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Brother Hermann facts

While investigating facts about Brother Hermann, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Albert Göring, brother of Hermann Göring. Unlike his brother, Albert was opposed to Nazism and helped many Jews and other persecuted minorities throughout the war. He was shunned in postwar Germany due to his name, and died without any public recognition for his humanitarian efforts.

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Albert Göring, the younger brother of the head of Luftwaffe Hermann Göring, helped many Jews and dissidents survive in Germany by forging his brother’s signature and falsifying transit documents.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 22 of the best facts about Brother Hermann I managed to collect.

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  1. About Albert Göring, the brother of Hermann Göring (2nd most powerful man in Nazi Germany), who was a rabid anti-nazi that helped save the lives of countless Jews and other dissidents.

  2. Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring's younger brother Albert despised Nazism, and offered active resistance to the regime, including helping prisoners escape from concentration camps. He was arrested four times, but Hermann secured his release each time.

  3. Albert Göring, the brother of Deputy Führer of the Nazi Reich Hermann Göring, despised the Nazis, and used his family's influence to save hundreds if not thousands of Jews and other dissidents from SS concentration camps during WW II.

  4. Albert Günther Göring (9 March 1895 – 20 December 1966) was a German Businessman who helped Jew and dissidents survive in Germany during the Second World War. His older brother was Hermann Göring, the head of the German Luftwaffe and a leading member of the Nazi Party.

  5. Hermann Göring, Nazi leader and head of the Luftwaffe, had a staunch anti-Nazi brother who helped Jews and dissidents survive in Nazi Germany.

  6. Albert Goring the brother of Hermann Goring actively defied the Nazi regime by helping Jewish prisoners escape from concentration camps. He once joined a group of Jewish women who were forced to scrub the streets and the SS officer in charge halted all activity upon realizing who he was.

  7. At the same time Hermann Göring was serving as Hitler's right hand man and founded of the Gestapo, his brother Albert saved countless Jewish lives

  8. The brother of Hermann Goring was staunchly opposed to Nazism. He helped multiple Jews and dissidents escape from Nazi custody and assisted with the résistance.

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What are the best facts about Brother Hermann?

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Hermann Göering’s brother Albert helped save Jews and others from Nazi Germany...

The brother of Hermann Göring, a leading Nazi and confidante of Hitler, helped Jews escape concentration camps in many ways - source

About Albert Goering who helped save many Jews facing persecution during Nazi rule. His brother was Hermann Goering, Hitler's right hand man and vice-chancellor of Germany. - source

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Albert Göring, the brother of Deputy Führer of the Nazi Reich Hermann Göring, despised the Nazis, and used his family's influence to save hundreds if not thousands of Jews and other dissidents from SS concentration camps during WW II.

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Hermann Goering's little brother Albert used his connections to help Jews escape the Third Reich. He once forged his brother's signature allowing him to rock up to a concentration camp, pick up a load of prisoners for "labour" and then release them in a forest.

Albert Göring brother of Nazi Hermann Göring used his name to help save Jews from the Germans during World War II

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Brother Hermann. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Brother Hermann so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor