Colour Coded facts
While investigating facts about Colour Coded Chopping Boards and Colour Coded Quran, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Students at Oxford University are required to wear academic dress for all of their examinations - including a suit, gown, bowtie, and colour coded carnation. Students wear different gowns depending on their grades. Cambridge no longer has such dress for exams.
how are fire extinguishers colour coded?
The Dabbawalas of Mumbai, a workforce of around 5,000 who deliver, with the help of an efficient railway, 200,000 tiffin boxes daily to workers. Established in 1890, the colour-coded/symbol system they use was originally designed for use by the illiterate and leads to hardly any mistakes.
What colour-coded?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is colour coded cleaning. Here are 11 of the best facts about Colour Coded Lyrics and Colour Coded Chopping Boards Food Safety I managed to collect.
what colour coded chopping boards are for?
In the late 1920s the United States Army created several colour-coded war plans, including War Plan Red, in which the US Army estimated the requirements for a hypothetical war with the British Empire. Even planning a series of possible precautionary campaigns to invade Canada.
Even up to 15th century, the word 'Girl' meant 'Child'. Male children were called 'Knave Girls' and females were called 'Gay Girls'. Also, the colour coding was opposite until the end of 20th century, blue was for girls because it was pale and dainty, and pink was stronger, so for boys.
The colour of purple used on Cadbury wrappings is actually tied with an interesting study called colour psychology which uses colour to make you feel emotions. The colour Cadbury uses is trademarked by them and no one else can use that exact shade of purple, which has a colour code of 2685C
All women in Iran are required by law to wear loose-fitting clothes. In reality the dress code is more relaxed and open to interpretation. It’s not unusual to see young women in the larger cities wearing figure-hugging manteaus, skinny jeans, high heels and colourful rusaris
We can’t correct colour blindness, as it is caused by an inherited defect in the genes that code for the colour-sensitive proteins in the eye.
Cosmic Latte is the name of the average colour of the universe. The universe is not black, it is slightly beigeish white (HEX Code: FFF8E7)
Most colour laser printers secretly print a forensic code on every one of your printouts.
Red Republican and blue Democrat colour codes have been that way only since the 2000 election between Bush and Gore.
Numerous brands of colour laser printers (in the US) leave coded metadata in barely perceptible yellow dots that can be used to trace a printed document to its source, a feature originally intended as a deterrent to counterfeiting currency with laser printers.
Colour Coded data charts
For your convenience take a look at Colour Coded figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Colour coded infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Colour Coded numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Relative refractive index (RI) of 60 types of gem materials w/crystal system (or nature) colour codings