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Colombia Hippo facts

While investigating facts about Colombia Hippos and Colombia Hippo Problem, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In the 1980s Pablo Escobar bought four hippos that he kept in Colombia. After Escobar's death, they were left untended at his estate. As of 2014, 40 hippos have been reported to exist from the original four and are considered potentially invasive.

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When drug lord Pablo Escobar's personal zoo was left abandoned after his death, four hippos escaped into the wilds of Colombia; their numbers have since grown to around 40.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the cologne cathedral used for today. Here are 29 of the best facts about Colombia Hippopotamus and Colombia Hippo Population I managed to collect.

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  1. Colombia has a hippo problem because drug lord Pablo Escobar's 4 pet hippos escaped after his death

  2. Pablo Escobar had a zoo at his estate that included four hippos smuggled from Africa. After he was killed, the estate was abandoned and the hippos escaped. There are now over 50 hippos in the rivers of Colombia

  3. Pablo Escobar had four hippos which, left untended for decades, have been breeding and now there are around 50 wandering an area in northwestern Colombia.

  4. 4 hippos from drug kingpin Pablo Escobar's private zoo have multiplied into as many as 50 roaming free in Colombia as the largest invasive species in the world.

  5. Pablo Escobar brought hippos to Colombia for his "Safari" and now they are running wild.

  6. Colombia has a massive Hippo problem because after Pablo Escobar died, his four pet Hippos escaped

  7. After Pablo Escobar died and his compound was invaded, the police released 4 of hippos that he had in possession. Colombia now has a hippo problem

  8. After legendary drug kingpin Pablo Escobar was killed most of his personal menagerie of animals were given to zoos, but not the hippopotamus's. Escobars hippos now roam Colombia and are a growing problem. They are known as the "Cocaine Hippos".

  9. In the 1980s Pablo Escobar imported 4 hippos into Colombia that have now grown to a herd of over 40 and are impossible to relocate

colombia hippo facts
What is the cologne cathedral used for?

Why are hippos in colombia?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

As of 2014, 40 wild hippos roam Colombia. - source

The four hippos from Pablo Escobar’s zoo have multiplied and become an invasive species in Colombia.

Pablo Escobar had a private zoo on his property that housed Hippos imported from Africa that escaped captivity after his death and roam Colombia wildly still today due to breeding. - source

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How a drug lord created a hippo problem in Colombia

How many hippos are there in colombia?

A population of hippo's lives in Colombia. They escaped from Escobar's private zoo after he was killed and now live in the Magdalena river

Hippos are an invasive species in Colombia. The animals were pets of drug lord Pablo Escobar, who released them into a lake on his estate.

Drug King Pin Pablo Escobar kept 4 hippos in a private zoo on his estate. Upon his death in 1993, they were left to their own devices. They multiplied and escaped and are now an invasive species in Colombia.

Colombia has a growing population of wild hippopotamuses. Pablo Escobar (drug lord) originally imported 4 African 'cocaine hippos' for a private safari park. After his death, some escaped and numbers now exceed 40 [Nat Geo clip]

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Despite being killed in 1993, Pablo Escobar's hippos still roam wild in Colombia and have increased in population to 35.

Pablo Escobar had hippos in his private zoo. After his death, the zoo went into disrepair and the hippos were forgotten about. But they managed to thrive and multiply, and in the process, have started to proliferate throughout Colombia

Pablo Escobar had four hippos which, left untended for decades, have been breeding and now there are around 50 wandering an area in northwestern Colombia.

Pablo Escobar smuggled four hippos into Colombia from Africa for his own personal zoo. After his death they were left to fend for themselves in the wild and today their numbers range between 30 to 60.

Pablo Escobar's Escaped Hippos Are Thriving in Colombia

How many wild hippos in colombia?

Colombia has a hippo problem because drug lord Pablo Escobar's 4 pet hippos escaped after his death.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Colombia Hippo. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Colombia Hippo so important!

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