Canadian Pm facts
While investigating facts about Canadian Pm, I found out little known, but curios details like:
While giving a speech in the US in 1965, the Canadian PM criticized US bombing in Vietnam. Before he finished his speech, he was summoned to meet with US President Lyndon Johnson the next day. Johnson reportedly grabbed him and shouted, "Don't you come into my living room and piss on my rug."
R. B. Bennett, Canadian PM during the Great Depression would send $5 to anyone who sent him a letter. It's estimated he spent 2.3 million dollars during this time
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 10 of the best facts about Canadian Pm I managed to collect.
In 1965, future Canadian Prime Minister John Turner saved former PM Diefenbaker from drowning during a Caribbean vacation
The first transcontinental passenger train to make the trip along the Canadian Pacific Railway left Montreal, Quebec, at Dalhousie Station on June 28th, 1886 at 8 pm. It arrived in Port Moody, B.C. on July 4th, 1886 at noon.
Americans have, er.. "interesting" opinions on new Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
The Canadian PM has a video of his cat on his YouTube page
The PM of Singapore is the highest paid world leader at $2.2M/yr -The US president is paid $527K, the Canadian PM $333K and German Chancellor $322K
When Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, was elected into office on October 20, 2015, he stated that recreational marijuana would be legal in 18 months, making 4/20/2017 the first day of legal marijuana in Canada
The Canadian government is being sued in a class action suit by wounded veterans and argued they aren't bound to a verbal promise made by a PM after WWI that Canada will always show appreciation to its veterans
Canadian Pm data charts
For your convenience take a look at Canadian Pm figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.