Betting Odds facts
While investigating facts about Betting Odds Calculator and Betting Odds Explained, I found out little known, but curios details like:
If an odd number of golfers make the cut at the Masters, they have a member named Jeff Knox fill in, who has bet against and beaten some of the best golfers in the world
how betting odds work?
A man sold all his possessions including his clothes, went to Las Vegas and bet the whole lot ($136,000) on a single game of roulette with 50/50 odds, and won.
What betting odds are good?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do betting odds mean. Here are 18 of the best facts about Betting Odds Super Bowl and Betting Odds Nfl I managed to collect.
what betting odds mean?
167 people cashed in big on 175 to 1 odds that Luis Suarez would bite someone during the 2014 World Cup after a Norwegian betting site posted a joke bet.
Jimmy the Greek Snyder bet $10,000 at 17–1 odds on Harry Truman to defeat Thomas Dewey in the 1948 election, because Dewey had a mustache and "American women didn't trust men with a mustache". In today's dollars, that bet netted him over $1.7 Million.
American roulette wheels are different than wheels in other parts of the world. Casinos in the U.S. use a 0 and double 0 to decrease the odds of winning to 1/38, while other countries use just 0, making the odds 1/37 when betting individual numbers
In 1913, Gamblers playing Roulette lost Millions of Dollars betting on Red as the Roulette Ball hit Black 26 times in a row. The incident caused outrage as players continued to increase their wagers on Red, believing another Black outcome couldn't happen. The odds of 26 Black = 1 in 136,000,000
Gambling sites and betting odds are better at predicting election results than polls.
In 1964, William Hill issued a bet of 1000:1 odds to David Threlfall who wagered that a man will set foot on the surface of the moon before the 1st of January 1970.
If an odd number of golfers make the cut at the Masters, they have a member named Jeff Knox fill in, who has regularly bet and beaten some of the best golfers in the world
There's clusters of betting shops along UK high streets because they are only allowed 4 fixed-odds machines per store, so they circumvent this by just opening more shops close by...
When Lewis Hamilton was nine years old, the UK bookmaker Ladbrokes took a bet that he would win the World Drivers' Championship before turning 25; Ladbrokes calculated the odds at 150/1. After Hamilton did so, the bettor received £150,000.
If you are in a room with 25 people, your odds are better betting that two of them share the same Birthday, than betting none of them do.
Betting Odds data charts
For your convenience take a look at Betting Odds figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about betting odds?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
A high-stakes gambler bet two brothers, who weighed 305lbs and 135lbs, that they couldn’t weigh within one pound of each other within a year. Their wager was $3,000 at 50:1 odds - yesterday they won the $150,000 bet, both weighing exactly 188.3lbs.
Bloomberg editor John Micklethwait bet yearly 20 pounds that Leicester City would win Premier League. Didn't bet the year Leicester City actually won, missing out on 5,000-1 odds - source
In 2003 Nick Newlife bet £1,520 on Roger Federer winning his 7th Wimbledon title by 2019. The odds were 1-66. Federer won his 7th Wimbledon title in 2012, but Newlife died in 2009, with his winnings from betting going to Oxfam, a charity organization - source
Irish betting site Paddy Power gave out 7/2 odds in 2013 for Zayn Malik to be the first to leave One Direction, citing Liam Payne as most likely to leave first at 7/4.
Lotto and businesses with money prizes use insurance companies. It's like a bet, where they agree on the odds. If someone wins the jackpot, the insurance company pays up. If someone loses, the insurance company keeps a fat cheque. - source
When betting what does odds mean?
Brits are betting on the American Presidential Race and Hillary is evens with the odds for Jeb at 4-1.