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Chicago Il facts

While investigating facts about Chicago Illinois and Chicago Il Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:

San Bernardino, CA has a murder rate of 31 in 100,000 residents (Chicago, IL is 18 in 100,000 residents)

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On Nov 22, 1987, two television stations in Chicago, IL, were hijacked within the course of three hours. The hijacker dressed to resemble Max Headroom, a fictional British artificial intelligence character from the mid 80's. To this day neither the hijacker nor any accomplices have been found.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is it in chicago illinois. Here are 18 of the best facts about Chicago Illinois Map and Chicago Il Zip Code I managed to collect.

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  1. The Chinese Take Out Box was invented in Chicago, IL in 1894

  2. There is a large and rare collection of astrolabes at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum located in Chicago, IL.

  3. The Gotham General Hospital blown up in the film, The Dark Knight, was an actual abandoned building in Chicago, IL that had housed the administration of what was once the world's largest candy factory (Brach's).

  4. In 1984, an undercover investigation was done to examine the corruption in the Cook County(Chicago, IL) Judiciary. Operation Greylord exposed government officials who were taking bribes.

  5. There is a restaurant in Chicago, IL where the waitresses and waiters are rude to you on purpose.

  6. The most expensive popcorn in the world is made in Chicago, IL. The ingredients which makes it so special is that it is made with a one-of-a-kind salt from a small island in Denmark along with 23k gold. ONE piece of popcorn is $5. For a 6 1/2 gallon tin of this golden goodness is $2,500.

  7. Someone in Chicago, IL was shot multiple times in the head when he tried to pull a "prank" on gang members. His friend filmed the entire altercation and has submitted the video to the local police.

  8. Only seventy miles outside of chicago [and despite me never knowing about this place til today, one county away from my suburb] there is a rural community called Pembroke, IL that is so poor it has been described as having "third world conditions"

  9. Hamburger University, a 130,000 square foot training facility located in Chicago, IL

  10. There are as many as 1500-2000 coyotes in Chicago, IL

chicago il facts
What's the temperature in chicago illinois?

Chicago Il data charts

For your convenience take a look at Chicago Il figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

chicago il fact data chart about Top 5 accidental causes of death in Chicago, IL
Top 5 accidental causes of death in Chicago, IL

chicago il fact data chart about Trends in the top causes of death in Chicago, IL (Cook Count
Trends in the top causes of death in Chicago, IL (Cook County)

What is true about chicago il?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

If you go due north from the westernmost point in Florida, you'll pass directly through the Sears (Willis) Tower Skydeck in Chicago, IL. (87° 38' 065" W (for reference))

The village of Old Shawneetown, IL (which was destroyed by a flood in 1937) allegedly refused to buy the first bonds issued by the city of Chicago on the grounds that no city located that far from a navigable river could survive. - source

People in Chicago, IL pay $7.17 in taxes per pack of cigarettes. - source

Amtrak's Empire Builder route departs Chicago, IL and arrives Spokane, WA as a single train, where it then is re-assembled as two separate trains with one departing for Seattle, WA and the other departing for Portland, OR.

Between 2009-2013, 1,500 guns used in crimes in Chicago were all traced to one gun store in the suburban town of Riverdale, IL, located just outside of Chicago. - source

When did the chicago cubs win the world series?

The southernmost point of the Canadian border is actually further south than parts of Chicago, IL.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Chicago Il. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Chicago Il so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor