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Cab Drivers facts

While investigating facts about Cab Drivers Near Me and Cab Drivers In Hyderabad, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 2014, black taxi cab drivers brought parts of London to a standstill, protesting against Uber. This led to an 850% increase in downloads of Uber.

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In August 2012, Lily Allen was accused of racism after writing "I hate it when black cab drivers spend the entire journey on the phone. I WANTED A CHAT!" Allen responded that in Britain and Europe taxicabs are called "black cabs" because they are painted black.

What do black cab drivers earn?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do cab drivers make. Here are 50 of the best facts about Cab Drivers Strike In Hyderabad and Cab Drivers Strike I managed to collect.

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  1. London cab drivers must memorize all 25k of London's streets including every business, restaurant, statue, pub, and landmark on them. Their exam has been called the hardest in the world, and studying for it enlarges cabbies' hippocampuses.

  2. Robert De Niro was so dedicated that he gained 30 pounds for Raging Bull, lived in Sicily for Godfather II, ground his teeth for Cape Fear, became a cab driver for Taxi Driver and learnt to play the saxophone for New York, New York

  3. When Eddie Murphy was on SNL in the early 80s, other cast members often had to go downstairs after shows to catch a cab for him because no cab drivers would stop for a young black man late at night.

  4. London Cab drivers protested Uber by bringing gridlock across central London. Bringing nearly 1000% increase to app installations and caused a stark decease in Black cabs uses hastening their decline.

  5. Robert De Niro was so dedicated, to prepare for his roles, he actually gained 60 lbs for Raging Bull, lived in Sicily Italy for The Godfather Part II, ground his teeth for Cape Fear, became a cab driver for Taxi Driver, and learned to play the saxophone for New York, New York.

  6. There are 13 secret green shelters built in 1875 dotted around London that only cab drivers can enter.

  7. In most legal Nevada brothels, if the customer arrives by cab, the house gets 50%, the cab driver gets 30%, and the prostitute gets 20% of the revenue.

  8. Cab drivers in London have much larger hippocampi, which is the brain region responsible for the formation of new memories, than other people.

cab drivers facts
What do you tip cab drivers?

Why are cab drivers always on the phone?

You can easily fact check why do cab drivers lock the doors by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cops are significantly less likely to die on the job than bartenders and cab drivers.

When Eddie Murphy was on SNL in the early 80s, other cast members often had to go downstairs after shows to catch a cab for him because no cab drivers would stop for a young black man late at night. - source

Danny Glover used to drive a taxi. In 1999, he used his leverage as a former San Francisco cab driver to raise awareness about African Americans being passed over for white passengers. - source

Every single Official London Black Cab driver must pass a test called "The Knowledge" in which they have to learn 25.000 streets, 20.000+ landmarks and 320 basic routes that are located within a six-mile radius of Charing Cross. Some people take up to 5 years of studying to pass it.

Guillermo Del Toro left a notebook containing 4 years' worth of ideas for Pan's Labyrinth in the back seat of a London cab. The cab driver used a scrap of stationery from Del Toro's hotel he found in the book to return it. Del Toro gave him a $900 reward. - source

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Every London black cab driver has to memorize every street and every POI of London before he gets his license. The test is called: "The Knowledge"

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In 18th century England, umbrellas were strictly taboo and seen as a detestable, effeminate contraption. Cab drivers saw them as a threat to their business and grew violent towards umbrella owners.

Tom Johnston of the Doobie Brothers believed that he made up the Texan town of China Grove while writing "China Grove". However, a cab driver later told him about the real China Grove, TX, and Johnston remembered that the band had actually passed through it on tour.

Dame Helen Mirren's paternal grandfather was a colonel in the Russian Imperial Army, and later a diplomat to Britain. He was stranded in Britain when the Russian Revolution broke out and eventually settled in London, becoming a cab driver.

In order to become a black cab driver in London, the knowledge test includes being able to memorize 25,000+ street names and 20,000+ points of interest

Blackhawks forward Patrick Kane beat up a 62 year old cab driver over 20 cents.

When to tip cab drivers?

There are orange lights on taxi cabs that are only lit when the driver is in distress.

Rapper Ice-T was honorably discharged from the US Military but spent some time in military prison after getting caught stealing a rug. The theft was successful but his getaway driver never showed up, so he called a cab to pick him and his loot up.

To be a London black cab driver, one is expected to know over 25,000 streets, over 20,000 landmarks on them and pass the London’s Legendary Taxi-Driver Test known as "The Knowledge."

London Cab drivers must memorise every place of interest on all 25,000 of London's roads in order to be certified as an "All London Cab".

How can drivers compensate for poor depth perception?

UBER drivers are frequently lured & attacked by metered cab drivers in Malaysia

Any Winehouse's mother was a pharmacist and her father was a cab driver.

London Black Cab drivers have to go through a highly intensive training known as “The Knowledge” which requires them to memorize hundreds of streets, routes, and back alleys. A training which can take years to complete.

In order to become a London black cab driver, applicants have to pass a legendarily difficult test known as The Knowledge. It takes nearly 2-4 years to prepare for the test, and has the same success rate as joining the U.S. Navy SEALs.

London black cab drivers are required to study and pass 'the knowledge', an in depth (and worlds hardest) training course before being given a licence. This takes on average 34 months. Drivers in training can be seen practicing on scooters, with a clipboard of routes fixed to the front

A cab driver was mistaken for a music industry expert and was interviewed on BBC

Black cab drivers in London have to pass a test called the London knowledge in which they have to memorise all roads within a 6 mile radius of Charing Cross, as well as many popular routes. This typically takes 4 years.

The first drunk driving arrest occurred in 1897, when a London taxi driver named George Smith slammed his cab into a building. He pled guilty and was fined 25 shillings.

Dahir Abdullahi Kadiye, a cab driver living in London who saw the kidnap of Rachel and Paul Chandler by Somalian pirates and thought that the pirates had brought shame upon the Somalian people. He personally raised another £200,000 from fellow Somalians to secure their release.

Studies show that London Taxi Cab drivers have an enlarged hippocampus. The part of the brain associated with making new memories and learning.

A study of NYC cab drivers found they worked for longer when business was poor and quit early when it was good; they could increase their earnings by an average of 8% just by working the same number of hours every day.

The cab driver for the intro of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" is none other than, Quincy Jones

Gertrude Jeannette, African-American playwright, film & stage actress who was also the first female cab driver in NYC

After cutting the corpse of Renée Hartevelt, cannibal Issei Sagawa took a cab and had the cab driver carry two bags containing Renée Hartevelt's corpse. The cab driver jokingly asked if the bags contained a corpse which it actually did.

In some places, cabs have silent alarms, like red LEDs or flashing 911 in the top sign/above the bumper, to alert passerby that the driver is being threatend and they should call the police.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Cab Drivers. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Cab Drivers so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor