Bay Of Biscay facts
While investigating facts about Bay Of Biscay Weather and Bay Of Biscay Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Prior to the 1950s, North American Right Whales, which are very endangered, fed and calved in the Bay of Biscay but whalers nearly wiped them out.
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During World War 2 the German U-boat men often referred to the Bay of Biscay as the Valley of Death as more than 70 German subs were sunk in its waters by the Royal Air Force.
What is the weather in the bay of biscay?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the sea conditions in the bay of biscay. Here are 19 of the best facts about Bay Of Biscay Feeder Crossword and Bay Of Biscay Waves I managed to collect.
what's the weather like in the bay of biscay?
Many ships have sunk in the Bay of Biscay including the USS Californian in 1918, the SS Afrique in 1920, the U-667 in 1944 and the Soviet sub K-8 in 1970.
Threatened species in the Bay of Biscay include the blue whale, the northern right whale, and the harbor porpoise.
Scaleless dragonfish are native to the Bay of Biscay.
There have been several famous naval engagements in the Bay of Biscay including the 1592 Battle of Biscay, the Biscay campaign of June 1795, and the 1943 Battle of the Bay of Biscay.
Anchovies are a popular fish in the Bay of Biscay.
Because of the extreme weather in the winter in the Bay of Biscay here are abnormally high waves at times.
Many different species of whales and dolphins can be seen in the Bay of Biscay including beaked whales, minke whales, fin whales, harbor porpoises, short-beaked common dolphins, striped dolphins, long-finned pilot whales, sperm whales, and the northern bottlenose whale.
Other names for the Bay of Biscay include The Gulf of Biscaya (Asturian), Golfo de Vizcaya (Spanish), Golf de Gasconha (Gascon Occitan), Golfo de Biscaia (Galician), and Golfe de Gascogne (French).
Threatened and declining shellfish or fish species located in the Bay of Biscay include European eel, gulper shark, long-snouted seahorse, sea lamprey, salmon, spurdog angel shark, and sturgeon.
There are several species of seabirds located in the Bay of Biscay including the commonly seen gannet.
Why is the bay of biscay rough?
You can easily fact check why is the bay of biscay so dangerous by examining the linked well-known sources.
The island of Gaztelugatxe is located in the Bay of Biscay in Spain's region of the bay.
There are many main rivers that empty into the Bay of Biscay including the Loire, the Charente, the Garonne, the Adour, the Dordogne, the Nivelle, the Bidasoa, and many more.
The Bay of Biscay covers 86,000 square miles.
Major cities along the Bay of Biscay include Aviles, Gijon, Santander, Bordeaux, Biarritz, Bilbao, La Rochelle, Nantes, Brest, and Donostia-San Sebastian.
The Southern region of the Bay of Biscay is also referred to as Mar Cantabrico (Cantabrian Sea).
When is the bay of biscay rough?
In 1943, 4 U-boats were modified with extra anti-aircraft guns to act as surface escorts for U-boats based in France. They operated in the Bay of Biscay and only 2 aircraft were shot down over a period of 6 months
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HMS H31 was a British H class submarine. During WW2, H31 was sunk by unknown causes, but most believe it was mined in the Bay of Biscay on 24 December 1941.