Central Bank facts
While investigating facts about Central Bank Of India and Central Bank Of India Net Banking, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1934, Swiss banking secrecy laws were strengthened to encourage Jews of Central & Eastern Europe, fearful of Nazis, to hide their assets in Swiss banks. After a majority of those depositors died during the Holocaust, the laws were used to wrongfully deny their heirs access to those accounts
how central bank control money supply?
The largest bank heist in history was $920 Million. Qusay Hussein walked into the Central Bank of Iraq with a handwritten note signed by his father Saddam Hussein, and was hauled out in 3 semi-trucks.
What is cif number in central bank of india?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is cif number in central bank. Here are 50 of the best facts about Central Bank Of Ireland and Central Bank Of The Midwest I managed to collect.
what central banks are buying gold?
Indian households and temples collectively own around 20,000 tonnes of gold - a figure that is equivalent to the combined amount of gold held by central banks of US, Euro area and China
During the fifth century BC, the Athena Temple functioned not only as a religious site, but also as Athens" central bank.
Democratic Kampuchea is the only country in the world ever to have abolished money. They abolished money, markets, and private property, blowing up the Central Bank.
The Great Stink was an event in central London in July and August 1858 during which the hot weather exacerbated the smell of untreated human waste and industrial effluent that was present on the banks of the River Thames.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is reputedly the largest gold repository in the world, even larger than Fort Knox. However about 98% of this gold is owned by the central banks of foreign nations.
The European Central Bank decided to print fictional bridges on the Euro notes, to avoid favoring particular member states. A developer in the Netherlands built all of the bridges printed on the notes.
More than two million people living on the banks of Lake Kivu in central Africa are at risk of being asphyxiated by gases building up beneath its surface.
The banks can create money out of thin air when issuing loans. It doesn't matter how much money they have in their vault. All they need to is to deposit 1-3% with the Central Banks. It is referred to as the bank money.
The Central State Museum of Kazakhstan has a replica of the costume worn by the Golden Man, a warrior from the 5th century BC and a main symbol of independence. The original is made of more than 4,000 pieces of gold and is said to be kept in a vault in the National Bank of Kazakhstan in Almaty
Every country has different restrictions as to how images of its banknotes can be reproduced and used. The Central Bank Counterfeit Deterrence Group (CBCDG) publishes ‘Rules for Use’ for every currency in the world.
Central Bank data charts
For your convenience take a look at Central Bank figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why central bank control money supply?
You can easily fact check why central bank independence by examining the linked well-known sources.
Quantitative easing (QE), also known as large-scale asset purchases, is a monetary policy whereby a central bank buys predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets in order to inject liquidity directly into the economy.
The first President of Equatorial Guinea killed the governor of the central bank, carried all that was left of the treasury to his house in a rural village, and then had 150 political opponents executed in a stadium while amplifiers played Mary Hopkin's "Those were the days". - source
On 2 July 2009, Sweden's Riksbank was the first central bank in the world to implement a negative interest rate - source
Hungary's central bank literally burns money to keep poor people warm in cold snap - source
When the central bank lowers the reserve requirement on deposits?
When Nadir Shah of Persia attacked India, he took the "Koh-i Noor" (Mountain of Light) and "Darya-i Noor (Sea of Light) Diamonds, two of the largest in the world. One is still in the Central Bank of Iran today, the other was later given to Queen Victoria of England.
How central bank control credit?
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York Building, in Lower Manhattan, serves as the largest gold repository in the world, holding approx. 7000 tonnes of gold bullion ($415 billion as of October 2011) on behalf of the US governement, the IMF, and the central banks of 36 foreign nations.
Zimbabwe's central bank is buying back all that worthless money from 2008 at a rate of $US1 to $ZW35,000
The former governor of Afghanistan's central bank, Abdul Qadir Fitrat, is wanted for his part in embezzling $1 billion from the Kabul Bank. In 2012, Afghan President Hamid Karzai ordered Fitrat to return from the U.S. to Afghanistan. Currently he resides in Northern Virginia.
In March 2003, on several occasions beginning on March 18, the day before United States forces entered Baghdad, nearly US$1 billion was stolen from the Central Bank of Iraq.
After the India-Pakistan partition in August 1947, the Reserve Bank of India served as the Central Bank of Pakistan till June 1948