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Chi Chi facts

While investigating facts about Chi Chi London and Chi Chi Dresses, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During WWII an American plane was shot down on the Japanese island of Chi Chi Jama. There were nine men on board, eight of whom were captured, tortured, beheaded, and eaten. The only one to evade capture had ditched his plane further from the island than the others. He name was George HW Bush.

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The unit of measurement, "smoot", which is named after an MIT prank on Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity pledge, Oliver Smoot, whose body was used to measure the Harvard Bridge in 1958. One smoot is 5 foot 7 inches and length of the Harvard Bridge is 364.4 smoots.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the meaning of chi chi. Here are 50 of the best facts about Chi Chi Rodriguez and Chi Chi's Restaurant I managed to collect.

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  1. Chi-Chi, London Zoo's most famous panda, only ended up in england because she was refused entry to the US on account of being "communist goods".

  2. The letter X in "Xmas" is actually the Greek letter "Chi", which is the Greek abbreviation of the word "Christ".

  3. The Chi-Chi's restaurant chain was hit with the largest hepatitis A outbreak in U.S. history, with at least four deaths and 660 other victims a month after filing for bankruptcy

  4. Vietnam is building its first 2 metro systems: one in Hanoi (capital) with Chinese funding/money and the other in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) with Japanese expertise. Hanoi's is progressing more quickly but has had multiple accidents, one deadly. HCM City's has had more delays but no accidents.

  5. Hua Chi, a Chinese Monk who has been praying for up to 3,000 times a day for 20 years in the same spot, has left indentations of his footprints 1.2 inches deep into the wood where he stands.

  6. The Wow! signal, a strong narrowband radio signal detected on Aug 15, 1977 that originated from near Chi Sagittarii. Its frequency is very close to the Hydrogen Line, which scientists believe intelligent races might use to send a strong signal. We still do not know its origin.

  7. The giant panda Chi Chi was sexually attracted to humans and refused attempts at mating by other giant pandas. Instead she made full sexual self-presentation to zookeepers.

  8. During WWII an American plane crashed on a Japanese island (Chi Chi Jima). There were 9 men on board. Eight of them were captured and eaten. The one who was rescued was George H.W. Bush.

  9. Long before the Vietnam War, Ho Chi Minh wrote letters to Truman praising American values & begging assistance against the French. These letters went unanswered.

  10. The X in Xmas isn't an X- it's actually the Greek letter chi, the first letter of Christ's name- Χριστός

chi chi facts
What is chi in tai chi?

Chi Chi data charts

For your convenience take a look at Chi Chi figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

chi chi fact data chart about Ho Chi Minh City Metro Topological vs. Geographical
Ho Chi Minh City Metro Topological vs. Geographical

chi chi fact data chart about No. 11 Loyola-Chi. vs. No. 9 Kansas St. will combine to be t
No. 11 Loyola-Chi. vs. No. 9 Kansas St. will combine to be the lowest ranked teams to face off in the Elite Eight since the tourney expanded to 64 teams in 1985. Their combined ave

What is true about chi chi?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

X represents the unknown in Algebra only because there isn't a 'sh' sound in Spanish. The Arabic word شيءٌ (shay'on, literally 'something') was originally used to denote the unknown in a math equation. It was translated to Chi (X) when the Arabs brought Algebra to Spain.

"Xmas" is not crossing Christ out of Christmas because the “X” is actually indicating the Greek letter “Chi”, which is short for the Greek, "Χριστός" meaning “Christ” - source

While visiting a botanical garden, a 75 year-old woman was attacked by a rabid raccoon. Knowing Tai Chi, she pinned it to the ground & strangled it. When people referred to her as a hero, she denounced it saying “it was horrible, but had to be done” & that she thinks about the raccoon every day. - source

Alibaba CEO and 18th richest person in the world, Jack Ma, teaches mandatory Tai Chi classes for his employees along with Jet Li

Years prior to his famed vision telling him to paint the Chi-Ro cross of Christ on his soldier's shields, Constantine the Great had also claimed to have had a vision of the pagan god Sol Invictus. - source

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Vietnamese communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh once worked in the United States as a Baker, and later in the United Kingdom as a dish washer.

