Incredible and fun facts to explore

Black Mirror facts

While investigating facts about Black Mirror Season 5 and Black Mirror Season 6, I found out little known, but curios details like:

China are genuinely implementing a Black Mirror style 'Citizen Score' system where you will be ranked against your peers to determine if you are a good citizen or not. Your score will also be affected by the types of people you socialize with.

how black mirror episodes are connected?

The name for the show "Black Mirror" was created after the shows creator (Charlie Brooker) noticed how being able to see your own reflection in turned off technology (iPads, televison, cell phones, etc) is essentially a "black mirror".

What black mirror episode is the best?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what black mirror episode is interactive. Here are 35 of the best facts about Black Mirror Cast and Black Mirror Striking Vipers I managed to collect.

what's black mirror about?

  1. Inspired by the Black Mirror episode "Be Right Back," a software developer gathered over 8,000 lines of text from friends and family of her recently deceased best friend, and used it to create an artificial intelligence simulation of him.

  2. In 2013 Robert Downey Jr. beat out George Clooney in a bidding war for movie rights to Black Mirror (UK) episode 'The Entire History of You' because they loved it so much.

  3. In a Black Mirror episode aired in December 2017, a self-driving pizza delivery truck hits a pedestrian. Two weeks later, Pizza Hut and Toyota announced a partnership to make self-driving cars that could deliver pizza.

  4. The Black Mirror Episode "Black Musuem" is inspired by a real "Black Museum" is run by Scotland Yard (open only to police)

  5. The title “Black Mirror” is “actually a reference to the reflection you see of yourself when your phone is switched off”

  6. In 2013 Robert Downey Jr purchased the films rights for Black Mirror's The Entire History of You.

  7. Michael Schur, who played the character "mose" in "The Office" also co-wrote the "Black Mirror" episode "Nosedive"

  8. Black Mirror writer Charlie Brooker was once investigated for threatening the US President.

  9. The peoples of ancient Mexico used polished obsidian mirrors as instruments of black magic. By gazing into a mirror's smoky depths, sorcerers traveled to the world of gods and ancestor

  10. The largest, buildable, bomb: the black hole bomb; created by surrounding a spinning black hole with a mirror-like containment chamber, shooting light into it, and having the light amplified by the rotational energy of the black hole until it causes the chamber to erupt like a supernova.

black mirror facts
What black mirror episode is the scariest?

Black Mirror data charts

For your convenience take a look at Black Mirror figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

black mirror fact data chart about Black Mirror Episode Rankings by Different Raters
Black Mirror Episode Rankings by Different Raters

Why black mirror only 3 episodes?

You can easily fact check why black mirror is good by examining the linked well-known sources.

The 'Black Mirror' tv show derived its name from the reflection one see in a switched off screen. When a screen is off it looks like a black mirror.

Black Mirror is happening. China’s social credit system has already stopped millions of people from buying travel tickets - source

In 2004, Natasha Lyonne (Nicky of Orange is the New Black) was arrested for threatening her neighbor, breaking a mirror in the neighbor's apartment, and threatening to molest the neighbor's dog. - source

Michael Jackson once made a speech against racism in Harlem and told the crowd "I know my race, I just look in the mirror I know I'm black"

The creator of Black Mirror, Charlie Brooker, also wrote for Brass Eye - source

When black mirror season 5?

The meaning of "Black Mirror" stands for when your phone is turned off and all you can see is a "Black Mirror"..

How black mirror is interactive?

Some of the smoothest mirrors ever created can skip single photons of light like pebbles across a pond and have been responsible for seeing supernovas and locating black holes across the universe from an altitude of 86,500 miles above Earth.

Penn Jillette could have played Rolo Haynes in the Black Museum episode of Black Mirror

Arcade Fire did that elevator performance of Black Mirror in one take and then (still in one continuous shot) walked out into the crowd at one of their concerts and played an acoustic version of Wake up.

If you photocopy a Mirror it prints out as.... a solid black image.

That the mirrors on the video in paris are white .So why are the mirrors on the car they show being towed are black ?

When black mirror season 6?

Black Mirror is named because of the way modern devices look when powered down.

If you photocopy a mirror it comes out as..... Solid Black

The $2.5billion dollar Hubble telescope was fitted with a flawed mirror, resulting in blurry images. This was primarily down to an engineer using black tape and an X-Acto knife on a measuring device, instead of spray paint

Charlie Brooker, creator of TV Show Black Mirror, was a video game critic for PC Zone in the 90s

Learned that China is taking Black Mirror way too seriously

How to watch black mirror?

Domhnall Gleeson (ex machina, black mirror) is Brendan Gleeson (in bruges, harry potter)'s son

China gives it’s citizens a social credit score and restricts loans and travel of those on an untrustworthy list (quite similar to a Black Mirror episode)

More black babies aborted than born in New York City | The American Mirror

“I’m on a Roll” by Ashley O is a popified version of Nine Inch Nails’ “Head like a Hole” - Black Mirror creator Charlie Booker sought out the seal of approval from Trent Reznor who “got it right away”

The title of the show Black Mirror refers to "the cold, shiny screen of a TV, a monitor, a smartphone."

The TV show 'Black Mirror' derives its name from the reflection you see in a switched of screen or monitor

Black Mirror's most recent episode (S3E6) isn't that far off (concerning the robot bees)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Black Mirror. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Black Mirror so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor