Church State facts
While investigating facts about Church & State and Church & State Wines, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The original Illuminati sought to suppress religion's role in society. Opposing superstition, religious influence over public, abuses of state power. Outlawed by the Catholic Church, vilified by conservatives and religious critics caused many conspiracy theories you hear of them, even today.
how to find church financial statements?
In 2011 when Lisa Lampanelli learned the Westboro Baptist Church planned to protest one of her shows. She promised to donate $1000 for every WBC member that showed up. Ultimately 44 members showed up, and she donated $50,000 to charity with the memo stating “Donation made possible by the WBC”
What is separation of church and state?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does separation of church and state mean quizlet. Here are 50 of the best facts about Church State Separation and Church Statement Of Faith Examples I managed to collect.
what does separation of church and state mean?
The Roman Catholic Church stated in 1950 that there is no intrinsic conflict between Christianity and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
A man, who brutally murdered a Sunday school teacher, plead insanity and ended up only serving 8 1/2 of his 30 year sentence for manslaughter. He now makes millions by running a mega church in TN, and even has lead the state assembly in prayer.
A man by the name of Roger Williams was the galvanizer for Jeffersonian Democracy (ie separation of church and state) and was a staunch proponent for fair dealings with Native Americans. He was a devout man who saw organized religions as bastardizations of faith and God.
Not a single person accused of witchcraft in America has been burned at the stake. Burning at the stake was only done in Europe, where witchcraft was a crime against the church. In America, witchcraft was a crime against the state, for which the punishment was hanging.
The United States declared war on the Mormon Church in 1857 because the Mormons wanted to govern Utah under different, more religious laws than the Federal Government would allow
Puritan Roger Williams, whom founded Providence, Rhode Island after being banned from Boston in 1636 for being a staunch advocate for religious freedom, separation of church and state, fair dealings with American Indians, and was one of the first abolitionists.
The Church of Scientology had a prolific espionage group called the "Guardian's Office" that was dedicated to infiltrating the United States government to steal or destroy confidential records and spread propaganda.
The 19th century Catholic Church declared "Americanism" a heresy, which included the beliefs in separation of church and state, secularism, etc. This played into American fears at the time that Catholics were too loyal to the Pope and were thus undemocratic, illiberal, and unassimilatable.
Atheist churches exist and they're styled after Mega Churches in the United States. Located in places like Dublin, Sydney, and New York, they are places for Atheists to replicate the Church experience.
A bishop of the Church of England once won World's Biggest Liar, an annual competition for telling lies held in Cumbria, England, by simply stating, "I have never told a lie in my life."
Church State data charts
For your convenience take a look at Church State figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why should the church and state be separated?
You can easily fact check why is separation of church and state important by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Holy See, the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome is a permanent observer state of the United Nations and has used this status to oppose the adoption of a resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity proposed by the European Union in the General Assembly.
The Church of Scientology used espionage, front groups, private detectives, and over 2,500 lawsuits to gain tax exemption in the United States. - source
Kodungallur, a small town in the South Indian state of Kerala, has India's first mosque (629 AD) built during Muhammad's lifetime and a church (52 AD) built by Saint Thomas, one of the Twelve Aposltes of Jesus Christ. - source
When the Westboro Baptist Church is sued, it can be quite profitable for them as many members of the Phelps family are lawyers, and their legal fees are paid by the state when they represent the church in lawsuits.
The United Church of Christ sued North Carolina in 2014, claiming that the state was infringing on their freedom of religion by banning them from being legally allowed to officiate same-sex marriages, which the UCC already allowed. - source
When did separation of church and state begin?
A family-owned company makes about 80 percent of the communion bread used by churches in the United States
How to write a church mission statement?
Mother's Day originated in West Virginia, having been first celebrated in 1908 at Andrews Church in Grafton.
A couple hundred metalheads with kazoos showed up at Virginia's State Capital to counter protest the a Kansas-based hate group (Westboro Baptist Church. )
The separation of church and state is considered to be a heresy in the Catholic Church. "Americanism" is considered to violate the fundamental principle of obedience to authority.
Henry, and all subsequent British heads of state, was made the head of the Church of England under the Acts of Supremacy by Parliament in 1534.
The Mormon Church bought $560,000,000.00 (almost 400,000 acres) of Florida Property last year. They now own almost 700,000 acres, about 2% of state.