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Bette Davis facts

While investigating facts about Bette Davis Eyes and Bette Davis Movies, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Bette Davis owned a nightclub in Hollywood for US servicemen and women where everything was free, and other celebrities would regularly volunteer to serve food or perform.

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When Joan Crawford died, her long time rival Bette Davis said:“You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good . . . Joan Crawford is dead. Good.”

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what year was bette davis born. Here are 17 of the best facts about Bette Davis Eyes Lyrics and Bette Davis Films I managed to collect.

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  1. Actress Bette Davis lived through four marriages, four strokes, breast cancer, and paralysis and died at the age of 81. Her epitaph reads "She did it the hard way."

  2. After the release of Bette David Eyes in 1981, Bette Davis wrote to Kim Carnes to thank her for "making her part of modern times", saying that her grandson now looked up to her. She even sent roses when the song won a Grammy

  3. In 2001, Steven Spielberg paid $578,000 for Bette Davis' 1938 Best Actress Oscar. Kevin Spacey also bought one - paying $157,000 for one belonging to the film Anchors Away. Both stars returned the statues to the Academy, so that they can be locked away in a vault forever.

  4. Like her rival Joan Crawford, Bette Davis had a highly critical book written about her by her eldest daughter. My Mother’s Keeper by B D Hyman was published when Davis was still alive but in poor health

  5. The rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford was so strong that, when Davis was nominated for an Oscar in '63, Crawford arranged with the other nominees to collect the award on their behalf. Anne Bancroft won, and Crawford read her speech for her, while Davis watched backstage.

  6. Australian Russell Mulcahy directed many 1980s music videos including "Video Killed the Radio Star" for The Buggles, "Total Eclipse of the Heart" for Bonnie Tyler, "Bette Davis Eyes" for Kim Carnes, and several for Ultravox, Duran Duran, and Elton John

  7. Bette Davis didn't think "What Happened to Baby Jane?" would succeed so she published a want ad in the trades seeking "steady employment in Hollywood" just days after production wrapped

  8. Not only is 'Bette Davis Eyes' not sung by Rod Stewart, it's not even sung by a dude

  9. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane' was filmed in only 3 weeks. The words of Bette Davis herself

bette davis facts
What year did bette davis die?

Why did bette davis die?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

For two years (1936 and 1937) the Academy Awards allowed for write ins for performers not nominated. This resulted in Bette Davis being unofficially nominated for "Of Human Bondage" and Paul Muni for "Black Fury"

"All About Eve" co-star Celeste Holm didn't get along with Bette Davis. She said: "I walked onto the set on the first day and said, 'Good morning,' and do you know her reply? She said, 'Oh shit, good manners.' I never spoke to her again - ever." - source

Lucille Ball went to drama school with Bette Davis

Only 7 actors have more Oscar nominations than Denzel Washington — Meryl Streep, Katharine Hepburn, Jack Nicholson, Bette Davis, Laurence Olivier, Spencer Tracy, and Paul Newman - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Bette Davis. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Bette Davis so important!

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