful methods to convert the Native Americans to Catholicism and do not believe that he should have been made a saint.

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Oliver Cromwell’s direct descendant, Katherine, married into the British royal family and later became the first member of the royal family to convert to Catholicism in over 300 years.

How many anglicans have converted to catholicism?

In 1900 J.R.R. Tolkien's mother converted her and the children to Catholicism and her Baptist family stopped supporting them.

The tradition of hanging pig legs in Spain originated during the Spanish Inquisition, as Jews and Muslims would hang pork outside their homes and shops to make it seem like they'd converted to Catholicism and to avoid being burnt at the stake

Charles Dickens, author of A Christmas Carol, had his own terrifying nighttime encounter with a spirit. The female figure, who did not name herself, was draped in blue and told him to convert to Catholicism (he did not).

Arturo O'Neil the Irish Governor of West Florida for the Spanish Empire wanted to mass produce mestizos (people of mixed white and Native American ancestry) as he believed they were friendlier towards whites. To Accomplish this he planned to convert the Natives to Catholicism.

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Indian historians have noted that Junipero Serra suppressed their culture and because of his missions and his efforts to convert Native Americans to Catholicism that many died prematurely at his missions.

British Monarchs were prohibited from converting to Catholicism or even marrying a Catholic from 1701 until 2013.

Owen Fitzpen was captured by pirates, mounted a rebellion, taking their ship and cargo and turned down wealth and a Title from the King of Spain because he wouldn't convert to Catholicism.

The Chief Rabbi of Rome converted to Catholicism in 1945 after claiming to see a vision of Jesus while presiding over Yom Kippur services

Mehmet Ali Agca, who made an assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981. He converted to Catholicism and said he wants to make a public apology on JPII's tomb, but now claims that he is Jesus Christ.

Israel Zolli, the chief rabbi of Rome from 1940 to 1945, defended pope Pius XII. after the war and later converted to Catholicism after a vision of Jesus

The inhabitants of the biodiverse Yemeni island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean converted to Christianity in 52 AD before Catholicism existed and the Portuguese tried to establish a colony to liberate the Christian tribesmen from Yemen.

Pinatas have a rich religious history and were used to convert Mexicans to Catholicism.

Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden spent his life fighting for Protestantism. His daughter, Christina, converted to Catholicism, abdicated the throne and moved to Rome, where she died at the age of 62.

In order to take the French Crown and end the "Wars of Religion" Henry IV was said to have declared "Paris is Well Worth Mass" and converted to Catholicism.

The Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition, Tomás de Torquemada, a supporter of the decree expelling Jews from Spain, was himself from a "converso" family. Meaning his family were Jews that converted to Catholicism.

During the 1905 Tibetan Rebellion, Tibetan Buddhist Lamas attacked, killed, and tortured French Catholic missionaries, and killed Tibetans who converted to Catholicism. Which was done in response to the The British invasion of Lhasa.

About Justo Takayama Ukon, a samurai who converted to Catholicism, was exiled and went to the Philippines, and was beatified in Japan.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Converted Catholicism. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Converted Catholicism so important!

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