Incredible and fun facts to explore

Brick Brick facts

While investigating facts about Brick Brick World and Brick Brick Game, I found out little known, but curios details like:

During prohibition, merchants would sell "bricks" of grape concentrate with a label that warned consumers not to mix the concentrate with yeast, water, and sugar and age the mixture for seven days, because "an illegal alcoholic beverage will result".

brick by brick how lego?

For centuries there has been a secret wing to a museum in Naples, where all the erotic art found in Pompeii was locked away. The cabinet remained closed for more than a hundred years – the doorway even bricked up at one point – and was only fully opened to the public in 2000.

What is brick by brick?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the meaning of brick by brick. Here are 50 of the best facts about Brick Brick City and Brick Brick Squad I managed to collect.

what is brick by boring brick about?

  1. There was once a LEGO game in devolpement that would allow people to make anything they wanted out of Lego bricks, but it was never completed because they couldn’t stop people making dicks, even with a dedicated ‘dong detection’ team.

  2. The fingerprints of slaves still exist in bricks that the slaves made over 200 years ago

  3. Martin Luther King Jr. said he experienced far more hatred in Chicago than he ever did in Alabama or Mississippi. King took part of the Chicago Housing Movement in August 1966 with thousands of local whites jeering, throwing bricks, and displaying Confederate and Nazi signs all over the city.

  4. Lego's brick making is so accurate only 18 in every million bricks made are defective, which are then recycled.

  5. An architect in Colombia started a company to turn waste plastics into Lego style bricks for low cost homes. Using the bricks, it takes 4 people about 5 days to construct a 430 square foot house. The concept is to reduce plastic waste and give homes to those most in need.

  6. ~2500 years before Ancient Rome, the Indus Valley Civilization had public baths, personal toilets, and a widespread system of brick and terracotta drainage ducts and the first instances of plumbing and in the ancient world.

  7. In the 1960s and ‘70s Lego produced a line of bricks intended for professional use by architects and planners under the name Modulex.

  8. During prohibition, grape farmers would make semi-solid grape concentrates called wine bricks, which were then sold with the warning "After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine"

  9. The Great Wall of China is being stolen brick-by-brick by locals to build houses and also by visitors as souvenirs.

  10. In 1916, a man mailed a building to Utah. He needed to build a bank, but his construction materials were 126 miles away. He packaged 80,000 bricks into boxes and mailed them. They got there, but the US postal service was not amused.

brick brick facts
What are the best facts about Brick Brick?

Brick Brick data charts

For your convenience take a look at Brick Brick figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

brick brick fact data chart about Color Distribution Of My Boys LEGO Duplo Bricks (2x2/3/5)
Color Distribution Of My Boys LEGO Duplo Bricks (2x2/3/5)

brick brick fact data chart about Sampling of Lego Sets: Cost Per Brick Comparison Between Dis
Sampling of Lego Sets: Cost Per Brick Comparison Between Disney Branded and Non-Branded Lego Sets

What is true about brick brick?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Dwight D. Eisenhower said "The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants...It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals...We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people."

'grape bricks' (concentrated grape juice) were sold during Prohibition, which came with a warning not to mix the contents of the brick, yeast, water, and sugar in a pot and then seal such pot for seven days, or else "an illegal alcoholic beverage will result" - source

A 14 karat gold LEGO brick was given out in the early 80s to employees who had worked at the Germany LEGO factory for over twenty-five years. They are valued at nearly $15,000. - source

The ruins of a 2,300-year-old Mayan Temple in Belize were destroyed by contractors who wanted to use the bricks for gravel to build a road.

Building an averaged size house (79 sq m) out of Lego would cost almost 6 times more than building it from real bricks. - source

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Due to high automation at factory in denmark when you open a set of LEGO you are the first human to look at the bricks

When demolishing the house of serial killers Fred and Rosemary west, every brick was crushed and every timber beam burned in order to discourage souvenir hunters.

