Bronco Chase facts
While investigating facts about Bronco Chase Date and Bronco Chase Route, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Former NFL player Al Cowlings, who drove OJ Simpson in the Ford Bronco chase, held a press conference during the murder trial where he announced a $2/minute 900 phone number where he would answer questions on everything other than the murder and trial. He reportedly made over $1 million
how long was the bronco chase?
On the same day as the O.J. ‘Bronco chase’ there were countless major sporting events happening simultaneously. Including the opening of the World Cup, Arnold Palmers last game of golf, New York Knicks NBA finals and New York Rangers victories victory parade.
What happened to ac after the bronco chase?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what year was the bronco chase. Here are 6 of the best facts about Bronco Chase 1994 and Bronco Chase Video I managed to collect.
what was the significance of the white ford bronco police chase?
Due to the exposure from the infamous O.J. chase, where Simpson tried to flee police in a white Ford Bronco, sales of the car actually went up from the previous year.
The Ford Bronco from OJ Simpson's famous televised chase is still around and is on display at a museum in Pigeon Forge, TN
In 2006 OJ Simpson starred in a reality prank show call Juiced. One prank had OJ attempting to sell a white Bronco (similiar to the one from his famous police chase) with his signature signed besides a bullet hole
OJ Simpson was chased by 269 helicopters in his White Ford Bronco