Black Cherry facts
While investigating facts about Black Cherry Tree and Black Cherry Juice, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There's an old vending machine in Seattle that has been spitting out sodas on the corner of John and Broadway for up to 15 years, but no one seems to know who re-stocks, maintains, or collects money from the thing. Some flavors include Mountain Dew White Out and Black Cherry Frescas.
how to get rid of black aphids on cherry tree?
People consume fruit of black cherry in the form of pies, jellies and jams. These berries are also used in the manufacture of liqueurs and as flavoring agents of sodas, ice-creams, wines and whiskeys.
What's black cherry good for?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's black cherry. Here are 20 of the best facts about Black Cherry Tomato and Black Cherry Soda Strain I managed to collect.
what's black cherry juice good for?
Fruit-eating birds and mammals facilitate dispersal of seed (they eliminate undigested seed via feces).
Black cherry blooms during the April and May and produces flowers with both types of reproductive organs (bisexual). Black cherry can perform self-pollination when specialized pollinators such as flies, bees and beetles are not available.
Black cherry has strong, orange-reddish wood that is highly prized in the industry of furniture, veneer, cabinets, toys and handles.
Diet of brown-headed cowbird is based on seed, grains, black cherries, blackberries, beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, spiders and snails.
Black cherry is important source of food for the mammals and birds. Deer, rabbits and hares eat leaves and seedlings. Opossum, raccoon, squirrels, mockingbirds, thrashers, sparrows and robins eat fruit.
Botanically speaking, cherry belongs to the group of stone fruit (drupe). It has red, dark red or almost black smooth skin. Fleshy meat is moist and usually red or yellowish in color. Single, hard seed is located in the middle of the fruit. One tree produces around 7000 cherries per year.
Black cherry can reach 60 to 80 feet in height and 2 to 3 feet in diameter. Tree develops 30 to 60 feet wide crown.
Black cherry has dark grey, reddish, brown or nearly black bark. During the first 10 years of the plant's life, black cherry has thin, nearly smooth bark. After that period, bark becomes stiff and scaly.
Black cherry propagates via seed and cuttings.
Fruit of black cherry are single-seeded berries. Immature berries are orange in color. Mature berries are purple or black-colored and have bitter sweet taste.
Why is black cherry juice good for you?
You can easily fact check why is black cherry juice good for gout by examining the linked well-known sources.
Black cherry has narrow, oval leaves with pointed tips. They are finely toothed on the edges and alternately arranged on the branches. Leaves are thick, dark green on the upper side and light green on the bottom side.
Black cherry starts to produce fruit at the age of 10 years. Even though black cherry can produce fruit until the age of 170 years, fruit of best quality and in the greatest amount is produced between the ages of 30 to 100 years.
Leaves, twigs and bark produce hydrogen cyanide after removal from the stem or as an answer to the injury. Hydrogen cyanide is toxic compound that can induce severe intoxication of livestock.
The Black Cherry Capital of the World is the Borough of Kane in Pennsylvania.
Longan produces large, drooping clusters of cherry-sized drupes. Fruit is oval or round in shape. It has thin, brittle, light brown shell on the surface and grayish-white, translucent flesh which surrounds centrally positioned large, black seed with white ovoid-shaped mark.
When is black cherry season?
Black cherry can survive from 150 to 200 years in the wild.
How to get rid of black fly on cherry tree?
Black cherry produces miniature, white, fragrant flowers gathered in columns.
Inner bark of black cherry is used in the manufacture of cough syrup.