During prohibition in the US, merchants sold "bricks" of grape concentrate with a packet of dried yeast. These would come with a "warning label" cautioning not to mix the brick, yeast, water and sugar in a pot and then seal it for seven days, or else "an illegal alcoholic beverage will result".

Lego bricks are very consistent, with only 18 bricks out of every 1000000 made being considered defective. The design and manufacture of bricks is also consistent enough to allow bricks manufactured today to interlock with those manufactured in 1958.

In the 1960s, Heineken proposed a novel idea: rectangular "World" beer bottles that could double as bricks for affordable housing.

The youngest known serial killer ever is Amerjeet Sada who killed 3 young children at the age of 8, including his neighbor's baby whom he bludgeoned with a brick

Brick brick infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Brick Brick numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

brick brick fact infographic about 4 stud Brio bricks owned by my toddler (by colour)

4 stud Brio bricks owned by my toddler (by colour)

brick brick fact infographic about The distribution of colors of my daughter's brick set

The distribution of colors of my daughter's brick set

How old was brian wilson when he died?

After a female pedestrian in his community was killed by a red-light runner, a 74 year old Chinese man spent an entire day hurling bricks at bad drivers. He smashed over 30 red-light runners' cars before the police asked him to stop.

Harry Daghlian, a 24 year-old physicist with the Manhattan Project. He accidentally dropped a brick into the centre of a plutonium core and exposed himself to a lethal dose of radiation, dying 25 days after the accident.

Professionals who walk over hot coals and broken glass have confirmed that walking over Lego bricks is more painful

Because the Space Shuttle was so hard to land (it was nicknamed "the flying brick"), shuttle crews must train in a modified Gulfstream with its main landing gears down, its engines in reverse, and its left hand side windows covered.

Lego bricks can be used 37112 times before they lose their clutch power and won't stick to other pieces anymore

Hardcore LEGO fans use the phrase "One by Five" as a code name for hot girls, because those are rare in LEGO conventions and the LEGO company doesn't make a five by one brick.

The Millwall brick, an improvised bludgeon weapon made by rolling a newspaper and then folding it in the middle. It is named for the supporters of the English football club Millwall.

In 1963, Alfred Heineken created a beer bottle that could also function as a brick to build houses in impoverished countries.

Heineken created a brick-shaped beer bottle to help build houses in impoverished countries.

If all the LEGO bricks produced were shared out equally every single person on Earth would own 86 LEGO bricks.

It would take 375,000 2x2 LEGO bricks stacked on top of each other to break the bottom brick

In 1696, William III introduced a tax which required those living in houses with more than 6 windows to pay a levy.To avoid this, house owners would brick up all windows except 6. As the bricked-up windows prevented rooms from receiving any sunlight, the tax was known as daylight robbery.

The largest brick building in the Americas is located on an uninhabited island 68 miles west of Key West.

England used to have a "window tax". People refused to disclose how much money they made, considering it an invasion of privacy - so you would be charged based on how many windows your house had. In retaliation, people bricked up their windows, which you can still see today.

The KKK tried to to set up a kerosene-soaked cross at Spring Hill College due to its supporting the civil rights movement. When the students were alerted they chased the Klansmen away with whatever items they could use as weapons like golf clubs, tennis rackets, bricks, and softball bats.

There are a total of 3,863,484 unique Lego bricks in 'The Lego Movie'. Recreating the movie would require 15,080,330 Lego pieces, with 183 different types of Lego minifigures.

The Spartan Pausanias was accused of treason for conspiring with the Persians, but seeked refuge in a temple so he couldn't be tried and executed while inside. His mother went to the temple to lay the first brick at the door, which was sealed until he died of starvation

The Danish government recreated the entire country of Denmark in Minecraft at a 1:1 scale, made of 4000 billion bricks. Players, exploiting a loophole, blew it up and planted an American flag.

Police broke up a Lego heist ring last year for stealing $40,000 worth of bricks and found that one of the suspects was also in possession of another $160,000 of bricks—18 pallets worth.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Brick Brick. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Brick Brick so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor