Bn Bn facts
While investigating facts about Bn Bn Biscuits and Bn Bn Song, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Authorities uncovered Wachovia Bank who laundered $378.4bn for a Mexican Drug Cartel and was fined just $50m (2%of its profits) and no one went to Jail.
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Barron Hilton announced that he is leaving 97% of his $2.3bn fortune to charity, slashing his granddaughter Paris Hilton's inheritence, as well as her potential eligibility.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to get a bmx rider for christmas. Here are 46 of the best facts about Bn_bn2bin and Bn Bn N I managed to collect.
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Smaug, the reclusive red-gold dragon from The Hobbit, has an estimated worth of $54.1bn. It is #2 Richest Fictional Characters.
The pharmaceutical group GlaxoSmithKline has been fined $3bn (£1.9bn) after admitting to bribing doctors and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to children.
The Nazis during WW2 formed a plan called 'Operation Bernard' in which they were to crash Englands economy by counterfeiting £132m GBP and dropping it over England by planes. This would be worth £8.3bn today.
When the Walt Disney Corporation bought Pixar Animation Studios for $7.4bn in 2006, the transaction inadvertently made Steve Jobs Disney's largest shareholder.
Two Australian guys who met at university started a software company with the simple intention of making enough money as the average graduate salary being offered at most corporations. 15 years later they are considered "accidental billionaires" and are both worth $2bn AUD ($1.7bn USD) each.
The 1996 Manchester bombing was the biggest bomb detonated in Britain since WW2. The 1500kg lorry bomb caused £1.3bn worth of damage and is credited towards the city's mass regeneration turning Manchester into a modern British "powerhouse" city.
There is a massive emerald valued at $500 mil - $1 bn USD sitting in the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department vault because of contested ownership. The Bahia Emerald.
Since the 1950s, some 8.3bn tons of plastic have been produced worldwide but to date only 9% of that has been recycled. Up to 12.7m tons of plastic end up in the oceans every year.
Even if we Thanosed away half of the world's population as it is today (~7.7bn), there would still be MORE people left alive-and-kicking than there were in 1970 (~3.7bn)!
Hackers stole $172 bn. from nearly one billion consumers in 2017
Bn Bn data charts
For your convenience take a look at Bn Bn figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why do bmx riders have low seats by examining the linked well-known sources.
When the video game Glitch failed the small development team as a backup plan released the internal chat tool they made during development. That tool was Slack. Today the same developers are valued at $5.1bn.
The combined wealth of the top 8 billionaire is equal to the combined wealth of the world's poorest half(3.6bn people) - source
92% of Bosch is owned by a charity that has given over US $1.1bn in funding. - source
A report produced by University College London (UCL) found that new EU migrants to the UK added £4.96bn more in taxes in the years to 2011 than they took out in public services.
Alibaba's 'Singles Day' is the biggest shopping event in China. In 2018, they sold $30.8bn worth of goods in 24 hours. - source
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The Carr, CA forest fire - the sixth worst in the states history which caused over $1.5 bn in damages and seven deaths - was started by a flat tire
How much do pro bmx riders make?
All complex life exists because of a single ‘fateful encounter’ 2.7bn years ago, when two separate cells merged to become one organism.
South Korea spends the equivalent of North Korea's entire GDP of 40 Bn on its armed forces.
Facebook paid only €1.9m tax despite generating turnover of €1.79bn using a tactic called the "Double Irish."
The UK spends £2.6bn per year on maternity. That's £3,745 per birth.
Between 1964 and 1989 East Germany sold 33,755 political prisoners and 250,000 of their relatives to West Germany for 3.5bn Deutschmarks