Bride Groom facts
While investigating facts about Bridegroom Meaning In Hindi and Bride Groom Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Whenever Kevin Bacon is invited to weddings, he frequently bribes the DJ to NOT play Footloose. He does this so that he does not upstage the bride and groom.
how well does the bride know the groom?
A police department in Michigan staged a fake wedding - with undercover cops acting as the bride and groom - and invited local drug dealers to attend. At the reception, they busted them all at once.
What does the groom buy the bride?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what a shame the poor groom's bride is a. Here are 41 of the best facts about Bridegroom Meaning In Tamil and Bridegroom Meaning In Telugu I managed to collect.
what's bride groom?
Brides normally stand on the left of the Groom at a wedding so that his sword hand is free to defend against any other suitors
A wedding was annulled in the UK after it was discovered that the bride and groom were, in fact, twins that were separated at birth.
During the medieval period, after a wedding the bride and groom were provided enough mead (honey wine) to last one full moon, coining the term 'honeymoon'.
The original reason to have a best man was to help the groom in case the bride needed to be kidnapped from disapproving parents.
An Indian Bride walked out on her groom during their wedding because the groom couldn't get the answer to 15+6 correct.
The traditional "Here Comes the Bride" tune comes from an opera in which the heroine falls down dead from grief over the fates of her groom and her brother
Rosemary is a symbol of loyalty and love. In certain parts of the world, bride, groom and their guests wear branches of rosemary during wedding ceremony.
The groom typically stands to the right at his wedding because, historically, men would hold a sword in their right hand during the ceremony to ward off any potential kidnappers from stealing the bride
In ancient Sparta, the traditional wedding ritual was to capture the bride, shave her head, dress her in man's clothing, and leave her alone in a dark room until the groom finishes eating and carries her to his bed.
Jewish law requires a groom to give his bride a contract that he will provide her with food, clothing, and intimacy.
Bride Groom data charts
For your convenience take a look at Bride Groom figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why does the groom go under the bride's dress?
You can easily fact check why can't the groom see the bride before the wedding by examining the linked well-known sources.
The “tallest wedding ever” took place in Trafalgar Square in front of a mass of onlookers in 1871. the couple met when they were part of separate sideshows. The bride and groom were said to both be nearly 8ft tall!
A Russian wedding tradition called ''Paying the ransom'' whereas the groom arrives at the bride’s home, he must pay a big enough ransom for the bride until the parents of the bride accept it. The event is played out in a comical fashion and everyone is entertained. - source
At a Danish wedding, male guests will kiss the bride when the groom leaves the room and vice-versa - source
Weddings in Russia are usually big events, and romantic love is the only accepted method of coupling. On the wedding day it is tradition for the bride's family to jokingly kidnap the bride and demand a ransom from the groom.
In a traditional Turkish custom, the bride-to-be sometimes prepares Turkish coffee with salt to see how salty the groom-to-be can get - source
Why do grooms cry when they see the bride?
A Michigan police department staged a fake wedding to execute a drug bust. The bride and groom, undercover officers, bought drugs from local dealers to gain their trust then invited them to their "wedding" to be arrested.
How well do you know the bride and groom?
A Chinese wedding tradition meant for bridesmaids to prevent the groom & his groomsmen from taking the bride away from her home, by creating games aimed to make the groom prove (again) his love to his future wife. The games consist of bribing, waxing, and dancing.
In India, shortage of ice cream in a marriage party led to heated argument between the bride and groom sides and finally resulted in brick-batting in which three police personnel were injured and cancellation of the wedding.
Due to early marriages being political, Grooms and their brides would not meet until the day they were married. To ensure that the deal went through, parents would hide their daughters’ faces with a veil. That way, the groom wouldn’t have the chance to change his mind before union was official.
The "best man" wasn't always the grooms best friend. It was the strongest man who could protect the married couple and fight off kidnapped brides family's.
In Spanish, Latin American and Filipino wedding ceremonies 13 gold coins are exchanged between the bride and the groom to symbolize their ability to support and trust one another. There is often both a ring and a coin bearer and these items are blessed by a priest beforehand.