Despite names like Hermes, Hades, Hera, and Herakles, Ancient Greek doesn't have a letter for 'h.' Rather, a word starting with a vowel has either rough breathing, to produce the 'h' sound, or smooth breathing. The 'h' sound is also aspirated in the letters theta, chi, phi, and rho.

The U.S. and its allies attempted to destroy the tunnels in Operation Crimp in early 1966. The operation involved heavy aerial bombings by B-52s, but failed to do significant damage.

Ho often used aliases when he traveled internationally.

After the communists took control of South Vietnam, they changed the name of Saigon to Ho Chi Minh City.

Life in the tunnels was tough for the VC. Besides the obvious claustrophobia, malaria, parasite infections, and respiratory infections were common.

Heartburn when chewing tobacco?

Ho Chi Minh went to Moscow in 1923 and enrolled in the Communist University of the Toilers of the East.

Between 1919 and 1923 Ho Chi Minh worked in France and this is where he began to take politics much more seriously. He made friends with a socialist party comrade named Marcel Cachin.

Ho Chi Minh took the name in 1941 while returning to Vietnam from China, by using a stolen ID card with that name.

Ho Chi Minh was known for making many exaggerated claims relating to his early activism and travels.

Although North Vietnam was a communist dictatorship led by Ho Chi Min, there were several factions within the government. The North Vietnamese government was also dependent upon support from the Soviet Union and China: the Soviets favored conventional war, while the Chinese advocated for guerrilla warfare.

Before returning to Vietnam from Europe in 1941, he changed his name to Ho Chi Minh. Following east Asian naming protocol, "Ho" was a common family name in Vietnam, like 'smith" or "Jones" in English speaking countries. The "Minh" part of his name was the Vietnamese word for "bright," which was also the name of the Vietnamese independence movement, Viet Minh.

A group of physically inactive seniors aged 70 to 92 years, experienced a significant decrease in the number of falls, the risk for falling, and the fear of falling as well as improved functional balance and physical performance after participating in a 3-times-per-week, 6-month Tai Chi program

As Ho Chi Minh ruthlessly suppressed all dissent in North Vietnam, he laid the plans to support the communist Viet Cong rebels in the south. The plan included getting financial and geo-political support from the Soviet Union and China, and bolstering communist regimes in neighboring Laos and Cambodia. The North Vietnamese Army then developed a network of roads through Laos and Cambodia that became known as the "Ho Chi Minh" trail.

The Cu Chi tunnels and other tunnel systems in Vietnam were first started during the Indochina War in the late 1940s.

VC soldiers also had to share the tunnels with poisonous snakes, scorpions, and other nasty critters.

Ho Chi Minh based the Vietnamese Proclamation of Independence on the American Declaration of Independence, and quotes from it directly in his first sentence.

Ho Chi Minh worked at a pub in West London in 1914

The tunnels were usually only big enough to crawl, which made going through them even more difficult for tunnel rats because the average American, Australian, and New Zealander was/is bigger than the average Vietnamese person.

Ho Chi Minh tried to gain admission to the French Colonial Administrative School in 1911 but failed so he continued to work aboard ships and traveling until 1917.

Between 1912 and 1913 Ho Chi Minh worked in New York and Boston doing odd jobs to support himself. During this time his political outlook was shaped through meetings with Korean Nationalists.

Ho Chi Minh joined the Nguyen Ai Quoc Vietnamese Nationalist group. This group fought for Vietnamese people's civil rights. During their fight for rights of the Vietnamese people they went to the Versailles Peace Talks but did not meet with success.

Ho Chi Minh died of heart failure on September 2, 1969 at his Hanoi home. He was seventy-nine.

The types of communism that have been used by different leaders, countries, and groups include anarchist communism, anti-revisionism, Castroism, Council, Euro, Guevarism, Ho Chi Minh Thought, Juche, Left, Leninism, Luxemburgism, Marxism-Leninism, Christian Religious, Socialism with Chinese characteristics, Titoism, and Trotskyism.

Two sections of the Cu Chi tunnels have been converted into tourist destinations. One section even has a shooting range where you can see what it's like to fire a Vietnam era M-60 machine gun.

Why we use X-mas as a short version of Christmas. This is due to the Chi symbol, or X, being used as an abbreviated version for Christ in the 1600's.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Chi Chi. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Chi Chi so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor