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Bible Mentions facts

While investigating facts about Bible Mentions Unicorns and Bible Mentions Dinosaurs, I found out little known, but curios details like:

There are dozens of treatments more effective than the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which as a religious organization mentions God in 5 of its steps, has its own "bible", and believes that people who fail the program were born incapable of being honest with themselves.

how many mentions of hell in the bible?

In the Bible, The New Testament mentions that from Heaven will descend an enormous city named New Jerusalem made of "pure gold, like clear glass" and gives its specific dimensions, 1.9 million square miles. If rested on the Earth, its ceiling would be inside the exosphere.

What part of the bible mentions lucifer?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what bible verse mentions dinosaurs. Here are 32 of the best facts about Bible Mentions Dragons and Bible Mentions Other Gods I managed to collect.

which animal has the most mentioned in the bible?

  1. In the King James version of the bible, unicorns are mentioned nine times

  2. There is no mention of "3 Kings" or "3 Wise Men" in the Bible. Rather, an unspecified number of "wise men from the east" are described as visiting Jesus.

  3. The Samaritans mentioned in the Bible still exist today as a valid religion which they view as a more authentic version of Judaism.

  4. Part of the reason Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate birthdays is because only two birthday parties are mentioned in the Bible and people died at both of them. They believe it was a warning against celebrating birthdays.

  5. Charles Darwin was accepted on H.M.S. Beagle because he agreed to search for Noah's ark and find evidence of the great flood mentioned in the Bible

  6. Iron is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Genesis in reference to tool making.

  7. Several zirconium-rich minerals, including jargon and hyacinth, have been in use since biblical times and are mentioned in the Bible.

  8. Plant sexuality was denounced by Christianity until the 19th century because the Bible says that plants were created on the 3rd day but "male and female" wasn't mentioned until animals and humans were created on the 6th day. "Deflowered" comes from thinking flowers were sexless things of beauty.

  9. Egypt is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible almost seven hundred times, and it is referred to another 25 times in the New Testament, making it the most frequently mentioned place outside Canaan in the Bible

  10. The first time the name "Jessica" was recorded in print was in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. The name ultimately comes from a Biblical character named Iscah, who was only mentioned once in one Bible verse as being the niece of Abraham's.

bible mentions facts
What book in the bible never mentions god?

Why is the bible important to christianity?

You can easily fact check why is the holy bible important to christianity by examining the linked well-known sources.

Its uses were mentioned as far back as the Bible, in the book of Genesis.

Sulfur has been in use since ancient times and is mentioned in the Bible and the Torah.

There is a serious scholarly debate on whether or not homosexuality was even specifically mentioned in the the early scriptures that eventually became the Bible. - source

The earliest mention of an object that can be recognized as a passport appears in the Bible. Around 450 BC, Persian king Artaxerxes, the prophet, is granted letters from the king requesting the governors of the lands beyond the Euphrates to grant him safe passage to Judah

Unicorns are mentioned numerous times in the King James Bible. It is a translation of the word re'em - source

When did christianity start in the bible?

The term Adam's apple refers to an ancient belief that a part of the forbidden fruit got lodged in his throat resulting in a lump, however, the bible never mentions this or the fact the forbidden fruit was even an apple.

Bible mentions hell how many times?

There are mentions of Vampire-like beings in the Bible

Beautiful Jim Key, a famous horse of the early 20th century. It was claimed that he could read and write, make change, do arithmetic for "numbers below thirty," and cite Bible passages "where the horse is mentioned." His trainer was a former slave, who taught with kindness, and never a whip.

The King James Version of The Bible mentions unicorns. This was actually a mistranslation of what were actually the now-extinct aurochs.

Because cicadas are only found in North America, early colonists assumed the large clouds of insects emerging from the ground were swarms of locusts as mentioned in the bible, not clouds of less harmful cicadas. To this day the two are still confused for the other.

In the four Evangelicals Jesus never actually mentions homosexuality being bad. In the Bible the topic is only mentioned by Paulus and in the Old Testament

When did christianity begin in the bible?

Neither the word homosexual, nor any references to it, are mentioned in the Bible until as early as 1946.

NASA requested Buzz Aldrin, not to mention about the Bible on the moon

Eve from the bible wasn’t Adams first wife but in fact his second wife ,mentioned in the older bibles. She turned against Adam and became a Deamon

The first mention of money in the Bible is in reference to criteria of the circumcision of a bought slave.

Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the bible

How many mentions of love in the bible?

The cat is the only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible.

The only breed of dog to be mentioned by name in the Bible is the greyhound.

Seeing Ramesses II's is the closest you can come to meeting somebody mentioned in the Bible.

The right to face one's accuser as protected by the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution is mentioned in the Bible in Acts 25:16: "I told them it was not the Roman custom to hand a man over before he has an opportunity to face his accusers and defend himself against their charges."

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bible Mentions. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bible Mentions so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor