Chief Executive facts
While investigating facts about Chief Executive Officer and Chief Executive Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The highest paid official of the United States government is Bill Johnson, the chief executive officer of the federally owned power and utilities company, the Tennessee Valley Authority. His annual salary is $5.9 million dollars.
how to become a chief executive?
At some point in 1847, the chief executioner of France informed the government that he was unable to carry out that day’s execution because he’d pawned the guillotine to pay off a debt and lacked the funds to buy it back
What chief executive officer?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does a chief executive do. Here are 33 of the best facts about Chief Executive Officer Job Description and Chief Executive Officer Salary I managed to collect.
what chief executives do?
The man who directly killed the most people was Vasily Blokhin Stalin's chief executionor. During the Katyn Massacre, he personally executed 7000 people.
GM killed off it's Electric Vehicle, the EV1 because it allegedly threatened the oil industry. Ex-CEO of GM, Rick Wagoner, said the biggest mistake he ever made as chief executive was killing the EV1 car.
Between 1941-1944, Turkish diplomats saved thousands of Jews by issuing them Turkish passports and sometimes pulling them off trains headed for the death camps. Among these diplomats was Necdet Kent, whose son Muhtar Kent, is the current chairman and former chief executive of Coca-Cola.
Jonathan Ive, The Chief Designer at Apple, has a private lab that only his team and top Apple executives are allowed into. It is so secret that Ive refuses to allow his children to enter.
Berthold Stauffenberg, brother of Claus von Stauffenberg (chief conspirator in 20 July assasination plot to kill Hitler) was executed by being strangled and then revived multiple times. The execution and multiple resuscitations were filmed for Hitler to view at his leisure.
Nguyen Ngoc Loan, the police chief who executed a suspected Viet Cong officer in the now world famous picture taken by Eddie Adams, moved to the US and opened a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C.
Hitler sent his intelligence chief to Spain to attempt to get them to join the Axis but the chief betrayed Hitler and advised them to stay out of the war because he thought it would end in disaster. After the chief was executed for treason, the Spanish paid the pension of his wife.
The US once had a woman as de-facto president. In 1919, Woodrow Wilson had a stroke that left him largely dysfunctional — a secret kept from everybody. So his wife Edith took over. Acting as his "steward" she was "essentially, the nation’s chief executive" for 1.5 years until his term ended
Benedict Arnold was instrumental in the Patriot's success at the second Battle of Saratoga and in gaining the surrender of John Burgoyne, but he was never recognized for his contribution. This resentment led him to later become an informant for the British, and he was caught after giving key information to a British intelligence chief John Andre. He escaped to Loyalist territory and became brigadier general while John Andre was executed.
Wilhelm Canaris, chief of the Abwehr (German military intelligence) from 1935 to 1944, was a member of the German Resistance essentially acting as a double agent for the Allies. He was discovered and arrested by the Nazis in 1944 and executed on April 9th 1945, weeks before the end of the war.
Chief Executive data charts
For your convenience take a look at Chief Executive figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why chief executive officers?
You can easily fact check why does hong kong have a chief executive by examining the linked well-known sources.
The American president is the head of the executive branch of the government and the "Commander in Chief" of the military, which can be traced back to the office of consul in ancient Rome.
In 1857, Charles Dickens advocated genocide against the Indian race, wishing he were Commander in Chief of India so that he could "do utmost to exterminate the [Indian] Race", using "merciful swiftness of execution to blot [the Indian race] out of mankind and raze it off the face of the earth." - source
Stevens T. Mason was named Secretary of Michigan Territory at 19, two years before he could even vote. He then became Michigan's first governor at 24, the youngest chief executive in any state's history - source
Kim Jong-un executed his defense chief with an anti-aircraft firing squad for falling asleep during a rally
Vasilli Blohkin, Stalin's chief executioner, who during the summer of 1940 personally executed 7,000 Polish POWs in just 28 days, making him the most prolific executioner and mass murderer in recorded history - source
When to capitalize chief executive officer?
Wilhelm Canaris the chief of the Abwehr(the German Intelligence) He opposed the Nazi Regime since the beginning of the war after seeing the destruction of Warsaw and the treatment of Jews and Soviet Prisoners.He was later executed for being related to the same plot that killed Erwin Rommel.
How to become a chief executive officer?
At the Philadelphia Convention, Benjamin Franklin noted that, historically, the removal of "obnoxious" chief executives had been accomplished by assassination. Franklin suggested that a proceduralized mechanism for removal—impeachment—would be preferable.
Instead of a Prime Minister or President, Hong Kong has a Chief Executive
The USS Cowpens, possibly the most infamous boat currently in the US Navy, where three captains, a chief engineer, a command master chief, and an executive officer have been relieved for various reasons since 2010, including cruel treatment of the crew and banging another captain's wife
Wilhelm Canaris, Chief of German Military Intelligence during WWII, was executed in 1945 by being garroted with a violin string "a grotesque ordeal that lasted half an hour"
Morgan Freeman executive produces the TV show Madam Secretary and in 2015 played the role of Chief Justice of the United States.