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Black Eyed facts

While investigating facts about Black Eyed Peas and Black Eyed Peas Recipe, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Snake Eyes, one of the 16 original G.I. Joe action figures, was designed to save Hasbro money. As a ninja, the character was completely molded from black plastic, even given a mask to prevent detailing a face. The figure wasn't even painted, but became one of the most popular G.I. Joe figures.

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In 1946, a black WWII veteran was taking a bus home in uniform, and asked the driver to stop for a bathroom break. The driver called the police, and the local chief of police arrested the man, beat him, and gouged out his eyes with a nightstick. The officer was acquitted by an all-white jury.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's black eyed peas net worth. Here are 50 of the best facts about Black Eyed Susan and Black Eyed Peas Songs I managed to collect.

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  1. Kit Harrington arrived to his Game of Thrones audition with a black eye after getting into a fight at McDonald's the night before

  2. We don't see pure black when we close our eyes, we see a color named Eigengrau and although there are a few theories as to what causes it nobody's quite sure.

  3. John Kani (King T'Chaka in Black Panther) lost his left eye during a beating by South African police after returning home from a Broadway production of "Sizwe Banzi Is Dead," which was critical of apartheid. He subsequently won a 1975 Tony Award for his performance.

  4. Kit Harrington showed up to his "Game of Thrones" audition with a black eye after getting into a fight at McDonald's the night before. His performance was so good the casting director didn't even notice.

  5. We don't see pure black when we close our eyes, we see a color named Eigengrau and although there are a few theories as to what causes it nobody's quite sure.

  6. The death of PFC LaVena Johnson, who was found dead in 2005 at a base in Balad, Iraq. Initially ruled a suicide, an autopsy revealed she a broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, and burns from corrosive chemicals on her genitals. The Army has refused to reopen the case.

  7. The death of PFC LaVena Johnson, who was found dead in 2005 at a base in Balad, Iraq. Initially ruled a suicide, an autopsy revealed she a broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, and burns from corrosive chemicals on her genitals. The Army has refused to reopen the case.

  8. Theres a rare breed of chicken where the entire chicken is solid black. The meat, skin, organs, bones, bone marrow, tongue, and eyes are solid black. Each one cost $2500.

  9. Teddy Roosevelt suffered a detached retina in 1908 after becoming blind in one eye due to a boxing injury in the White House. He later switched to jiu-jitsu and became a black belt.

black eyed facts
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You can easily fact check why black eyed peas and cabbage by examining the linked well-known sources.

Scientists have developed a substance so black, the human eye can't comprehend what it is seeing

A black, Nigerian couple living in the U.K. gave birth to a white, blonde, blue-eyed baby that they call the "miracle baby." - source

The entire movie "Chinatown" is portrayed subjectively through the eyes of the main character, Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson), who appears in every scene. In fact, in the one scene when Gittes is knocked unconscious, the film fades to black and fades back in only when he awakens. - source

Hubble watched a failed supernova turn into a black hole before its very eyes. These so-called "massive fails" (seriously) are thought to occur when the core of a star is so huge its exploding shell of gas cannot escape, and instead collapses back in on itself.

Despite movies and television, never put a raw steak or other raw meat on a black eye. The bacteria on raw meat poses a high risk of infection, and this method of treating a black eye has no scientific basis. - source

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In 1954 John Stapp strapped himself to a rocket sled, accelerated to 632 MPH in 5 seconds, and then decelerated to 0 MPH in 1.4 seconds. He experienced 46.2 G's. He went temporarily blind and experienced two black eyes from his eyeballs having been shot so far forward.

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Vidal Sassoon was a militant Anti-Fascist and once went into the salon he apprenticed at with a black eye from fighting with fascists the night before.

All blue eyed people are all related due to an Ancestor who had genetically mutated blue eyes around 10,000 years ago near the black sea.

Mel Gibson was mugged before an audition. His bruises and black eyes led to him getting the main role in Mad Max.

According to a 2007 study from researchers at the University of Copenhagen; All blue eyed people can be traced back to one person who lived near the Black Sea 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.

A material so black the human eye can't decipher what it's seeing.

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A woman in the UK was sent to three years in prison for wasting police time after reporting a sexual assault. This is despite the fact that "the police had documented the injuries to the back of her head and breasts, the black eye, the bleeding from her vagina."

Oklahoma's state meal is chicken-fried steak, barbecued pork, fried okra, squash, cornbread, grits, corn, sausage with biscuits and gravy, black-eyed peas, strawberries, and pecans.

The difference between Wile E. Coyote and Ralph Coyote. Both had brown fur and pointy ears, but Wile E. had a black nose, yellow eyes, and went after the Roadrunner, while Ralph had a red nose, white eyes, and went after sheep (guarded by Sam Sheepdog).

David Ayer, the director of the film 'Fury', pushed the cast to physically spar each other, causing many black eyes and bloody noses. Also, the actors were forced to live in the tank together for a long time where they ate, slept and defecated.

Most schoolbusses are yellow because it is easiest to read yellow on black in dark conditions and yellow is the first color our eyes will notice. Yellow is also the most visible through low visibility conditions.

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Bald Eagles go through a crazy color transformation: the first five years they gradually change; the beak turns from black to yellow, the eyes from brown to pale yellow, body feathers from mottled to dark brown, and head and tail feathers from mottled to solid white.

US President Harry S. Truman once threatened a reporter who criticized his daughter's singing performance, saying "Some day I hope to meet you. When that happens you'll need a new nose, a lot of beefsteak for black eyes, and perhaps a supporter below!"

All blue eyed people have a common ancestor who probably lived in the Black Sea region around 10,000 years ago.

Samoyed has pointed muzzle, almond-shaped, brown or black-colored eyes, triangular, erect, furry ears, compact, muscular body and long tail curled over the back.

Black racer has slender body covered with smooth scales. It has large eyes with round pupils and needle-sharp teeth.

Gentoo penguin has bluish-black plumage on the back and white plumage on the belly. It can be easily recognized by wide white strap on top of the black head that stretches to the eyes.

Small-eyed snake has dark grey or black skin on the back and lateral sides of the body. Belly is creamy or bright pink colored and covered with dark spots or grey blotches.

Body of gopher snake is covered with keeled scales. Basic color of the body can be beige, yellow or brown. Bottom side of the body is usually yellow or cream in color. Dorsal side of the body is covered with 33 to 66 dark blotches. Smaller blotches are scattered on the lateral sides of the body. Dark stripe stretches from eye to the jaw. Tail is covered with black bands. Albino varieties of gopher snakes (animals without pigment that are completely white) occur rarely in the wild.

Cheetah is easily recognized by its orange fur covered with black spots and two black lines called "black tears", which run from the inside of their eyes. Scientists believe that "black tears" prevent cheetah's eyes from a harsh African sun and help them see on the long distance.

Zorse has large head, long muzzle, large eyes, pricked ears, short mane on the back and thin legs that end with (usually) black hooves.

Common lancehead has strong, heavy body, black tongue and golden or bronze-colored eyes adapted for the night vision.

Many species of the butterfly fish have black stripes across their eyes and eye-like spots on the body. Both stripes and spots serve to confuse the predators and allow butterfly fish to escape on time.

Chamois has thick woolly coat that is reddish brown-colored during the summer and light grey during the winter. It has white face with black stripes below eyes, white rump and black stripe on dorsal side of the body.

Scarlet macaw has downward-curved bill, light-yellow eyes, black-colored legs and feet and long, pointed tail.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Black Eyed. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Black Eyed so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor