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College Campuses facts

While investigating facts about College Campuses Fall 2020 and College Campuses Must Reopen In The Fall, I found out little known, but curios details like:

High priced college textbooks bundled with "access codes" that expire at the end of the semester largely force students to buy books at retail prices at campus bookstores and render the texts worthless in the resale market. Nearly four in 10 college courses bundle their texts with access codes.

how to promote diversity on college campuses?

Hampshire college students spend the morning of Easter Sunday hunting for (and drinking) kegs of beer hidden in woods near the campus. It's called the Easter Keg Hunt.

What college campuses are dry?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are safe spaces on college campuses. Here are 34 of the best facts about College Campuses Near Me and College Campuses Shutting Down I managed to collect.

what college campuses allow guns?

  1. Theodore Geisel took up the pseudonym Dr. Seuss after being banned from his college humor magazine for drinking gin on campus during Prohibition.

  2. The College of the Ozarks doesn't charge tuition. Instead, students work on campus at least 15 hours a week (and have two 40-hour work weeks.)

  3. In college LBJ tried to join the Black Stars, a secret society who ruled campus politics. The Black Stars wouldn't let him in, so he formed the White Stars who secretly opposed the Black Stars. Here, LBJ developed the relentless leadership techniques that would carry him to the White House.

  4. College students in the U.S. on average spend 85% more for on-campus food than the average American spends on food

  5. UC Merced’s student population includes more than 73 percent who are the first in their family to attend college — double the national average and by far the highest of any UC campus. Nearly 55 percent of UC Merced’s students are Hispanic, and nine in 10 students receive financial aid

  6. Fordham University, a gated community of college students where the tuition is $65k+ a year, keeps their student body ”protected” from the rest of The Bronx by its gates and security guards. Students have commented on the disconnect between Fordham campus and its community

  7. While in college Janis Joplin was voted "Ugliest Man on Campus" by the frat boys

  8. There is a college called "Pensacola Christian College" where they control students' lives to a high degree, including dress, hairstyles, cleanliness of residence hall rooms, styles of music, borrowing, and off-campus employment.

  9. There is a trend across college campuses where freedom of speech is being challenged by efforts to protect students from emotional/mental harm

  10. A tiny American men's-only school called Deep Springs College in which the students must "give up alcohol, television and even leaving campus during term," instead doing manual agricultural labor when not in class

college campuses facts
What are the most beautiful college campuses?

College Campuses data charts

For your convenience take a look at College Campuses figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

college campuses fact data chart about Tiny bit of data. The top five applications my college campu
Tiny bit of data. The top five applications my college campus in the past 24hours.

college campuses fact data chart about My [M22] tinder experience on a college campus, visualized
My [M22] tinder experience on a college campus, visualized

Why guns should be allowed on college campuses?

You can easily fact check why did college campuses erupt in violence in 1970 by examining the linked well-known sources.

The worlds largest women's college campus is in Saudi Arabia

Humans vs. Zombies" is a live-action game played on college campuses. - source

3 years ago Miami Dade College reached a $33.5 million settlement with the contractor and subcontractors hired to build a parking garage at the Doral campus that collapsed during construction killing four people and injuring seven others. - source

Austin Community College - Highland Campus. The college campus is located inside a former shopping mall

Jeremy Bentham, founder of the United College of London and modern Utilitarianism, asked his body be preserved as an auto-icon, and since 1850 his head remains (partially) preserved on the UCL campus, and even attends the College Council every so often where he's listed "Present but not Voting." - source

When will college campuses reopen?

There is a college athletic conference made up solely of Penn State University campuses, and where 10 of the 13 schools have the Nittany Lion as their mascot.

How prevalent is binge drinking on college campuses?

Nunavut Arctic College has five campuses and community learning centres in all 25 communities of the vast territory

Nunavut Arctic College added $10m in new residences for its Cambridge Bay campus in 2016 and students pay $150 and up per month to stay there. For now, the residence is home to only a handful of students and an instructor

A recent President was known as the first "MTV President" because he hired so many young White House staffers, including a 19 year old, that it resembled a college campus

A counter-campus-carrying group called Cocks Not Glocks that protests against giving college students the ability to carry by handing out dildos.

When to start visiting college campuses?

Swallowing live goldfish used to be a thing on college campuses that people did for fun.

UC Merced was the first UC campus in San Joaquin Valley, where college attendance rates have lagged behind those of the state's other regions. Some students are skeptical of the new university due to its isolation, surrounded by houses and farms, with cattle grazing on much of the site

A single college textbook is sold online by an independent publisher for $25. Campus bookstore buys book for $25. Campus sells $25 book for $160 as New. Campus buys book back for $5. Campus sells book Used for $60. One book. Clearly, we're in the wrong business, guys.

Rapper Nelly pulled his funding for a college bone marrow drive for his sister dying of leukemia, because a group on campus planned to protest the sexist lyrics in his song “Tip Drill.” His sister died a year later.

That Arizona has a law where universities can become qualified as Veteran Supportive Campuses. ASU was the first public and Prescott College was the first private college to do so.

How safe are college campuses?

According to the Justice Department, and as reported on NPR, women on campus have a lower rate of sexual assault, 0.6% than women not on college campuses, who have a sexual assault rape of 0.7%.

Janis Joplin had a 3rd degree black belt in Kenpo karate. Also, when she was in college she was voted "Ugliest Man on Campus" by the fraternities, one of the reasons she dropped out. She was also gifted a Lynx coat by Southern Comfort for all the free advertising she provided

In 2012, there were only 3900 forcible sex acts (this includes everything from actual rape, to fondling) reported on American college campuses - out of 12 million female college students, that equates to a sexual assault rate of just .03%, not 25% as is often quoted.

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison didn’t want guns on their college campuses.

Mike Pence once ratted out his frat brothers for having a keg on his college's dry campus.

When he was in college, Shawn Spicer was referred to by a campus newspaper as 'Shawn Sphincter', prompting him to submit an angry complaint to the paper and push for college judicial action against the paper, for which he received further ribbing from the campus satirical publication Blats

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about College Campuses. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is College Campuses so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor